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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8295 on: August 16, 2018, 11:07:25 pm »
left hamstring slight tweak, felt better after i did an evening light trot. it's an odd tweak tho, feels more like a "sensation" than pain ... very odd heh.


bw = 142
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left hamstring minor tweak (odd stuff), right calf/soleus like usual
other = cold improving
calves painful to touch/massage = more so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, less thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = ok
hours sleep: 9.5
wakeup = 09:30 AM (slept in, needed it)

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 20/27 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 31
HR high: ?

09:45 AM: very light stretch (left hamstring felt weird)
10:00 AM: food: 4 x banana, orange juice, rxbar, water
01:00 PM: food: beet juice, protein trail mix bar, water
03:00 PM: food: 4 x hersheys chocolates
04:30 PM: food: rebbl turmeric/golden milk drink, rxbar, water
06:30 PM: lots of water
07:50 PM: workout: light recovery (grass/dirt/rocks, minor hamstring tweak last night (doing nothing), barely sick): 34m ::: hoping to do a 5k race friday night - dno tho.
09:00 PM: food: sauteed broccoli/cauliflower/carrots, small chicken tender wrap, some multigrain sourdough, water
10:00 PM: food: koia cinnamon almond drink, banana, rxbar, water
10:30 PM: some hard af deep tissue massage on my right calf.

after im done doing it, no pain when i get up and walk initially. it's just a "dead pain" when i initially get up/walk etc. really annoying. i'll feel it other times too. probably have a bunch of scar tissue in there from multiple soleus strains etc. anyway, dug in really deep. hit some spots.

07:50 PM: workout: light recovery (grass/dirt/rocks, minor hamstring tweak last night (doing nothing), barely sick): 34m ::: hoping to do a 5k race friday night - dno tho.
- 10:XX pace

hamstring felt way better afterwards. like i keep saying, very odd.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8296 on: August 17, 2018, 11:23:54 am »
right calf felt amazing upon waking up today.. that deep self-massage "hit the spot". usually when i wakeup (many months now), my first steps out of bed, i feel that dead feeling/slight pain in my right calf. it goes away as it warms up. comes back when it cools down etc.

today, 0 pain/dead feeling. also 0 upon starting my light run.

left hamstring "sensation" disappeared as well (at least for now). I kept calling it "odd" because it wasn't just a normal tweak/pain, almost like something else was going on in there.

anyway, need to dig into some spots more often, but safe dig.

Also need to see a pro deep tissue massage therapist once in a while.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8297 on: August 17, 2018, 11:52:10 pm »
will journal tmw. tired af.

rough race, felt strong/good but, nose was completely clogged. bleh. i'm a mouth breather (proper) when running but, i think i also breathe through my nose (both = better). could definitely notice the difference.

still got 3rd OA

5:27 first mile. 5:54 2nd mile :(

a few XC teams out there.. or just one massive one, not sure. top 50 had a ton of teenagers in it. #1 OA dropped 16:27, a 4:29 miler kid. he is fast, had some very impressive form. I wasn't too far behind on the first mile, but disappeared by mile 2.

all good, was fun.

saw one person i know out there haha. he won masters. dude is a beast. think he hit 19:17 @ 47 y/o, also he's jacked.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8298 on: August 18, 2018, 04:06:38 am »

saw one person i know out there haha. he won masters. dude is a beast. think he hit 19:17 @ 47 y/o, also he's jacked.

#lifegoals. crossfit results without crossfit method.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8299 on: August 18, 2018, 09:58:48 am »

saw one person i know out there haha. he won masters. dude is a beast. think he hit 19:17 @ 47 y/o, also he's jacked.

#lifegoals. crossfit results without crossfit method.

ya i'm not sure if he lifts, or if he's just naturally jacked. it's odd. he never posts lifting stuff.

he's going to drop some 18's when it cools off i imagine. pretty fast for a guy his size/age.




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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8300 on: August 18, 2018, 11:26:34 pm »
yesterday. logging from memory :(

was too hard to log properly, given the distance i had to travel to/fro.

oh ya this was my first race at 36 y/o lool.


bw = 142
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none
other = cold improving
calves painful to touch/massage = more so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, less thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 8
wakeup = 08:30 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 21/28 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 38
HR high: ?

08:35 AM: lots of water
09:00 AM: workout: light recovery (grass/dirt/rocks, barely sick, feel good): 32m ::: 5k race tonight most likely!
09:35 AM: food: grapefruit juice, water
10:00 AM: food: orange juice, banana, rxbar, koia coconut almond drink, water
12:00 PM: food: 1/2 croissant turkey & cheese sandwich (OMFG), rebbl golden milk drink, water
04:00 PM: food: 1/2 croissant turkey & cheese sandwich (OMFG), rebbl strawberry drink, water
05:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
06:30 PM: cold water (scorching hot outside)
07:00 PM: race: Beach 2 Beach 5k: 3rd OA @ 18.01 ::: comfortable 5:27 first mile, clogged nose - rough - still wouldnt have gotten 1OA tho, kid was fast
07:30 PM: tons of water, dead
08:30 PM: food: rxbar
09:30 PM: food: coldstone: chocolate ice cream w/ brownies in a waffle bowl AND an oreo milkshake w/ whipped cream, omg needed that
11:00 PM: water
11:15 PM: light stretch: full body, short holds (1-2s), lots of hamstring, some quad, upper, barely any calf .. felt this the next day :/

09:00 AM: workout: light recovery (grass/dirt/rocks, barely sick, feel good): 32m ::: 5k race tonight most likely!

07:00 PM: race: Beach 2 Beach 5k: 3rd OA @ 18.01 ::: comfortable 5:27 first mile, clogged nose - rough - still wouldnt have gotten 1OA tho, kid was fast
- 3rd OA @ 18:01
- 21st top3 this year, out of 28 races
- first race @ 36 y/o


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8301 on: August 18, 2018, 11:53:12 pm »
light + long day. need to open up my lungs.


bw = 141
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings/quads/calves slightly
aches/injuries = some stretching related aches (ham tendons/etc)
other = cold improving
calves painful to touch/massage = more so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, less thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 9
wakeup = 09:30 AM (slept in)

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 21/28 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

09:45 AM: lots of water
10:30 AM: workout: completely toast / light trot (grass/dirt/rocks, barely sick, hams/quads/calves sore, fasted): 1h10m ::: hoping to go long/light tonight
11:45 AM: grapefruit juice, water
12:00 PM: food: koia coconut almond drink, rxbar, water
03:30 PM: food: koia cinnamon almond drink, water
04:30 PM: food: 3 x small home-made carrot cake, brie/crackers, water
06:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
07:50 PM: light long (grass, hams/quads/calves sore): 2 hours ::: felt good, much needed lung opener. need to do a 3 hour session soon too. // 135 after run
09:45 PM: food: 2 x grapefruit juice, 2 x banana, turmeric / apple cider vinegar drink, water
10:30 PM: food: rebbl chocolate mocha drink
11:15 PM: food: 2 x grapefruit juice, water

10:30 AM: workout: completely toast / light trot (grass/dirt/rocks, barely sick, hams/quads/calves sore, fasted): 1h10m ::: hoping to go long/light tonight

07:50 PM: light long (grass, hams/quads/calves sore): 2 hours ::: felt good, much needed lung opener. need to do a 3 hour session soon too. // 135 after run


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8302 on: August 20, 2018, 03:14:54 pm »

light day.


bw = 140
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings barely
aches/injuries = some stretching related aches (ham tendons/etc)
other = cold almost gone
calves painful to touch/massage = more so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = loose, right more thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 8
wakeup = 08:30 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 21/28 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

08:45 AM: rxbar, water
09:15 AM: workout: light heat run (grass/dirt/rocks): 1.5 hours @ {1 hour, 9:XX} + {35 min, shuffle} // 133 after run (lol)
11:00 AM: food: 2 x orange juice, rxbar, water
04:00 PM: food: rxbar, water
07:00 PM: food: argentinan steak house: skirt steak, salad, sweet potato fries, oreo cheese cake, raspberry flan, water
something else i forget



09:15 AM: workout: light heat run (grass/dirt/rocks): 1.5 hours @ {1 hour, 9:XX} + {35 min, shuffle} // 133 after run (lol)
- 133 after session, nuts

calves/hamstrings were twitching afterwards


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8303 on: August 20, 2018, 03:16:30 pm »
fuck. calf bothering me like normal today, dug in HARD. literal "rug burned" it with my thumb. think i dug in too deep as well. hopefully didn't cause any new issues heh.

going to find a deep tissue person next week. need them to go to work on my calves/soleus.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8304 on: August 20, 2018, 11:01:42 pm »
light/mod day. was going to be light/light, but somehow i felt great in the evening.


bw = 138 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings barely
aches/injuries = some stretching related aches (ham tendons/etc)
other = cold almost gone
calves painful to touch/massage = more so lately (right more so)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = left loose / right tight, right more thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 8
wakeup = 08:30 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 21/28 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

08:45 AM: vit-c packets + water
09:00 AM: workout: quick / light (grass/dirt/rocks, fasted): 27 min ::: woke up late
09:30 AM: workout: bw
09:45 AM: water
10:30 AM: food: dunkin donuts: frozen caramel coffee w/ whipped cream, 4 x egg & cheese wraps, water
12:00 PM: very deep self massage on my right soleus - bruised the fuck out of it, rug burned my calf. eek
01:00 PM: food: trail mix bar, water
04:00 PM: food: 2 x hersheys chocolates, water
05:00 PM: soleus stretching
06:00 PM: food: koia cinnamon almond protein drink, water
07:55 PM: workout: light but long-ish so mod-ish (grass, felt great, right soleus slightly): 1h:24m @ {6 @ ~6:4X-6:5X, mile 6 = 6:12} ::: can't wait til it gets "cold" 8|
10:00 PM: food: asian noodles, big piece of chicken, banana, tons of water
11:00 PM: stretch: soleus during dishes, and some hams/upper after
12:00 AM: food: koia coconut almond protein drink, water

09:00 AM: workout: quick / light (grass/dirt/rocks, fasted): 27 min ::: woke up late

09:30 AM: workout: bw
- strong but kept the reps low

3-5sec paused dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 5
full dips: BW x 5

07:55 PM: workout: light but long-ish so mod-ish (grass, felt great, right soleus slightly): 1h:24m @ {6 @ ~6:4X-6:5X, mile 6 = 6:12} ::: can't wait til it gets "cold" 8|

seemed slightly cooler than usual tonight, which made me feel really good. this morning was like 100F heat index, felt like i was a lobster.

should have pushed mile 6 more. i decided too late into it to "push it", still got to 5:3X by the end but should have just made the whole split faster. would have made this session perfect.

right soleus a bit whacky, was bothering me today so i deep tissue massaged the fu*k out of it.. caused some bruising etc, but made it feel good. ehh.

really nice session tho.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8305 on: August 21, 2018, 10:42:09 am »

137 this morning.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8306 on: August 21, 2018, 11:01:49 pm »
mod speed/light day. wanted to do more this evening but too late.

crazy how much more painful my right soleus is than left. right is almost unbearable when i dig in, left is fine.

need to work these problems out of my right soleus, and body in general.

feel so damn good though.. even feel great in my calves/soleus with this painful manual deep tissue work.


bw = 137 :wowthatwasnutswtf: :ibrunning:
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings barely, quads barely, calves barely
aches/injuries = right calf bruised up from deep tissue
other = cold almost gone
calves painful to touch/massage = left fine, right very painful
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = left loose / right tight, right more thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = great
hours sleep: 8.5
wakeup = 08:45 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 21/28 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

08:45 AM: water
09:30 AM: workout: quick/mod (grass/dirt/rocks, fasted, crazy hot): 30min @ {2 x ~1200m, pace: 5:58, 5:55}
10:00 AM: workout: bw
10:30 AM: food: banana, orange juice, grape fruit juice, rxbar, water
02:00 PM: food: koia cinnamon horchata protein drink, banana, 4 x hersheys, water
05:00 PM: stretch: soleus, ~10min or so total
06:00 PM: water
08:15 PM: workout: light progression (grass/dirt/rocks, pitch dark, ss/p, glasses, tons of bugs): 27min @ {9:XX down to 7:XX} ::: need some kind of head shield/net to protect against bugs if i run at night by the canal lol.
09:30 PM: food: banana, portabello mushroom burger, smoked turkey chipotle kale bowl lol, water
10:00 PM: food: koia chocolate protein drink
10:30 PM: lots of self massage (really deep on right soleus, so painful) / some itbands / light depth left soleus, some stretching
11:00 PM: lots of water

09:30 AM: workout: quick/mod (grass/dirt/rocks, fasted, crazy hot): 30min @ {2 x ~1200m, pace: 5:58, 5:55}

10:00 AM: workout: bw
- strong but kept the reps short

3-5sec paused dead hang neutral grip pullups: BW x 7
full dips: BW x 7

08:15 PM: workout: light progression (grass/dirt/rocks, pitch dark, ss/p, glasses, tons of bugs): 27min @ {9:XX down to 7:XX} ::: need some kind of head shield/net to protect against bugs if i run at night by the canal lol.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8307 on: August 22, 2018, 01:35:21 pm »
light day. dead (not enough sleep)

early journaling.


bw = 139
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings barely, quads barely, calves barely
aches/injuries = right calf bruised up from deep tissue
aches upon getting out of bed: none (usually right calf right)
other = cold almost gone
calves painful to touch/massage = left fine, right very painful
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = left loose / right tight, right more thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = tired
hours sleep: 6-7
wakeup = 06:45 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 21/28 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 40
HR high: ?

07:00 AM: water
07:55 AM: workout: very light progression (grass, fasted, dead): 1.5 hr @ {10:35 to 8:16}
09:40 AM: food: turmeric + apple cider vinegar drink
10:00 AM: stretch: light soleus
10:15 AM: food: 2 x banana, orange juice, grape fruit juice, rxbar, water
10:30 AM: self massage: very deep - right soleus
12:00 PM: food: trail mix bar, water
03:00 PM: food: rebbl golden milk, banana, water
05:00 PM: water
07:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
08:40 PM: workout: light progression (grass/mush/mud, right calf slightly): 1h @ {9:29 to 7:48] ::: rained hard, flooded the field, felt good tho
10:00 PM: stretch: calves/soleus, annoyed .. bugged my left knee a little, did a diff stretch, really stretches the fu*k out of my calves
10:30 PM: food: banana, sauteed veggies (broccoli/cauliflower/carrots), big piece of garlic rosemary chicken, lots of water
11:00 PM: food: koia coconut almond protein drink, water
11:25 PM: light stretch / intense calf stretching (have to be careful, loosened them up a ton though)

07:55 AM: workout: very light progression (grass, fasted, dead): 1.5 hr @ {10:35 to 8:16}
- avg cadence: 164 (damn low af, but still fairly quick)

08:40 PM: workout: light progression (grass/mush/mud, right calf slightly): 1h @ {9:29 to 7:48] ::: rained hard, flooded the field, felt good tho


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8308 on: August 23, 2018, 01:16:29 pm »
easy day.

too much digging in to my right calf, bugging in some other spots, but less in the initial spots that caused me to start massaging it. im going to fix this shit.

edit: after 3 PM deep af massage, feels really good. ehhh.

edit: that massage helped make my calf feel incredible during my evening run.


bw = 137
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = right calf achy/weird in some spots, right calf bruised up from deep tissue
aches upon getting out of bed: not much, tingle in right gastroc
other = cold almost gone (DISAPPEAR ALREADY FU*K)
calves painful to touch/massage = left fine, right very painful
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = left loose / right tight, right more thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = tired
hours sleep: 7.5
wakeup = 07:30 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 21/28 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

07:45 AM: water
08:30 AM: workout: very light progression (grass/dirt/rocks, fasted): 1h @ {10:45 down to 8:12}
09:40 AM: workout: bw
10:15 AM: food: portobello mushroom burger, medium sized spinach/carrot/mushroom/pepper salad w/ spanish olive oil/dressing, salt/vinegar chips, water
10:45 AM: food: koia coconut almond protein drink, water
11:00 AM: light stretch: calves
11:30 AM: self deep tissue: digging in to right calf hard, annoyed
01:00 PM: food: orange juice, rxbar, water
03:00 PM: food: koia vanilla bean protein drink, 2 x small hersheys chocolates, water
06:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
07:45 PM: workout: light / beautiful session (grass, FELT GREAT): 1h:41m @ {9 miles from 9:09 to 8:34} ::: avg HR (131) & cadence (163) = crazy low
10:00 PM: food: banana, sauteed broccoli/cauliflower/carrots with salt/pepper and a small amount of butter, 1/2 of a salt/pepper chicken, beet juice, water
11:00 PM: food: koia cinnamon horchata protein drink, banana, water
12:00 AM: stretch: very light

inhaled a piece of chicken during my dinner meal. dammit. can feel it in there. lame.

08:30 AM: workout: very light progression (grass/dirt/rocks, fasted): 1h @ {10:45 down to 8:12}

09:40 AM: workout: bw
- strong, cut reps a few short

3-5sec paused neutral grip pullups: BW x 8
full dips: BW x 8

07:45 PM: workout: light / beautiful session (grass, FELT GREAT): 1h:41m @ {9 miles from 9:09 to 8:34} ::: avg HR (131) & cadence (163) = crazy low
- avg hr: 131
- avg cadence: 163
- that's nuts.. felt amazing


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8309 on: August 24, 2018, 09:46:14 pm »
rest day!

5 mile race tomorrow. eheheh.


bw = 139
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = random aches from not running
aches upon getting out of bed: none
other = cold almost gone (DISAPPEAR ALREADY FU*K)
calves painful to touch/massage = ?
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, less clicky
morning calf flexibility = left loose / right tight, right more thick
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = good
hours sleep: 7.5
wakeup = 08:30 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 4 (mi) + 1 (km) = 5 of 50 :ibrunning:
- sub5's: ..., 2018/07/14
- sub3's: ...

top3 finishes:
2018: 21/28 (stay healthy!)
2017: 6/12
2016: 4/10
2015: 0/2
2006: 0/1

PR tracking:
- 3-hills park, 1 mile hill path: {08/13/2018,7:45}

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

08:40 AM: food: orange juice, rxbar
09:10 AM: food: grape fruit juice, rxbar
10:00 AM: food: portobello mushroom burger, jalapeno chips, lots of water
01:00 PM: food: a few chocolates, water
03:00 PM: food: beet juice, a few chocolates, water
07:30 PM: food: true food kitchen: barely any cheese (few pieces of ricotta) pizza w/ grilled chicken, water w/ lemon
11:15 PM: food: koia cinnamon horchata protein drink, rxbar, water

4 lap course. never been to this park before, looks really nice.

edit: 11:08 PM: bottom of left foot bugging after sitting all funky. lame.