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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8175 on: July 02, 2018, 11:05:36 pm »
^^ kid is wearing a New Balance Nationals jersey... LOL. beast.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8176 on: July 02, 2018, 11:22:56 pm »
light day!

bad sleep. dog is wrecked from allergies, thus wrecking me. really stressing me out, been going on for a week now. Took him to the vet today for an allergy shot + antibiotics. Then he came home and scratched a gash into his neck. fml.

he's doing a little better tonight. hope i can sleep properly.


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = quads moderate, adductors slightly - both improved towards the evening
aches/injuries = adductors perhaps, left ankle/achilles perhaps barely/slightly, two nasty blisters on both of my big toes
calves painful to touch/massage = always (right especially)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, clicked less today
morning calf flexibility = loose, less thick!
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: a little better, 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = great
hours sleep: 6 rough

wakeup = 07:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 3 (mi) + 1 (km) = 4 of 50 :ibrunning:

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: ?
HR high: ?

07:15 AM: food: rxbar, water
07:45 AM: workout: very light shuffle (grass, legs dead): 1h15m @ mostly kept HR under 110 BPM (lol)
09:10 AM: food: orange juice
11:00 AM: food: dunkin donuts: 4 x egg & cheese wraps, medium frozen mocha coffee w/ whipped cream, water
03:00 PM: food: banana, water
06:00 PM: food: rxbar, water
06:30 PM: some light stretching (quads/adductors/calves)
08:30 PM: workout: avg HR 118 lol @ 10:XX, hot, 1h10m. that's cool. (grass, legs sore but improving) ::: crazy effortless, felt great/very springy/bouncy
10:00 PM: food: 5 x eggs, toasted sourdough + irish butter, banana, some cherries, beet juice, water
11:15 PM: ice left ankle/heel for 15 minutes, just feels a little weird in one spot

workout: very light shuffle (grass, legs dead): 1h15m @ mostly kept HR under 110 BPM (lol)

workout: avg HR 118 lol @ 10:XX, hot, 1h10m.. that's cool. (grass, legs sore but improving) ::: crazy effortless, felt great/very springy/bouncy

basically kept it at <= 120 BPM.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8177 on: July 03, 2018, 12:08:50 am »
look i didn't/don't expect a shoutout, but if you're going to give shoutouts to people who "doubled" both races, give me one perhaps.. since I literally tried to win both, and almost got it done. I mean these guys walked both races, props to them, I respect it and i'm happy for them. But I also risked injury to try and win both races. I pushed myself through some hell in the 2nd race to get that #2 spot.

stuff like this always happens with me in life.. i mean idgaf but, it's not like I don't notice. I didn't expect them to give a shoutout to anyone.. but once I saw it, it bothered me a little, not going to lie.

not sure if normal but, things like this stick in my mind .. and I remember them when i'm training/working towards something. I take little "slights", even if not intended, and I use them to grind harder. Always been something i've harnessed towards trying to work harder. I experienced alot of stuff like this growing up, with basketball, with dunking, with boxing, with computers. I've had several with racing so far & in the running community.

One example of a running community slight that i always remember is: everyone around me is in this "secret running group", i'm busting my ass, no invite. A year later or so, I get an invite. It's cool that I finally got an invite but, it's not like I didn't notice that people I had been training with, beating in races, etc etc, never mentioned it or invited me to it.

Whatever that "mental tick is" that I have, it's probably a good one in the context of pushing yourself to your limits.

Also FWIW, I try to get that stuff out of my head.. it just pops in randomly when i'm training etc, and helps me focus harder. It's not like I actively want to dwell on these things or go out and train angry, like I did with dunking. Man I had a ton of anger when I dunked, mostly due to the situation I was in with my grandpa. But the "haters" on yt/forums/inet etc definitely added more fuel to it. I'm pretty sure that's very obvious, given some of the videos I made. I try hard not to let any of that sink in with running.

But I guess when it comes down to it, I have some "scarring". With basketball, I had that piece of shit coach who told me straight up "we don't play black ball here". Took all of my hard work over many years, and just trashed it. With boxing, I had that gold medalist tell me "you have no heart" when I was in there sparring his pros who outweighed me by 20-30 lb with a fucked up hand (he didn't know it). Dude wouldn't even corner me and I started from 0, in one of his noob boxing classes, ended up sparring hard with his fighters and misc ATT fighters during afternoon sessions - so from 0 to that, no respect. With dunking I had a million haters, meanwhile there's guys out there doing similar stuff now on 9'9 rims getting mad love.

Maybe I just rub some people the wrong way.. I've always felt that to be the case. I'm usually driven and don't join any cliques, and don't conform too easily.

Anyway. I've never been an approval seeker. But I do notice when people ignore my hard work, which seems to happen alot.

Maybe people can just tell i'm a "threat"? I'm pretty friendly/supportive, but in competition *I* want to win.

I really want to dominate the racing scene down here. Need to stay healthy, stay focused, and get it done. I'll take the W's over recognition/shoutouts any day. :ninja:

This is where my squad is. :ibjumping: :ibsquatting: :ibrunning: :ninja:


This is one of the most pertinent messages in your thread and it's all about jealousy. From them that is. People are quick to celebrate mediocrity. Quick to give the fatty a high five for "trying" while ignoring the competitive guy who puts in the serious work behind the scenes. People are fucked up and it's a mentality I hate. I love seeing people succeed whether they're just getting started or are 20 years in but give credit where credits due.

Yea it could be related to jealousy. There's some other things going on as well though. In the end, I think it all comes down to people's true intentions. If people do weird stuff, to me it means they have ulterior motives, whether they know it or not. They just aren't genuine, and eventually something triggers their disingenuousness, causing a disconnect.

One recent example I can think of, is someone I trained with when trying to get to sub5 in late November/December. We did several track sessions, talked alot on strava/FB/txt message etc. Then we did a few races. I hit sub5, he didn't. Dude basically ignored me after that. LMFAO. That's a weird one to me. I continued to be supportive for a quite while but dude just ignored all of it. lol. Another guy did that to me as well, also related to sub5. Very similar actually. But he's also a Trumper & i've made some "rude" trump comments, so I figured it was just related to that. :ninja:

Also, the more competitive you are the less people like you in this scenario because "man I'm just a runner and it's just me against me you know" which is complete bullshit when it comes to any competitive event.

Some people really have that mentality, others use it as an excuse.

Also, I think some people spread that mentality, they are like evangelist PR people. It's all about PR'n, that's it! They really preach it. Shame on anyone who "races", goes out harder than they are "capable of". You can't "PR" like that, you're weird!

I think some of the "celebrating mediocrity" mentality is just one way people build bigger social circles. Easy to build a bigger circle if it's centered around "mediocrity". Probably not much success with "outliers", ie people who are more dedicated etc. Probably lots of good sociology/psychology related to that. One running group, no one from it ever talks to me. I used to train with them too, most of them don't even know it. Bought one of their group jerseys and did a few races with it. The organizer and most of the people involved have absolutely no idea I was ever involved. That was me "attempting" to fit in.. I tried. LMFAO.

But also ya, specific to that photo I linked.. Those guys don't look very dedicated to their health. Who knows, maybe they are, no idea, but I mean - I wouldn't bet on it. Maybe this is a turning point, if so, nice. If it's just some random "double" walked 5k, ie one every year, then this is probably a perfect example of the mentality you absolutely hate. HEH. In the end, it could motivate more people to get in better shape, especially people in "similar form". They should just be fair with it. I'd like to know how many more people doubled.. ie, was it just me & them? were their more? drop some stats. drop some more info. Apparently doubling is "cool" & should be "celebrated", according to that photo, so cover the spectrum, not just one end of it. Lame imho.

I love training by myself and seem to give off a don't come near me vibe when training but my wife cops this a lot. She's not as competitive as me but is far better than a lot of the people in the running/triathlon groups and they're always out there celebrating the people who did a 45min park run and forgetting about those who have busted themselves to really improve. It's the worst mentality.

I'm kinda the opposite, i'm very approachable when training (it seems). Unless i'm squatting with a knife/machete, hah. People have approached me many times, asking me what I do etc, in the end they most often don't like my answers because I usually try to stress how hard you have to push yourself, and even then, you're just getting started. lol.

it is a little odd tho. in the same respect, I have seen "fast" people completely ignore those busting their ass who aren't "fast", or as fast as them.

I personally think both ends of the spectrum suck.

I'm with you, I support people who work hard. I also support people who don't work as hard but, it's a different level of support. For those who are very dedicated, I don't look at simply the results or numbers, I look at how much effort they put into it. That's the real measurement to me. People don't have the same base to build upon, maybe even "talent", or work/life/family balance, etc. If someone works consistently hard with great passion for their goals, I love it.

Even if people take things less seriously, it's nice to be supportive. But, it's definitely a different level of support, and it should be stated when people cross that line, ie when people talk "shit" about elites. It's one of my "pet peeves", non-elites talking shit about elites. ie, someone discrediting someone like Galen Rupp, Mo Farah, or LEBRON etc. People have done it in person and I can get pretty aggressive with my rebuttals. I respect everyone, but sometimes you just need to let people know they haven't worked even 1% as hard as an elite athlete, and that disrespecting their hard work makes them look like a clown. :d

I think you'd really enjoy this podcast. It's Mark Twight (ex Gym Jones fame) and the early eps (3-8) are solid and cover a lot of ground that is especially relevant. Especially attitudes like "be nice in person and eat their souls during competition" which I find is the best kind of attitude. There's a great story from Michael Blevins who won a triathlon off a can of monster after driving half the night to get there. There is a deeper lesson in that story but it's pure gold anyway.

that's a solid quote hah. I think we can be genuinely nice in person, and even in competition (sportsmanship), but still ruthless about winning/getting to the top.

Also, as far as "it's just me vs me", it's so obvious that isn't the case, especially considering how happy people get when they place top3 in their age group, or even overall. If it truly was me vs me, top3 OA/AG wouldn't matter, but it does. :d

ok typed alot, dont even know what I typed anymore, so posting! jaja.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8178 on: July 03, 2018, 12:59:10 pm »
Hey man, great post and thought maybe I could add my 2 cents in this but based off my perspective as we all are different.

That mentality of giving certain people credits over others seems to be a selective kind of thing. I hope I word this out right else it's my neck lol.

since we all are different, we all different ideologies, thinking process, logical reasoning too. by selective I mean that based on their reasoning they decided who's morale they lift and who is already doing well that he is not in need of upliftment such as the people lost in the crowd who people don't recognize. People who win get automatic mentions. But second and third and so on don't get much recognition unless some people according to their logic to recognize.

will continue later....
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8179 on: July 03, 2018, 01:25:04 pm »
Hey man, great post and thought maybe I could add my 2 cents in this but based off my perspective as we all are different.

That mentality of giving certain people credits over others seems to be a selective kind of thing. I hope I word this out right else it's my neck lol.

since we all are different, we all different ideologies, thinking process, logical reasoning too. by selective I mean that based on their reasoning they decided who's morale they lift and who is already doing well that he is not in need of upliftment such as the people lost in the crowd who people don't recognize. People who win get automatic mentions. But second and third and so on don't get much recognition unless some people according to their logic to recognize.

will continue later....

yup, great point & well said. completely get that side of it.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8180 on: July 03, 2018, 01:29:19 pm »
After this morning's run, decided to not sign up for the Weston July 4th 5k!

Should be a fast race, wanted to really push it there and beat some folks, but... AERS AELS AETS AE*S squad. Legs (quads) just too "toast" to risk pushing the limit on.

Not too many races in July/August, so really wanted to get that one in. My 800m bro linked me to a possible track meet on July 14th though, about to look into that!

Also, in the context of recent discussions, my 800m friend seems to not fit that weird-mode that we were talking about, not one bit. This dude is legit. You beat him he doesn't go run off crying/ignoring you etc, he tells you when the next race/meet is that he's going to and goes "C'MON MAN LETS GO!!" .. Love that mentality. That's why he's almost sub2:00 for the 800m @ 50 years old......... lmao. BEAST. AS. FU*K. :ninja:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8181 on: July 03, 2018, 02:16:04 pm »

So with the people and their selective reasoning to give certain people shout outs. This creates something known as (or maybe I just made it up now) psychological clash. Some one who runs to become good and get recognition to boost their morale and continue to thrive off this, but if they never get that recognition it can lower their morale and then their reasoning will be something completely different, "They don't like me" so the result dislike for that person and he stops competiting or "That guy is racist he is praising a white guy but not me" and then you have result of that thinking.

These whispers or suggestions we get because of someone's action can be very dangerous for certain people. But the person who made that shout out for one person is not aware of the other people's thought, something similar to out of sight out of mind then nothing to ponder over, some are aware and they could have certain reasons for not liking but stereotypes cannot be made for everyone. who knows when we race and beat someone, it could cause a suggestion in that losers mind to hate the winners or maybe cause him to work harder, same as a person who doesn't get noticed ever works hard to get the recognition like in boxing knock the guy out to force the recognition and take control out of the judges.

wow that turned quite dark  :ninja:, but all I am saying is different people, different thought process and therefore different decisions not aware of the result of certain actions as they are not psychic.

Side note: this can lead to depression for some people or social anxiety as they feel they are being left out or evaded and so on and on, power of the mind.

I will stop here.

Some good quotes of the power of the mind.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” Anonymous

“When you become the master of your mind, you are master of everything.”

"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. Winston Churchill"
« Last Edit: July 03, 2018, 02:21:51 pm by seifullaah73 »
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8182 on: July 03, 2018, 10:26:46 pm »
light day!

the blisters on my big toes are really annoying .. popped them today, they were getting huge. got huge again after tonight's run.

on my way to my evening grass run, some kid(s) shot at me with a pellet gun - it zipped in front of me about knee level.. confronted them about it.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = quads slightly
aches/injuries = left ankle/achilles perhaps barely/slightly, two NASTY blisters on both of my big toes, post-evening-run: right ankle from crossing the street & stepping in a pothole of thick grass
calves painful to touch/massage = always (right especially)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose, clicked less today
morning calf flexibility = loose, less thick!
morning adductor flexibility = loose
toenails: a little better, 2 on left foot, 2 on right (black)
feel = great
hours sleep: 7.5

wakeup = 08:00 AM

sub5 mile or sub3 km splits in 2018: 3 (mi) + 1 (km) = 4 of 50 :ibrunning:

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 37
HR high: ?

08:15 AM: food: rxbar, water
09:00 AM: workout: light progression (grass/dirt/rocks, quads still sore): 1h @ 11:30 to 8:03 ::: legs too dead to do the july 4th 5k, all good tho, will keep it light until recovered
10:00 AM: food: grapefruit juice, banana, rxbar, water
01:00 PM: food: honey chipotle cashews, banana, chocolates, water
04:00 PM: food: chocolates, water
05:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
06:30 PM: food: trail mix bar, water
07:15 PM: workout: very light progression (grass): 1h15m @ 10:41 to 7:48
09:00 PM: food: chicken tortilla soup, popcorn chicken, beet juice, chocolate, water
10:30 PM: leg drain while reading: 30 minutes

workout: light progression (grass/dirt/rocks, quads still sore): 1h @ 11:30 to 8:03 ::: legs too dead to do the july 4th 5k, all good tho, will keep it light until recovered

just way too risky to do a 5k tmw. quads too tight/sore. they definitely improved quite a bit but still not 100%.

maybe there's a race this weekend, dno yet. don't think there is but we'll see.

workout: very light progression (grass): 1h15m @ 10:41 to 7:48


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8183 on: July 03, 2018, 10:28:36 pm »

So with the people and their selective reasoning to give certain people shout outs. This creates something known as (or maybe I just made it up now) psychological clash. Some one who runs to become good and get recognition to boost their morale and continue to thrive off this, but if they never get that recognition it can lower their morale and then their reasoning will be something completely different, "They don't like me" so the result dislike for that person and he stops competiting or "That guy is racist he is praising a white guy but not me" and then you have result of that thinking.

These whispers or suggestions we get because of someone's action can be very dangerous for certain people. But the person who made that shout out for one person is not aware of the other people's thought, something similar to out of sight out of mind then nothing to ponder over, some are aware and they could have certain reasons for not liking but stereotypes cannot be made for everyone. who knows when we race and beat someone, it could cause a suggestion in that losers mind to hate the winners or maybe cause him to work harder, same as a person who doesn't get noticed ever works hard to get the recognition like in boxing knock the guy out to force the recognition and take control out of the judges.

wow that turned quite dark  :ninja:, but all I am saying is different people, different thought process and therefore different decisions not aware of the result of certain actions as they are not psychic.

Side note: this can lead to depression for some people or social anxiety as they feel they are being left out or evaded and so on and on, power of the mind.

I will stop here.

Some good quotes of the power of the mind.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” Anonymous

“When you become the master of your mind, you are master of everything.”

"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. Winston Churchill"

will read tmw! off to leg drain & pass out. dead.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8184 on: July 03, 2018, 10:48:31 pm »
preach, seifullaah. +1000.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8185 on: July 04, 2018, 12:31:04 am »
You work extremely hard and have a lot of dedication. You are more of a loner type: you are clearly not doing this as a social thing. I think most people can't connect or understand that and they incorrectly deduce that you are doing it for recognition so they intentionally withold it from you. And people also dislike what is outside their understanding, making them less likely to try to connect with or reward you for your efforts. Just keep doing you man.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8186 on: July 04, 2018, 04:23:40 pm »

So with the people and their selective reasoning to give certain people shout outs. This creates something known as (or maybe I just made it up now) psychological clash. Some one who runs to become good and get recognition to boost their morale and continue to thrive off this, but if they never get that recognition it can lower their morale and then their reasoning will be something completely different, "They don't like me" so the result dislike for that person and he stops competiting or "That guy is racist he is praising a white guy but not me" and then you have result of that thinking.

These whispers or suggestions we get because of someone's action can be very dangerous for certain people. But the person who made that shout out for one person is not aware of the other people's thought, something similar to out of sight out of mind then nothing to ponder over, some are aware and they could have certain reasons for not liking but stereotypes cannot be made for everyone. who knows when we race and beat someone, it could cause a suggestion in that losers mind to hate the winners or maybe cause him to work harder, same as a person who doesn't get noticed ever works hard to get the recognition like in boxing knock the guy out to force the recognition and take control out of the judges.

wow that turned quite dark  :ninja:, but all I am saying is different people, different thought process and therefore different decisions not aware of the result of certain actions as they are not psychic.

Side note: this can lead to depression for some people or social anxiety as they feel they are being left out or evaded and so on and on, power of the mind.

I will stop here.

Some good quotes of the power of the mind.

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” Buddha

“If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.” Anonymous

“When you become the master of your mind, you are master of everything.”

"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind. Winston Churchill"

good stuff.

specific to what caused me to post that little rant, I just don't get the psychology of it. Those 2 guys & myself, are probably the only ones who "doubled" that day. They walked, cool. I raced, cool. They got a special mention for whatever reason, I didn't. Again, wasn't expecting a shoutout to *anyone*, but once I saw that, I found it a bit odd. I actually know the guy who times that event, the account that posted that message/photo (which he manages). We are pretty cool, he's a great guy. For the second race, I saw him and came over to give him a handshake and he said "long time no see!" (eluding to seeing me in the first race).

Anyway, i'm fine being a ghost.

ghost or not tho, def found it odd.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8187 on: July 04, 2018, 04:34:35 pm »
You work extremely hard and have a lot of dedication. You are more of a loner type: you are clearly not doing this as a social thing. I think most people can't connect or understand that and they incorrectly deduce that you are doing it for recognition so they intentionally withold it from you.

that's an interesting perspective.

i mean if I perceived someone as doing something solely for recognition, i'd probably be careful not to over-supply it. I'd def give credit where credit is due though. So I guess if someone had that perception of me, could make sense. I'd be surprised if *alot* of people had that perception of me though.. i'm pretty much a ghost who shows up to races and tries to beat everyone - LMAO.

And people also dislike what is outside their understanding, making them less likely to try to connect with or reward you for your efforts.

That's been a somewhat common theme. I mean, throughout my life, people always think i'm "mysterious" (irl, work, school etc). I'm really not, i'm very open/transparent about things hah. I mean this forum as an example, some of my social media accounts. I don't go do "social things" though, for the most part. If I do, it's me dragging myself to do it, almost like a be-normal exercise.

def a loner type. I usually get "derailed" a bit when I stop embracing it.

Just keep doing you man.

of course. hah!

ya i'm good. love being a ghost. just need to win more, because winning is fun! hah.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8188 on: July 04, 2018, 04:42:23 pm »
I also def fit in that category of being a ghost, I would have to go out of my own way to socialize and that itself is difficult for me.

Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #8189 on: July 04, 2018, 04:58:44 pm »
I also def fit in that category of being a ghost, I would have to go out of my own way to socialize and that itself is difficult for me.

#GhostRunners #ghostSquad, where ghosts unite.

must defeat the ghost busters. :ninja: :derp: