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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7980 on: April 09, 2018, 04:20:22 pm »
I'm so tired of shit like this: barely stretching my adductors by standing with legs out to the side (not even that damn far!!) making my adductors sore as hell within an hour or so.

After this mile race, i'm going to stand in that position for a few hours, every day. Or not. But it's pissing me off. Need to fix that shit.

I just mentioned above in a post to IronOne, how stretching can wreck me. Something is wrong if I can't stand like this (without the DB lol) for 30-60s without my adductors becoming "strained":

Bleh. Just odd.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7981 on: April 10, 2018, 11:04:34 pm »
race day! legs feel weird as expected. lots of "fake pain/tightness". hate this kind of shit. hamstrings/adductors sore. calves tight. eh.

nutshell: 2OA in the mile race, 5:06 watch, lost by ~0.3s to my fast af friend. :D


bw = 145
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings moderately, adductors moderately (left more so), calves slightly
aches/injuries = none! good news!
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = tight
morning calf flexibility = tight
morning adductor flexibility = tight
feel = beat up
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 07:00 AM

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 51
HR high: 170's?

07:30 AM: food: 3 x banana, beet juice, water

just pasting this in, too tired to re-write it:

My plan of attack for freshening up my legs before tonight’s mile race:

(09:30 AM) Contrast shower: scolding hot (10+ minutes), to cold (5+ minutes)
HR hit 158 at the very end of the scolding hot portion - which seemed accurate considering I felt like I could pass out
HR dropped down to high 130’s for the cold portion
HR dropped down to ~63, 45 minutes after
(10:00 AM) 40 minute Leg drain in compressions (while reading a book lol): immediately following contrast shower
Feet incredibly numb towards the end - when it starts feeling “unsafe”, it usually means it’s going to work good.
15 minutes after, legs feel really good
(NOPE) Another hot shower eventually?

(NOPE) A nap would be incredibly beneficial … but not sure i’ll take one: have work I need to do.

Race day nutrition:

(08:00 AM) breakfast: 4 eggs (with pink salt/black pepper), 3 bananas, beet juice, water
(12:00 PM) lunch: chicken wings, small amount of bread, water
(04:00 PM) pre-race snack: oatmeal + pink salt + honey, black tea
(05:00 PM) pre-race caffeine: GU w/ 40mg caffeine, water

workout: Ben & Jerry's Mile Race (no watch): 2OA @ 5:06 (watch) / 5:15.31 (official, lost by 0.03s? lol) -> Got sniped at ~0.9 mi by my dude Junior Rosa! ::: only thing i'm upset about is just not kicking properly, otherwise happy about it given the context
- scorching hot
- feel like shit mile (legs dead/sore, cns kinda janky): 5:06  :personal-record: eheheh.

they changed the course last minute to include a u-turn, because of the weather. So I think that's why it ended up a little long. It was certified prior, but weather was wrecked today (rain/lightning all day etc). Was fine for the race, but they made the decision to change the course. We lost some considerable time/momentum with the turnaround, would have been awesome if they didn't change the course. Was feeling pretty good.

Really not sure why I couldn't kick properly. It wasn't because of fatigue. Sometimes you just "feel beat" and can't dig deep it's odd. At the end of the race I was fine, not hunched over/gas left in the tank. It's something i've done before in races and it really bothers me. All I have to do is punch the gas and the kick will come but for some reason i'm just coasting out the "defeat". Mental shit.

Also massive props to Junior Rosa. He got there at the very last minute, and couldn't even pin his bib - had to hold it during the race. No warmup either. I thought I had him around 0.8, he pushed and I accelerated and he let up, but then he tried again and got me :D

Really glad he showed up. No other fast folks showed up. I was getting bummed out until I saw Junior running up to the start with literally less than a minute until the race. Then I got amp'd.

Also, no watch. Never once looked at it. Interesting because I ran pretty steady/solid, other than the slow down approaching the turn around. So that's pretty cool.

garmin connect has been broken lately :(

my usual deep dig into the data, doesn't work anymore. annoying. need to contact them.

flexibility: very brief holds (~1s), high "rep" alternating (left/right limb) stretches
- hamstrings mostly, adductors/forearms/triceps/quads/calves less so

going to make this my nightly routine .. just going to keep hammering it until "experiencing a position" doesn't wreck me. also going to try and not overdo it, brief/comfortable holds, no forcing, etc.. need to put my limbs in these roms tho, rep after rep, until it's not a problem.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7982 on: April 10, 2018, 11:06:04 pm »
check that rope/band "buckle" as I pass it. flying. 18.3 mph!!! :DD :D D:D;:d;:Dvldf;l;dl ;d  :ibrunning:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7983 on: April 11, 2018, 10:09:15 pm »
easy day! fatigued.

I think I got bit by some horseflies or something on the back of my head. I got attacked today at the park & my head has been stinging all day. Didn't put 2 & 2 together until later on lol.

Got my Kenya windbreaker hoodie ... it's pro af!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ibrunning:


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings slightly, adductors moderately (left more so), calves slightly
aches/injuries = right big toe barely
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = tight
morning calf flexibility = tight
morning adductor flexibility = tight
feel = beat up
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 06:30 AM

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 40
HR high: 160's (hills)

07:00 AM: food: rxbar, water
07:22 AM: workout:
relaxed morning Kenyan trot (grass/dirt/HILLS): 25 minutes flat + 30 minutes hills + 25 minutes flat ::: these hills are steep, 150-160 HR going up ::: vo2 max (last week=65, yesterday=62, today=61) = fatigue -> full rest sunday/monday + 5k tuesday!
08:45 AM: food: rxbar, water
09:00 AM: workout: bw
10:00 AM: food: whole foods: egg sandwich, beet juice, water
11:30 AM: water
02:30 PM: food: kapow: veggie/egg fried rice with chicken + avocado, 3 x water w/ lemon
03:00 PM: food: sloans: 2 x ice cream scoop, peanut butter cookie
06:45 PM: workout: unexpected easy run with The Cobra: 6 miles @ 7:41 pace
09:30 PM: water



workout: relaxed morning Kenyan trot (grass/dirt/HILLS): 25 minutes flat + 30 minutes hills + 25 minutes flat ::: these hills are steep, 150-160 HR going up ::: vo2 max (last week=65, yesterday=62, today=61) = fatigue -> full rest sunday/monday + 5k tuesday!
- vo2 max: 61 (EEK!!!)

workout: bw
- ok

S1: 3-5sec paused dead hang chinups: BW x 10
S1: full dips: BW x 12
S1: single leg standing abductions: x 30
S1: leaned over single leg hip extension: x 50

workout: unexpected easy run with The Cobra: 6 miles @ 7:41 pace
- vo2 max: 63 (ok nice..)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7984 on: April 12, 2018, 01:27:08 pm »
easy day with some hard hill sprints mixed in!



bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves slightly, hamstrings slightly, after run: calves moderately
aches/injuries = right big toe barely
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = tight
morning calf flexibility = tight
morning adductor flexibility = tight
feel = beat up
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 06:45 AM

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 46
HR high: 1608 (hills)

07:00 AM: food: oatmeal + pink salt + honey, water
08:00 AM: morning easy run with hard hill sprints mixed in (mulch path): 90 minutes with max effort hill sprints mixed in {5 x ~53-55s / 5:XX pace, 5 x ~22-25s / 4:XX pace} ::: solid GAP times (4:XX for the steeper hill, 3:XX for the less steep hill}
09:30 AM: food: rxbar, water
09:45 AM: workout: bw
11:00 AM: food: 4 x eggs, beet juice, tons of water
02:30 PM: food: cashews, prunes, water (gave me heartburn!! wtf)
06:00 PM: food: fyr & ice asian food?: some spicy kimchi beef ramen soup, water
07:00 PM: food: rxbar, water
08:30 PM: stretch: 1 hour while watching a half marathon video: all short holds, lots of quads, calves, hamstrings, glutes, toes/feet, adductors, upper/wrists/forearms etc: feel good after but also feel areas that tend to flare up .. regardless, going to keep focusing on this until i'm not feeling areas flare up from a simple stretch
09:30 PM: water

workout: morning easy run with hard hill sprints mixed in (mulch path): 90 minutes with max effort hill sprints mixed in {5 x ~53-55s / 5:XX pace, 5 x ~22-25s / 4:XX pace} ::: solid GAP times (4:XX for the steeper hill, 3:XX for the less steep hill}
- vo2 max: 60 (eek!!!) -> elevation might have confused it tho ... felt really good out there today. flying.

workout: bw
- at the park .. they have a great little calisthenics area

3-5sec dead hang paused full chinups: BW x 10
full dips: BW x 12


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7985 on: April 13, 2018, 08:18:13 pm »
easy run day.


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves moderately
aches/injuries = right big toe barely
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = tight
morning adductor flexibility = tight
feel = ok
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 07:30 AM

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 38
HR high: 130's? (run)

08:00 AM: rxbar, water
08:58 AM:
easy morning run (thick grass): 60 minutes @ very light progression from 10:xx to 6:55
10:15 AM: food: rxbar, oatmeal + honey + pink salt, 2 x banana, water
01:00 PM: food: rxbar, coffee + 4 cream + 4 sugar, water
04:00 PM: food: 3 x trail mix bar, TONS of water
07:30 PM: food: rxbar, prunes, 3 x banana, water
08:45 PM: stretch: 1 hour: while watching common wealth games 10k & a half marathon video

easy morning run (thick grass): 60 minutes @ very light progression from 10:xx to 6:55

- approx 6 miles

stretch: 1 hour: while watching common wealth games 10k & a half marathon video
- everything


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7986 on: April 14, 2018, 01:03:02 pm »
hard speed day! leggo.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves slightly, hamstrings slightly, adductors slightly
aches/injuries = right big toe barely
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = tight
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = great
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 05:45 AM

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 37
HR high: 171 (run)

05:55 AM: food: oatmeal + tons of pink salt + lots of honey, water
06:30 AM: workout:
morning hard speed (GRASS, hammer-time session): 2 hours @ w/u, 5:05.4 (FASTEST GRASS MILE! :personal-record: PR by 12s), hard speed @ {30s,28s,27s,22s,21s, low4's to sub4 max}, 3 mi progression @ {7:45 to 6:05 (last 0.2 sub5)} ::: 2 days rest, 5k race tues!
08:30 AM: food: rxbar, water
10:00 AM: food: 4 x eggs, oatmeal + pink salt + honey, TONS of water
01:00 PM: tons of water
02:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
03:00 PM: workout: test: afternoon relaxed walk: 105 minutes @ 16:XX
05:45 PM: food: 15 chicken wings, bleu cheese + celery, salad w/ vinaigrette, rxbar, water
08:50 PM: stretch: 1 hour 10 minutes: lots of calves/hamstrings/glutes/quads especially, upper also
10:00 PM: food: 2 x (water w/ 2 packets vit c)
morning hard speed (GRASS, hammer-time session): 2 hours @ w/u, 5:05.4 (FASTEST GRASS MILE!  :personal-record: PR by 12s), hard speed @ {30s,28s,27s,22s,21s, low4's to sub4 max}, 3 mi progression @ {7:45 to 6:05 (last 0.2 sub5)} ::: 2 days rest, 5k race tues!

- vo2max: 61
- grass mile PR: 5:05.4 :personal-record: (-12s, previous was 5:17)

great session!! getting closer to sub5 on grass! being able to hit sub5's consistently on grass is a big goal of mine right now. I want to PR everything from {400m, 800m, 1km, 1 mile, 2 mile, 5km} on grass, even 10km but don't care about it as much right now.


140 lb. after workout!

after eating/rehydrating etc, 145.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7987 on: April 14, 2018, 01:33:48 pm »
Just remembered about the Duval Street Mile .. and it's soon! (April 26th!)

I want to do it .. but it's a 4 hour drive lmao! It's basically on the edge of the Southern most tip of the US, lmfao!! Will look into the various options.

The site is hideous but awesome, lots of cool stats, records, lists, etc.

I could possibly top 3 OA this and potentially get on the top 25/set a record for 35 y/o. Enticing..

edit: maybe i'll invite my aunt. dno.


~$200+ for a 1 hour flight.. forget that.

~$9 or $25 for a 3 hour 45minute bus ride....................... hm..................... I can do that. Then I can just take a nap in there, chill, not worry about driving or my car breaking down etc.

Also, it literally takes me 0.7 mi from the race start!! Seems like this might be the option.

All signs pointing to me doing this race. :ibrunning: :ibrunning: :ibrunning:

edit: they've got finish line video as well. (guy in first two vids (same year) finished @ 4:28 .. occasionally this race is crazy fast for #1)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7988 on: April 15, 2018, 09:39:41 pm »
rest day!


bw = 142
bw before bed last night = 145
soreness = calves slightly, hamstrings slightly, adductors slightly, back slightly
aches/injuries = right big toe barely, back of right knee slightly (over stretched, yay)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = tight
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = great
hours sleep: 9

wakeup = 07:30 AM (slept in)

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 44
HR high: 120's (random)

07:45 AM: food: 4 x eggs, oatmeal + pink salt + honey, tons of water
10:15 AM: stretch: light stretch before walk
10:45 AM: workout:
afternoon relaxed walk (low HR in the heat): 117 minutes @ 17:XX-16:XX ::: complete rest tomorrow, 5k race tuesday!
12:00 PM: workout: bw
01:00 PM: water (tons)
02:00 PM: zona fresca: steak quesadilla, chips & salsa, water
05:00 PM: leg drain: 45 minutes (felt great)
07:30 PM: food: beet juice, lots of prunes, amazing dark chocolate bar, banana, water
09:30 PM: stretch: watching Galen Rupp videos: light, 45 minutes

workout: 2 hour walk

workout: bw
- weak

workout: bw
- at the park .. they have a great little calisthenics area

SS: 3-5sec dead hang paused full neutral grip pullups: BW x 10
SS: full dips: BW x 10
SS: standing single leg straight leg abductions: x 40
SS: single leg calf raises: BW x 10
SS: standing single leg rdl's: x 20
SS: standing single leg straight leg raises: x 30
SS: leaned over single leg hip extension: x 40

SS: 3-5sec dead hang paused full chinups: BW x 10
SS: full dips hips abducted: BW x 10
SS: standing single leg straight leg abductions: x 40
SS: single leg calf raises: BW x 10
SS: standing single leg rdl's: x 20
SS: standing single leg straight leg raises: x 30
SS: leaned over single leg hip extension: x 40


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7989 on: April 16, 2018, 10:21:15 pm »
rest day. right hamstring sore as fuck. great.


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = 146
soreness = calves slightly, hamstrings (left slightly, right ALOT), adductors slightly
aches/injuries = none
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = tight
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = great
hours sleep: 9

wakeup = 07:30 AM (slept in)

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: none
HR high: none

07:45 AM: food: rxbar, water
09:30 AM: food: 4 x eggs sandwich on toasted sourdough rye (with pink salt/black pepper), 3 x banana, chocolate muffin, beet juice, water
12:00 PM: food: rxbar, water
03:00 PM: food: 2 x peanut butter trail mix bar, tons of water
07:30 PM: food: anthony's: 15 chicken wings, some faccoaiocicosdio bread, beet juice, water
10:00 PM: tons of water

some light stretching throughout the day, trying not to wreck myself more, but still loosen up a little.

i'll probably feel alot better tomorrow .. all that protein + water + no activity etc. bleh. seems to be a theme lately. need to break this cycle.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7990 on: April 17, 2018, 11:19:33 pm »


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7991 on: April 17, 2018, 11:53:45 pm »
1   580   6              John                   Frans   9   21:40   00:21:40   6:59

nine years old, 21:40

Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7992 on: April 18, 2018, 12:42:11 pm »
1   580   6              John                   Frans   9   21:40   00:21:40   6:59

nine years old, 21:40


Oh ya dude I was going to mention him. That kid is no joke. I've seen him before. Kid can fly man.. He was ahead of me until about maybe 200m......................... He starts off FAST.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7993 on: April 18, 2018, 05:56:37 pm »

feel great. right hamstring slightly sore but nothing to worry about. that improved fast. thankfully.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = right hamstring slightly
aches/injuries = left adductor still achy
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = great
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 07:30 AM (slept in)

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 44?
HR high: dno

08:00 AM: food: 4 x eggs, beet juice, oatmeal + pink salt + honey, water
12:00 PM: food: work: rxbar, banana, peanutbutter trail bar, tons of water
04:00 PM: food: oatmeal + tons of pink salt + tons of honey, water
05:00 PM - 06:15 PM: off and on water .. cramped up a bit during warmups, drank a bottle of water 10 minutes before the race .. was worried
06:30 PM: race: FICPA 5K: 1st OA in a nice battle! 17:35 official! :personal-record: (NO WATCH). No estimated time: 3.06 course instead of 3.1 (perhaps). We got confused approaching mile 2, slowed down. eeh.
08:30 PM: food: anthony's! roast beef sandwich, lunch sized tomato basil mozzarella pizza, some salad with gorgonzola, bunch of water

race: FICPA 5K: 1st OA in a nice battle! 17:35 official! :personal-record: (NO WATCH). No estimated time: 3.06 course instead of 3.1 (perhaps). We got confused approaching mile 2, slowed down. eeh.

I passed the mile 1 marker at 4.58 lmfao, but it was short (or my watch was wrong, i'll go with it being short). I was like holy shit. i didnt know it was short, wasnt looking at my watch during the race. figured id finally transformed into a Kenyan... lol. not yet. :D

Saw someone I knew who was pretty fast, but I had beaten fairly easy a year ago. He went out really fast, so I was wondering if he was going out way too hard, or if he was in better shape. After 400m or so, I correctly analyzed that he was in better shape! haha. He ran a really good race. He pushed it hard. I separated a little by mile 2, and then started to push it harder by 2.5, which got me some space. He finished with 17:55. It was fun, he's a really great dude.

As for the confusion: there was a huge bus blocking our view up ahead for the rest of the course, and a car erroneously coming down our way with cops trying to stop it etc, and our "pacer/leader" on the bike disappeared. So we were like wtf? discussing if either knew if we had to keep going or turn etc. seems like this kind of stuff happens alot hehe. Stuff like that does suck though, definitely ruins your rhythm. Need to get better at handling stuff like that, without breaking my stride. Seems almost impossible though. Confusion makes you slow.

On to mile race prep!

I have a big mile race on April 26!!! Going to try and be as fresh/fast as possible for it. It's 4 hours away sooooo... Can't go out there wasting my time. Need to bring it.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7994 on: April 18, 2018, 06:01:53 pm »
easy day.

post-run: my left medial hamstring insertion/tendon-whatever acting kind of jacked up .. that old injury, felt sharp a few times. lame. lame. lame. it has been "clicking" since I wrecked my adductors last week. so magically today, on an easy run, it decides to become sharp? the saga continues.

edit: ^^ My posture today was really tall when I was trotting. Felt GREAT. Could have slowly pulled that tight area apart a bit.


I love how my dog is like, "sup bro?"


bw = 145
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = calves slightly, adductors barely
aches/injuries = left adductor still achy, post run: left medial hamstring insertion wrecked
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
morning adductor flexibility = loose
feel = great
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 07:30 AM (slept in)

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 44?
HR high: dno

07:45 AM: food: rxbar, water
08:15 AM: workout: relaxed easy morning trot (grass/dirt/rocks): 2 hours @ <= 135 HR :: felt great
10:30 AM: food: left over chicken wings from 2 days ago (so good), beet juice, lots of water
10:30 AM: ice: 20 minutes: left knee medial insertion
01:00 PM: food: rxbar, peanutbutter trail bar, tons of water
05:00 PM: food: peanutbutter trail bar, water
06:30 PM: food: whole foods: (solid hot bar meal): lots of beef/steak, orange chicken, yellow rice, water
08:30 PM: ice: 45 minutes: right adductor/hamstring
09:15 PM: food: some dark chocolate bar from wholefoods (these are amazing)
09:45 PM: light stretching: 30 min?

workout: relaxed easy morning trot (grass/dirt/rocks): 2 hours @ <= 135 HR :: felt great

left medial hamstring insertion bugging (tight) a little after (same thing that I tweaked by stretching my adductors last week). lol. lame.