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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7965 on: April 03, 2018, 01:52:33 pm »
tired today. good session tho.

tmw I run hopefully. ran across the street today after bball dribbling and felt my toe slightly, but i didn't feel it during 45 minutes of intense basketball dribbling uhhh ok .. so, going to be careful tomorrow. very light/slow running on grass.


bw = 143 (nice!)
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none!
aches/injuries = right tricep slightly (bball dribbling?), left it band slightly
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = tired
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 06:30 AM

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 35 (during nap, first time wearing it during a nap/sleeping)
HR high: 133 (bball)

06:45 AM: food: oatmeal + pink salt + honey, water
07:30 AM: workout: tomorrow i run slow! (cant wait) -> morning intense basketball dribbling: 45 min
10:00 AM: food: whole foods: beet juice, bacon egg & cheese on an english muffin, rxbar, beet juice, water
12:00 PM: water
01:00 PM: water
02:15 PM: nap: 1.5 hours
05:00 PM: food: (lunch too big/weird, stomach bloated): 4 x egg sandwich on sourdough rye, avocado toast on sourdough rye, blueberries, raspberries, banana, cashews, prunes, water
06:00 PM: food: 2 peanut butter cups, water
08:00 PM: food: rxbar, water

TODO: get to sleep early!!!!!

workout: tomorrow i run slow! (cant wait) -> morning intense basketball dribbling: 45 min

workout: bw
- strong after lots of dribbling

S1: 3-5sec paused dead hang chinups: BW x 10 (strong)
S1: full dips: BW x 14 (strong)
S1: single leg standing raises: x 40
S1: single leg standing abductions: x 40
S1: single leg lean-against-something hip extension: x 50
S1: toe extensions: x 20
S1: calf raises: BW x 20


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7966 on: April 04, 2018, 09:41:16 am »
Looking shredded!
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7967 on: April 04, 2018, 11:03:49 am »
Looking shredded!

Thanks alot man! Actually looking more shredded than that lately.. hah. Dropped a bit more fat since then. If i'm able to run without issues, should get back under 140 lb.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7968 on: April 04, 2018, 09:03:02 pm »
run day!!! yezzzz!!!!!

run went good .. left ankle bugged out a little bit when going slow. right knee bugged out for the first ~1 minute then disappeared. bugged out a bit later on in the day. right bottom footpad of bigtoe felt good/never bugged out. feels a little worked but no pain.

did lots of stretching today which I probably shouldn't have .. also dug into my it-band VERY HARD manually (with hands/fingers). loosened it up a bit (temporarily at least).


bw = 143 (nice!)
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none!
aches/injuries = during run: left ankle when going slow (until i focused hard going on the outside edge of my left foot - seem to be overpronating lately), after run: right knee (it-band syndrome) off and on slightly
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 6

wakeup = 06:00 AM

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 46
HR high: 156 (running)

06:10 AM: food: GU w/ 20mg caffeine, oatmeal + pink salt + honey, water
06:40 AM: workout:
first run back - being careful: (grass): 2 hours @ {1 hour progression, 9:XX down to 5:53 on mile 8} + {1 hour kenyan trot @ 9:XX-10:XX} ::: right knee/foot felt good, left ankle still wonky (when I go slow) ::: vo2max 65 (nice!)
09:00 AM: rxbar, water (running late, no real breakfast)
11:00 AM: rxbar, water
03:00 PM: food: tucker duke's (burger joint): 1/2 lb burger with onion rings/salad on it, sweet potato fries, 2 x large water w/ lemon
05:00 PM: water
05:30 PM: stretch: lots of quad stretching
06:30 PM: water
07:30 PM: stretch: lots of glute stretching
08:00 PM: self deep tissue massage: dug in VERY HARD to my itband
08:30 PM: food: prunes, organic peanut butter cups, banana, water
09:00 PM: ice wrapped tight: 30 minutes: right knee


first run back - being careful: (grass): 2 hours @ {1 hour progression, 9:XX down to 5:53 on mile 8} + {1 hour kenyan trot @ 9:XX-10:XX} ::: right knee/foot felt good, left ankle still wonky (when I go slow) ::: vo2max 65 (nice!)

- VO2 MAX: 65!!

left ankle is so odd .. seems i'm overpronating now when I go slow. When I go fast, it disappears. I think clipping it so much with my right foot really jacked it up lmfao. Consciously changed my form to make sure I hit the outside edge of my left foot in the second hour, and it felt alot better. I think somehow I altered a motor pattern by contacting it so hard & cutting it up. Very weird stuff. (I still have a ton of bruising on my left ankle from clipping it the last 3 weeks, and clipping it hard (bloody) in that half marathon).

Anyway, happy with the session. Only reason I stopped running is that I have to go get some work done EEH!!

ALSO: won't be running back2back days until i'm 100% .. so no running tmw! :( basketball dribbling tho ... which is some solid cardio/strength work.


^^^ MY HEART RATE MONITOR (watch based) IS ACCURATE!! lol. Best HR/effort data i've seen so far. That looks pretty perfect. Nice!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7969 on: April 05, 2018, 09:44:48 pm »
rest life. decided not to do any bball dribbling etc. just complete rest with some easy bodyweight work at some point.

also, lots of icing, and some deep lacrosse-ball release.

needed more ice packs so, went to look for some. they all sucked. so I just bought two bags of ice and filled up ziplock bags, wrapped em` in a paper towel, and ace bandaged them onto me. this allowed me to ice ALOT today and like usual, I respond very well to icing. It made my achy left ankle stop aching which is incredible.


ice fest.


bw = 143 (nice!)
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = quads moderately, calves slightly
aches/injuries = left quad moderately (too much stretching yesterday eh), right big toe/foot pad slightly (more-so in the evening), left ankle achy all day until my direct ice treatment (nice!), right knee (ITBS) barely - responded very well to direct ice treatment (nice!!)
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = good
hours sleep: 9

wakeup = 07:30 AM (slept in)

data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 46
HR high: 130's

08:00 AM: rxbar, banana, water
09:00 AM: ice: 30 minutes: right knee
09:30 AM: ice: 30 minutes: left ankle
11:00 AM: mf release: left & right it bands, manual, deep as fu*k
11:30 AM: food: whole foods: orange chicken, veggie fried rice, sauteed veggies (broccoli/cabbage), small portion of mac & cheese my favorite beet juice, water
01:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
03:00 PM: workout: bw
03:30 PM: deep tissue: 45 minutes: lacross ball (1 or 2): VL, it bands, peroneals, calves ... deep, brutal, felt good after though.
04:15 PM: icing: 30 minutes: left ankle
04:45 PM: icing: 30 minutes: right knee
06:00 PM: food: cashews, prunes, 2 organic peanut butter cups, beet juice, water
08:30 PM: icing: 30 minutes: right knee
08:30 PM: icing: 30 minutes: bottom of right foot (simultaneously with right knee)
09:00 PM: icing: 30 minutes: left ankle

workout: bw
- decent

S1: 3-5sec paused dead hang chinups: BW x 10
S1: full dips: BW x 14
S1: single leg standing abductions: x 50
S1: calf raises: BW x 20


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7970 on: April 06, 2018, 12:33:13 am »
frozen peas ftw. small, so they conform to your body really easily.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7971 on: April 06, 2018, 02:31:02 pm »
frozen peas ftw. small, so they conform to your body really easily.

tru. good point. i'll get a few bags this weekend.

fwiw, the real-ice packs I make seem much more effective than this gel pack I have. The gel pack gets really cold, it's not one of those sucky ones. But I like how the ice "shards/edges" dig in.

absolutely incredible how much it helps my left ankle. can't wait to get home and ice ice ice. already iced this morning but need to ice alot more.

also, right knee felt great all day and during the run (plus intense portion of it) .. yesterday it had some tweaks until I iced the F out of it.

ice fest in full effect.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7972 on: April 06, 2018, 03:48:51 pm »
run day!

man i just want to keep running. I don't want to stop. 2 hours in and I just thought, why did I tell my boss i'd come in at 10, why not say 11 .. would have given me another hour to run. but I guess it's for the best considering i'm not 100%. lol. Can't wait to be 100% though because honestly, relaxed running is feeling incredible.

ice fest continues tonight.


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = quads moderately, hips slightly, calves slightly
aches/injuries = left ankle slightly, after run: right big toe barely + both adductors a bit tight/stressed, after early ice: left ankle improved alot
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = ok
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 05:30 AM
data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 46 (pre-run), 33 (post-run)
HR high: 156 (run)

05:45 AM: GU with 20mg caffeine, oatmeal + tons of pink salt + tons of honey, water
06:30 AM: workout:
morning trot (grass, mostly soaked/puddles, sprinklers, legs dead, sniffles): 2 hours light with {5:17 mi @ mile 5 + 9 x ~110m @ sub5 peak} mixed in ::: fastest grass mile by far ::: 10k race Sunday (meh!!), mile race Tuesday evening (yay!!)
08:50 AM: food: rxbar, blue print beet juice, water
09:15 AM: ice: 30 minutes: right knee
09:15 AM: ice: 30 minutes: left ankle
09:15 AM: ice: 30 minutes: bottom of right foot <-- DIDNT DO THIS, WHY NOT!! dumb.
10:30 AM: water
01:00 PM: food: kapow: egg/veggie fried rice with extra chicken, 3 x water w/ lemon
01:40 PM: food: le macaron: milk shake with whipped cream
02:30 PM: tons of water
03:30 PM: food: rxbar, water
06:50 PM: ice: 30 minutes: right knee, bottom of right foot, left ankle
08:15 PM: ice: 30 minutes: bottom of right foot
08:15 PM: food: prunes, organic peanut butter cups, water
09:15 PM: leg drain: 30 minutes

morning trot (grass, mostly soaked/puddles, sprinklers, legs dead, sniffles): 2 hours light with {5:17 mi @ mile 5 + 9 x ~110m @ sub5 peak} mixed in ::: fastest grass mile by far ::: 10k race Sunday (meh!!), mile race Tuesday evening (yay!!)

- vo2 max: 65
- fastest mile of 2018 (5:17) on soaked grass feeling dead, nice!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7973 on: April 07, 2018, 12:28:36 pm »
easy trot day!

felt like i could run light .. had lots of fun doing so. fu*k I love running.

Gumbo Limbo 10k tomorrow! No real goals for this one.. just have fun and stay healthy.

Tomorrow i'm running for sea turtles. Here's one they have on their page:


bw = 145
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = left ankle barely, right big toe barely
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = ok
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 05:30 AM
data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 40 (post-run)
HR high: 134 (run)

05:45 AM:oatmeal +pink salt + honey, water
06:28 AM: workout:
relaxed morning Kenyan trot (grass/dirt/rocks): 1.5 hours @ 11:XX-12:XX ::: 10k Sunday (meh!!) + Mile race Tuesday (yay!!)
08:10 AM: food: rxbar, water
08:30 AM: barefoot rock walking (while throwing dog toys)
09:00 AM: ice: 30 minutes: right knee, left ankle, bottom of right foot
10:00 AM: food: 4 x egg sandwich on toasted sourdough rye (w/ salt/black pepper), blueberries, raspberries, prunes, water
10:00 AM: stretch: 30 minutes: while eating, sitting in a way that stretches the bottom of my right foot (lightly) in the tweak-area
12:00 PM: stretch: 30 minutes: while eating, sitting in a way that stretches the bottom of my right foot (lightly) in the tweak-area
02:30 PM: barefoot rock walking (while throwing dog toys)
03:30 PM: food: 10 chicken wings, some focaccia bread, beet juice, rxbar, water
06:00 PM: ice: 30 minutes: right knee, left ankle, bottom of right foot
07:30 PM: food: beet juice, cashews, water
08:00 PM: ice: 30 minutes: left knee
09:15 PM: ice: 30 minutes: right foot

TODO: pre-race lunch (chicken wings, beet juice!), more icing, early dinner snack

workout: relaxed morning Kenyan trot (grass/dirt/rocks): 1.5 hours @ 11:XX-12:XX ::: 10k Sunday (meh!!) + Mile race Tuesday (yay!!)


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7974 on: April 07, 2018, 02:36:59 pm »
Guess what I just ordered? This exact jacket & pants, found it on Ebay.



Looks authentic (checked it out for like 30 minutes lool) and seller has a good rep.

Team Kenya is coming to Tamarac Florida son, leggo!

Excited :D :D :D :ibrunning:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7975 on: April 08, 2018, 03:30:01 pm »
race day! or .. something like that :D :ninja: :ibrunning:

Long story short, hit a top speed PR of 18.3 mph. Never hit 18 mph with running form before. Think i've only gotten into the 17's a few times. Also did it at the end of the "race/workout".

Got to the event, warming up, wasn't too amp'd to run 10k - which continues the theme from this week. Hung with #2 & #3 for 1 mile while constantly thinking, bleh I just want to go crazy fast. So, shut it down and turned it into an interval workout. Still got 2nd for my age group somehow, LMAO!!



also, look at this sea turtle from a Gumbo Limbo video a month ago .. enormous!


bw = 144
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none, after run: none so far!!!!!
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = ok
hours sleep: 7

wakeup = 05:20 AM
data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 48
HR high: 177 (run, top speed sprint!)

05:45 AM: food: GU with 20mg caffeine, oatmeal + tons of pink salt + tons of honey, water
06:30 AM: water
06:50 AM: warmup
07:20 AM: race: lol. 10k race that turned into a mile race prep workout. fun stuff ::: 2nd age. 15th OA ::: TOP SPEED PR :personal-record:! 18.3 mph (3:17 min/mi) on the final interval!!! BOOM. using running mechanics, not forefoot sprint mechanics! ::: mile race tuesday!!!!
08:15 AM: food: post-race food: corn bread, blue berry oatmeal bread, gatorade, rxbar, water
11:30 AM: food: burger fi (fried chicken sandwich), kilwins (peanut butter milkshake), water
02:30 PM: water
03:00 PM: ice: 30 minutes: right knee, bottom of right foot, left ankle
04:00 PM: food: cashews, beet juice, water
08:30 PM: food: oatmeal + honey, water
08:45 PM: leg drain: 30 minutes

lol. 10k race that turned into a mile race prep workout. fun stuff ::: 2nd age. 15th OA ::: TOP SPEED PR! 18.3 mph (3:17 min/mi) on the final interval!!! BOOM. using running mechanics, not forefoot sprint mechanics! ::: mile race tuesday!!!!

- 10k: 42:56
- vo2 max: 65

top speed PR. I hit 18.1 or 18.3 mph about 2+ years ago or so, but that's when I was focusing on sprinting exclusively. I also pulled my hamstring in that effort. LMAO. So that was massively forefoot, max effort top speed sprint. This was at the end of intervals with considerable fatigue. Pretty cool.

Wasn't really focused on this 10k, as indicated by my "meh!!" titles. So I went out with the 2nd/3rd place guys, 1st took off. Stuck around for a mile (5:44), then shut it down and started trying to convince myself to do some intervals. Once I did the first one, I was good to go. It was really odd doing that in a race setting but it was also pretty fun.

basically did: 5:44 mile, recover, then 13 x sub5 pace (random durations, longest was 47s) with jog recovery.

excited about Tuesday's mile race. want to really push that mile HARD.

movin! 18.3 mph! 3:17 min/mi! need to get that sub3 top speed!



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7976 on: April 08, 2018, 04:19:16 pm »
put this clip on my IG since I love it so much & somewhat frequently refer back to it.

this is pretty much the gold standard of inspirational sports psychology.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7977 on: April 09, 2018, 03:46:23 pm »

feel a bit beat up. not sure if i'll be 100% tmw eek! hope so tho.


bw = 143
bw before bed last night = ?
soreness = hamstrings slightly, calves barely
aches/injuries = right adductor slightly, after run: adductors slightly, hamstrings moderately
cramping = none
morning quad flexibility = loose
morning hamstring flexibility = loose
morning calf flexibility = loose
feel = beat up
hours sleep: 8

wakeup = 06:20 AM
data collected throughout the day when I have my watch on:
HR low: 44
HR high: 140's?

06:30 AM: food: oatmeal + a bit of honey, water
06:50 AM: workout:
morning recovery run (grass/rocks/dirt, legs a little dead (hamstrings/calves sore eek!!), cns dead): 1 hour @ 10:XX + 30 minutes @ 9:XX
08:30 AM: post workout weight: 140.x (summer is coming, drenched!)
09:00 AM: food: 4 x egg sandwich on toasted sourdough rye (with black pepper/pink salt), beet juice, black tea
11:00 AM: food: work life: coffee + 4 creams + 3 sugar, water
03:00 PM: food: kapow: wagyu burger, fries, 3 x waster
07:15 PM: food: tart cherry juice, rxbar
08:00 PM: stretch: nooo!! glutes, hamstrings, bleh
08:30 PM: food: prunes, 4 x banana, 2 x organic peanut butter cups, water
08:30 PM: icing: 30 minutes: left adductor LMaO :(

morning recovery run (grass/rocks/dirt, legs a little dead (hamstrings/calves sore eek!!), cns dead): 1 hour @ 10:XX + 30 minutes @ 9:XX

- vo2 max: 63 (definitely felt more dead)

140 after run. it's getting hot.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7978 on: April 09, 2018, 03:49:33 pm »
a few photos from the park. love this park.






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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #7979 on: April 09, 2018, 04:05:15 pm »
Anthony's gave me another shout. Think they realized they have a niche in the workout/race world because of me. lulz.

my photo from the other day, that they reposted: