fast logging, need to sleep asap.
08/18/2016Bio: Morninglast night's sleep: ~7 hours
last night fell asleep: ~4 AM
wakeup = 11 AM
bw = 152 lb.
- water retention
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = quads alot, glutes slightly, calves slightly
aches = none
injuries = right hip flexor slightly
standing desk (when on computer): mostly
feel = good
water = alot
mosquito bites: 3
sickness: 4 canker sores in my mouth .. i bit my lip & the side of my cheek .. but, maybe my lip & cheek were 'inflamed' from something i'm fighting off? and that's why I bit it.. dno.. but mouth is painful & i've felt a little odd off and on the last ~5 days.
Food12 PM
- foot long turkey and cheese sub from publix: double meat and cheese
- bag of chips
- store bought beet juice drink
- almond joy
decided to pig out a bit on some subs.. made me pass out a little bit later.
Session: Afternoon5:30 PM
- no shoes
high rep RDL/calf day! not only am i going to incorporate high rep squatting, but i'm also going to be incorporating high rep calf work & RDL's etc. neutral grip pullups: BW @ 6
S1: RDL variations
- 45 lb. x 10, normal, normal
- 95 lb. x 30, normal
- 95 lb. x 50, partials below knee, this felt good
- 95 lb. x 20, wide
- 95 lb. x 10 each, staggered stance .. these are very hard .. the straight leg in front and bent leg in back, makes it pretty awkward
- 95 lb. x 15, feet completely together, like these
S1: calf raise variations
- BW x 60, normal
- BW x 70, normal
- BW @ 2 x 20, 20, single leg calf raises
- BW @ 2 x 20, 20, single leg calf raises
- BW @ 2 x 20, 20, single leg calf raises
- BW x 100, partials at the top, these felt good but weird
Food6:30 PM
- 2% milk
Food8 PM
- huge spinach salad (entire bag of spinach): grilled chicken, olive oil, lemon, asiago cheese
- green tea
- 2% milk
- brownie
Food1:30 AM
- 2% milk
legs feel great right now.. i imagine they will get more sore but man they feel loose/bouncy. wish my right hip flexor would heal forever - doesn't seem like it will.. though, my right elbow mostly feels fine now.. so, there's hope.
lots of coding today.. worked on modifying profiles via the profile page. simple stuff.. harder stuff was working on google authentication via google oauth2. almost got it working .. need to get this working because that'll be how most people login I imagine.. it is also a good test because, it will make me figure out how to handle users logging in from two different authentication services, ie: github & google. Right now it doesn't support that.. and it needs to. Then, I need it to support more authentication services like facebook (?) & slack.
also enjoying 'standup desk' again.. really need to use this more from now on. I get alot more done when i'm standing & coding.
really tired, have to wakeup early.