felt powerful today. that rest-lyfe.
07/29/2016Bio: Morninglast night's sleep: ~8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~7 AM
wakeup = 3 PM
bw = 150
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = none
aches = none
injuries = none
standing desk (when on computer): none
feel = good
water = alot
Food3:30 PM
- green tea
- banana
- beet + tart cherry juice
- 2 x wheat bread with peanut butter
Food7 PM
- 2% milk + 2 tspn coffee + honey
Food8 PM
- green tea
Food8:30 PM
- dribbling around/layups for a bit
- didnt know what time this part closes, so I unfortunately rushed it a bit
- good news is, it closes at 10 PM i think
- L-SLRVJ max attempts: ~10 attempts, hit what felt like ~10'10 around jump 6 or so, on a single rim.. ~2" down my wrist. that jump was the one that was all blurry. A few other jumps felt like 10'9, maybe even 10'10, but didn't feel it as good.
- ~12 dunk attempts: got some really close ones.. but pretty much all of the footage is broken because of that blur issue
MR tuck jumps:
- 2 x 50
- tough
Food11 PM
- big bowl of cheerios with honey + 2% milk
- cherries, blueberries, blackberries
- english muffin with butter
- orange juice
Food5:30 AM
- greek yogurt
got a TON of programming done today.. been working on some weird "state machine" in ln-ui-core. I want this machine to work not only for ln-ui-reactflux, but, other ui's as well: ln-ui-shell, ln-ui-*. So, been losing my hair trying to figure out how to do that... after 2 days of struggling badly, things turned around tonight. The design is making some sense and it's really cleaning up all of the code.
So i'm very happy with it right now.
I basically want this one file to be responsible for EVERYTHING that goes on between the server and the actual client. So, it is basically the 'core' that sits between them:
https://github.com/adarqui/ln-ui-core/blob/master/src/LN/UI/Core/App.hsso... all of that crazyness.. basically allows me to keep is crazy simple on the frontend side.. for example, ln-ui-reactflux literally uses this small bit of code to run actions through ln-ui-core:
instance StoreData Store where
type StoreAction Store = Action
transform (Goto route_with) st = do
setLocationHash $ Text.unpack $ fromRouteWith route_with
pure st
transform action st@Store{..} = do
(result', st') <- runCore st Start action
void $ forkIO $ basedOn result' action
pure st'
basedOn result_ act_ = case result_ of
Start -> pure ()
Next -> Dispatcher.dispatch $ SomeStoreAction store (MachNext act_)
Done -> pure ()
Failure -> pure ()
Reroute route_with -> Dispatcher.dispatch $ SomeStoreAction store (Goto route_with)
which is pretty sick.. that means, ln-ui-shell will require a similar amount of code as well.. very tiny. There's other pieces of code that i'm using to communicate with ln-ui-core so it's not ONLY that small but .. but man i just reduced the amount of code in future ln-ui-* applications by like 1000% HEHE!!!
pretty coo.