07/08/2016Bio: Morninglast night's sleep: ~8 hours
last night fell asleep: ~6 AM
wakeup = 2 PM
bw = 148
morning resting heart rate = didn't measure
soreness = calves slightly
aches = left knee slightly - tendonitis-ish feeling, left lower back
injuries = right elbow (tennis elbow) wrecked
standing desk (when on computer): none
feel = weak
water = alot
Food2:30 PM
- green tea
Food8 PM
- big stir fry: grilled chicken, 1 potato, 1 carrot, jalapeno, red chili, serrano, kalamata olives, green pepper, garlic, 4 turmeric, olive oil, mixed nuts, plantains last 2 minutes
- brie & crackers
- 2% milk
was really good.. loving the plantains, they are turning out to be a great addition.
Food3 AM
- greek yogurt
- banana
ridiculous amount of coding but, annoyed lately. i mean i'm having fun but, after upgrading to the latest purescript compiler, and it being absolutely impossible for me to develop the ui code because the compiler is too slow, it's just eating at me. especially since no one seems to give a F. ;/ But hey, I decided to use haskell/purescript for this project because I have the most fun in those languages, so I have to battle through these issues or even attempt to fix them (contribute). It's just, they know the compiler so much better than I do, would be great if they showed some urgency on this.
anyway.. as a side project, i'm creating a repository called "obesity". I will use this to create very LARGE code bases so stress test compilers/frameworks before I choose to use them. I'm never falling into this trap again. So, if I want to possibly switch to haskell/ghcjs/reflex, i'm going to use this obesity tool to generate an extremely large code base that I will compile with haskell, transpile with ghcjs, and then i'll be able to see how fast or slow it is, how large the compiled javascript is, how slow it is in the browser etc... so there is some good that's coming out of this.
surprisingly, nothing like this really exists. I plan on initially generating code for haskell & purescript, since that's what i'm using. Eventually might add in some other languages/frameworks. Most of this stuff only matters with compiled code, not interpreted code.. interpreted code gives you the freedom of basically non-existent compile times, so life is pretty there.. but, you pay for it at run time, sooooooooooooo many bugs. i'd rather pay for it up front tbh.
i'd like to get in some max effort jumps tomorrow night.