Author Topic: ADARQ's journal  (Read 2661000 times)

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4741 on: September 01, 2012, 09:22:44 pm »
Stephen Watt
It's a weekend, so it's not the best time for catching Facebook views, but I had to share this great video by my friend and mentor Andrew Darqui. Not since the Basketball Diaries has there been such an epic mash-up of basketball and intravenous opiate use... one of which everybody told me I should do and I didn't - the other, everybody told me I should stay away from but well... just watch the video.

^^ lul


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4742 on: September 02, 2012, 11:04:48 am »
lol lmfao is that you?


Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4743 on: September 02, 2012, 09:03:22 pm »
lol lmfao is that you?


nah haha.. seems like maybe they paid someone to impersonate me.. to make the 'fake me' like his products, and make it look real, so it widdles its way into google search results.

funny stuff.. more proof of slime.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4744 on: September 03, 2012, 06:21:49 am »
Haha... damn, you must be a really important guy, right?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4745 on: September 03, 2012, 12:55:29 pm »
Haha... damn, you must be a really important guy, right?

guess so ... hah


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4746 on: September 05, 2012, 08:13:57 pm »
i liked this fb post of mine

Andrew Darqui
Sorry whilst I laugh at "typical liberal diversion". Calling you out on your hypocrisy elicits an interesting response. Sorry if I offend you but an embryo is not a "human being". Sure, it can become one, but preventing it from doing so isn't an act of murder. Why don't you cry for all of the other 149,999,999 sperm that didn't get to the egg? Sounds like you need a bit more science in your life. Also, try imagining that you have a vagina & try to see it from their perspective. The vast majority of women are "pro choice". Finally, what's the difference between aborting an embryo/fetus and raising it in poverty to horrific parents? Alot of those aborted embryos would probably grow up and kill you in a gas station robbery.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4747 on: September 05, 2012, 08:58:16 pm »
I actually had a debate about abortion with tons of people on Facebook not to long ago... It's funny how some people automatically start thinking with their emotions rather then their logic once a very controversial topic such as this is brought up. Also, it always comes full circle to religion. People will say, "is that what god wants?", or "what would Jesus do?". They always revert back to an argument centered around their religious beliefs or emotions, which they believe in so fully without any thought or logic doing so, that they can't be persuaded. I tell them I am atheist, and some automatically stop listening to my argument because of that haha.
15 years old
5'11 in shoes, 185 pounds, 7'7 reach
SVJ- 24 inches
RVJ- 28 inches
Squat: 275x3
Deadlift: 285
Bench: 185


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4748 on: September 05, 2012, 09:20:53 pm »
I actually had a debate about abortion with tons of people on Facebook not to long ago... It's funny how some people automatically start thinking with their emotions rather then their logic once a very controversial topic such as this is brought up. Also, it always comes full circle to religion. People will say, "is that what god wants?", or "what would Jesus do?". They always revert back to an argument centered around their religious beliefs or emotions, which they believe in so fully without any thought or logic doing so, that they can't be persuaded. I tell them I am atheist, and some automatically stop listening to my argument because of that haha.

yup.. they also think you're "a liberal/democrat" for supporting abortion.. it's all partisan politics.. i dont get why people lump others into categories based on ONE VIEW.. religion is the great divider, it needs to GTFO of politics already.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4749 on: September 05, 2012, 09:23:02 pm »
doood. i made a post in my log, i guess you didnt check it. but what irc channel do you get on. i have a shit ton of time here, i wanna chat it up. lol


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4750 on: September 05, 2012, 09:40:40 pm »
doood. i made a post in my log, i guess you didnt check it. but what irc channel do you get on. i have a shit ton of time here, i wanna chat it up. lol

im in #jumping bro like all day.. gtfi there.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4751 on: September 05, 2012, 09:50:55 pm »
I actually had a debate about abortion with tons of people on Facebook not to long ago... It's funny how some people automatically start thinking with their emotions rather then their logic once a very controversial topic such as this is brought up. Also, it always comes full circle to religion. People will say, "is that what god wants?", or "what would Jesus do?". They always revert back to an argument centered around their religious beliefs or emotions, which they believe in so fully without any thought or logic doing so, that they can't be persuaded. I tell them I am atheist, and some automatically stop listening to my argument because of that haha.

yup.. they also think you're "a liberal/democrat" for supporting abortion.. it's all partisan politics.. i dont get why people lump others into categories based on ONE VIEW.. religion is the great divider, it needs to GTFO of politics already.

Definitely..lots of people I know are liberal on some issues, conservative on others, some republicans, some democrats, and even then people still figure out a way to label them and categorized them, failing to see the gray area. I think this is done partly because it is an thing for the brain to process, rather than having to put people and things into multiple categories. And yes, we would like religion to stay outta politics altogether, but I think that is a difficult thing to do, with religion, ethics, and economics all tangled together in peoples minds. There are so many conflicting viewpoints, and standpoints to think from, that it is hard to separate them.
15 years old
5'11 in shoes, 185 pounds, 7'7 reach
SVJ- 24 inches
RVJ- 28 inches
Squat: 275x3
Deadlift: 285
Bench: 185


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4752 on: September 06, 2012, 01:49:31 am »
I actually had a debate about abortion with tons of people on Facebook not to long ago... It's funny how some people automatically start thinking with their emotions rather then their logic once a very controversial topic such as this is brought up. Also, it always comes full circle to religion. People will say, "is that what god wants?", or "what would Jesus do?". They always revert back to an argument centered around their religious beliefs or emotions, which they believe in so fully without any thought or logic doing so, that they can't be persuaded. I tell them I am atheist, and some automatically stop listening to my argument because of that haha.

yup.. they also think you're "a liberal/democrat" for supporting abortion.. it's all partisan politics.. i dont get why people lump others into categories based on ONE VIEW.. religion is the great divider, it needs to GTFO of politics already.

Definitely..lots of people I know are liberal on some issues, conservative on others, some republicans, some democrats, and even then people still figure out a way to label them and categorized them, failing to see the gray area. I think this is done partly because it is an thing for the brain to process, rather than having to put people and things into multiple categories. And yes, we would like religion to stay outta politics altogether, but I think that is a difficult thing to do, with religion, ethics, and economics all tangled together in peoples minds. There are so many conflicting viewpoints, and standpoints to think from, that it is hard to separate them.

ya labeling is too easy.. sometimes we forget that the vast majority of this world are followers, easily manipulated, it's just genetics.. there has to be far fewer leaders than followers.. anyway, when you have these manipulative crooks toying with people on each side, you get partisan politics.. if truly decent people were leading each of these parties, there would be compromise, respect, understanding, and "truth telling".. absolutely none of that is happening currently.. it's beyond divisive, brutal, mean spirited, disrespectful, and full of lies, on both sides.. but it all stems from those who lead.... they hand out the marching orders, then these toothless morons go walking around spreading nonsense... even the news media exacerbates the partisan divide.. fox vs msnbc, then cnn trying to keep it 'neutral' by having opposing sides blast each other in every segment.. it's just a big joke.

regardless, whichever party uses "god" more, is the one that scares me... using the concept of god to win votes is crossing the line imo... because it's just pure lunacy.. it's worse than schroeder's LDISO's which are a religious event in themselves.

edit: fuck the rest ;]


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4753 on: September 06, 2012, 04:42:45 am »
i liked this fb post of mine

Andrew Darqui
Sorry whilst I laugh at "typical liberal diversion". Calling you out on your hypocrisy elicits an interesting response. Sorry if I offend you but an embryo is not a "human being". Sure, it can become one, but preventing it from doing so isn't an act of murder. Why don't you cry for all of the other 149,999,999 sperm that didn't get to the egg? Sounds like you need a bit more science in your life. Also, try imagining that you have a vagina & try to see it from their perspective. The vast majority of women are "pro choice". Finally, what's the difference between aborting an embryo/fetus and raising it in poverty to horrific parents? Alot of those aborted embryos would probably grow up and kill you in a gas station robbery.

Thank you sir.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #4754 on: September 06, 2012, 09:06:43 pm »
walked up to a really nice basketball hoop today.. first time in like a year.

glass backboard, breakaway, chain net, really nice hoop.. just looked at it for a while, was 10', thought about how last year i would have made a trip to this hoop to destroy it.. interesting.

then i jogged a mile today with my dog and almost had a heart attack.