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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3315 on: April 11, 2011, 06:45:31 am »
if you wanna see some dunk shit, pics on previous page, video above somewhere


bw = 155
soreness = calves a little
aches/injuries = lower back tired a little, old ham tendon injury a little (from foam rolling, it seized up rolling ITB), PF slightly in left fit after stretching calves b
arefooted on pvc
fatigue = moderate
diet = gatorade-drink + protein/water-drink, dunking + gatorade/protein-drink, protein/water-drink, gatorade-drink + PB, gatorade + 3 eggs + tons of egg whites + protatoes
/onions + some almonds + 2 slices of bread, LTMP-VOLUME{pin-6-squat=135x8,225x1,275x1,275x15, calve-raises=135x5,225x20, pullup-dead-hangs=a few}, 2*protein/water-drink +
duluted-gatorade-drink, LTMP-VOLUME{pin-6-CLOSE-STANCE-SQUAT=135x8,225x1,275x1,295x9}, 3 eggs + tons of egg whites + gatorade-drink + 2 cheese,

8 hours sleep

the close stance 295 x 9 is a PR, whoop.. hit 9 reps in a row too no stopping, then failed 10th rep, was about to grind it but just let it go.

- LTMP-VOLUME{pin-6-squat=135x8,225x1,275x1,275x15, calve-raises=135x5,225x20, pullup-dead-hangs=a few}
- LTMP-VOLUME{pin-6-CLOSE-STANCE-SQUAT=135x8,225x1,275x1,295x9}

really long static stretching before each LTMP session.. i did it like this yesterday too, woke up feeling so springy.. hopefully tomorrow is the same... loosened up my erectors good, back was fatigueing way too much tonight, still some fatigue from 225 x 45 i think.. anyway loosened em up good, feels much better.. rect-fem stretch/hamstring stretches im getting crazy rom now.. stretching calves real nice too.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3316 on: April 11, 2011, 07:07:37 am »
Dunks look easy mang. That first/last dunk was nasty and as always I like your twohanders.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3317 on: April 11, 2011, 07:11:38 am »
lefty at 1:10 is nasty.. i just put it in finally, seems like it'll never drop.. no use in cutting it out every time right before i slam it heh.. ok it'll drop soon whatever

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

''Who said white man can't jump'' LMAO was that random or was it fixed for the vid's sake? Regardless, sick!

He has no clue how much work you put in.

well im trying to get into it, i've definitely been jumping alot more often lately, and even using back 2 back dunk days which i never do.. working on tricks and going submax really helps with that.. if i don't eat right im screwed though with that, in terms of getting good jumps in on back 2 back days.

i tweaked my ham tendon slightly last night foam rolling, of all things.. rolling my left ITB i felt it pull a little.. its bugging me right now, if it feels good tomorrow though i would like to dunk again.. i'd like to dunk every day if possible to be honest.. dunk every day + high rep every day.. just have to auto-regulate my training properly.. if i feel like crap, just go light.. if i feel epic, go all out.. basically if i feel anything less than epic/great, then i should be going submax..

but ya funny you bring it up, im basically high-freq'n my jumps now.. i'd never jump multiple times a day though like im doing with squatting.. takes too much out of me.. a heavy 20 repper has me feeling dead, but nothing like how i feel after a dunk session.. dunk sessions are much worse, everything is fatigued and shit aches.. hah


Haha, I'm beginning to see a pattern here, most ppl really improve when actually practicing jump often. So maybe Raptor was right before, jumping daily with low volume...

We might be on our way to shattering a lot of training conceptions. Have you ever realized that your squatting strangely ressembles what Joe Defranco recommended in the past for the jumpers. What he called 50 rep rythym squats? Ppl bashed that type of training, still, when he used it on his athletes they all improved tremendously.

AREG or biofeedback IS going to be the best way to progress in the future. My guess is, jump whenever you feel like it, don't when you don't. Squat whenever you feel like it. Don't when you don't. Defranco used to say that high rep squat helped build ''elasticity''. I wonder if that's similar to lactic acid helping with tendon stiffness. So maybe training in another energy system creates different changes on the structural level (tendons) that are beneficial to dynamic activities vs. regular low-rep training.

Interesting to say the least.

« Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 10:03:12 am by Divad »
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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3318 on: April 11, 2011, 02:45:23 pm »
''Who said white man can't jump''

Nothing else to say  ;D ;D


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3319 on: April 11, 2011, 06:47:22 pm »

that summed up the vid, must've felt good when he said that

"Everybody look at you strange, say you changed -
 Like you really work that hard, to stay the same."
                                                             - HOV


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3320 on: April 11, 2011, 10:27:57 pm »
youre getting up great man. im going to freak out when I see you hit 225x50. thats go to be an incredible accomplishment at your body weight. btw those nike elite socks are the best socks ive ever worn :headbang:


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3321 on: April 11, 2011, 11:07:02 pm »
Dunks look easy mang. That first/last dunk was nasty and as always I like your twohanders.

thanks man.. ya i love that first dunk so much.. i keep watching it.. love how nice i got up off a short run.

lefty at 1:10 is nasty.. i just put it in finally, seems like it'll never drop.. no use in cutting it out every time right before i slam it heh.. ok it'll drop soon whatever

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

''Who said white man can't jump'' LMAO was that random or was it fixed for the vid's sake? Regardless, sick!

haha i'd never make anyone say that.. i kind of hate that cliche ass slogan :F plenty of white people that can sky, and it's always been that way.. none of those guys know anything about stefan holm for example :F

He has no clue how much work you put in.

ya that's for sure.. nobody does.. they just see the product at that moment.. got to keep getting higher.

well im trying to get into it, i've definitely been jumping alot more often lately, and even using back 2 back dunk days which i never do.. working on tricks and going submax really helps with that.. if i don't eat right im screwed though with that, in terms of getting good jumps in on back 2 back days.

i tweaked my ham tendon slightly last night foam rolling, of all things.. rolling my left ITB i felt it pull a little.. its bugging me right now, if it feels good tomorrow though i would like to dunk again.. i'd like to dunk every day if possible to be honest.. dunk every day + high rep every day.. just have to auto-regulate my training properly.. if i feel like crap, just go light.. if i feel epic, go all out.. basically if i feel anything less than epic/great, then i should be going submax..

but ya funny you bring it up, im basically high-freq'n my jumps now.. i'd never jump multiple times a day though like im doing with squatting.. takes too much out of me.. a heavy 20 repper has me feeling dead, but nothing like how i feel after a dunk session.. dunk sessions are much worse, everything is fatigued and shit aches.. hah


Haha, I'm beginning to see a pattern here, most ppl really improve when actually practicing jump often. So maybe Raptor was right before, jumping daily with low volume...

well, daily definitely isn't going to be possible with me.. even though I "want" too.. for example, i wanted to dunk again today, back to back, but when i woke up, even though i felt strong, my calves were just too achy.. i'll probably be able to jump great tomorrow, but you just have to roll with it, if you force those jump sessions it can lead to alot of fatigue/damage, jumping is way more intense than lifting etc.

We might be on our way to shattering a lot of training conceptions. Have you ever realized that your squatting strangely ressembles what Joe Defranco recommended in the past for the jumpers. What he called 50 rep rythym squats? Ppl bashed that type of training, still, when he used it on his athletes they all improved tremendously.

ya this site has already shattered a ton of misconceptions.. high rep heavy lifting will probably be the best thing to come out of this site no joke.. once more people start utilizing it, you'll see even more PR's (jumping and lifting).

ya the only problem i have with 50 rep rhythm squats is how "bouncy" they are with how much load you bare.. it's just too heavy to hit rhythmically imo.. that is going to target tendon alot more than what i'm doing, which is fine but, more risky imo.. and more risky for the vertebral column.. i like to keep it much more controlled to target muscle primarily, then allow my dynamic/explosive movements to hit the tendons how they will.

AREG or biofeedback IS going to be the best way to progress in the future. My guess is, jump whenever you feel like it, don't when you don't. Squat whenever you feel like it. Don't when you don't. Defranco used to say that high rep squat helped build ''elasticity''. I wonder if that's similar to lactic acid helping with tendon stiffness. So maybe training in another energy system creates different changes on the structural level (tendons) that are beneficial to dynamic activities vs. regular low-rep training.

Interesting to say the least.

yup, everything you said basically.. only problem i have is "don't squat when you don't feel like it".. even if i'm tired, im forcing myself to get my sessions in.. surprisingly alot of them turn out to be very good..

high lactic acid environments are great for tendon adaptations, so ya, this high rep lifting, even though it's primarily focused on muscular strength/hypertrophy, is still going to result in plenty of positive adaptations to the tendons & fascia.

high rep heavy lifting is sort of like rest-pause but, you actively rest with the bar on your shoulders etc, and the rest is much shorter.. very effective way to grow/gain strength.. when you hit EVERY MU under a load, your body will try and adapt.. next step, hit every mu under a slightly heavier load, and so on, keep repeating.. the cool thing about 20's is, you can improve your 1RM pretty hardcore without ever going under 10 reps imo.. you can hit 10-20 reps and just have that 1RM skyrocket... for example, my main focus right now is 295 x 20, and then 315 x 20.. so i have to keep hitting 10-12 reps on 315 while trying to push my 295 to 15 and then finally 20 reps etc.. then i move focus to trying to hit 315 for 20, hitting 325 for 10 while pushing 315 to 15 then 20 etc..

it's a very simple "cycle" for improvement.. it's just balls to the F'n wall and don't leave anything in the tank.. and then surprisingly you feel epic-good the next day hahaha.

peace man!

''Who said white man can't jump''

Nothing else to say  ;D ;D


i'd like to become one of the highest jumping people on the planet and create a new slogan:

"Who said naturally gifted elite athletes won't get murked by avg joe's with extreme work ethic"..

or something


youre getting up great man. im going to freak out when I see you hit 225x50. thats go to be an incredible accomplishment at your body weight. btw those nike elite socks are the best socks ive ever worn :headbang:

thanks alot man!!!

ya i'm going to hit 225 x 50 once i get 315 x 20.. i'd like to hit 225 x 50 even more impressively than i hit it last time.. far more impressively.. make it look completely feather weight.

ya those socks are amazing.. i double/triple sock.. 2 pair of high socks then those nike socks, makes my feet feel amazing.. !!

peace man


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3322 on: April 11, 2011, 11:40:56 pm »
"Who said white men can't jump?"

boumpboumpboump..batta boump? boump boump..boumpboumpboump...boump!

man... you are killing it!

hard work! great job man!


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3323 on: April 12, 2011, 12:12:48 am »
Enjoying the progress you're making.

I had a question though, you're saying that high rep squatting (10-20+) is used for hypertrophy/strength gains.  Does this concept only apply to squats?

Another thing, you said high rep squatting can skyrocket your 1 rep max.  Does this have to be done WITH maximal weight/low rep training?  Or can heavy (but lighter) weight high repping (10-20+) alone boost your 1RM/relative strength?

Goal is to dunk.

Vertical needed to dunk: 40"

Current vertical : 38.5"


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3324 on: April 12, 2011, 04:04:16 am »
"Who said white men can't jump?"

boumpboumpboump..batta boump? boump boump..boumpboumpboump...boump!

lmao, know where that song is from? so far no one has mentioned it :F

man... you are killing it!

hard work! great job man!

appreciate it bj, thanks alot!

Enjoying the progress you're making.

I had a question though, you're saying that high rep squatting (10-20+) is used for hypertrophy/strength gains.  Does this concept only apply to squats?

well, squats seem to be the safest exercise to utilize with high rep heavy lifting.. you could also high rep pullups by dead hanging, but form suffers.. hard to do it with bench, breathing while holding at the top will only get you so much.. so the heavy high rep lifting thing is pretty much best done with lower body lifts, otherwise you could use rest/pause training for upper (check lance's blog).

other than squat, you could use RDL, calve raise, deadlift (trap bar/regular) etc.. check the high rep nation thread on that, initial post, i go into the exercises.. form is #1, so, whatever you do, you have to make sure you're holding form in the face of fatigue.

Another thing, you said high rep squatting can skyrocket your 1 rep max.  Does this have to be done WITH maximal weight/low rep training?  Or can heavy (but lighter) weight high repping (10-20+) alone boost your 1RM/relative strength?


nah it can actually be done without heavy/low rep training imo.. thing is, your 1RM TESTING will be better if you get in some heavy singles/low rep work at a decent frequency, say 1x/week.. but surely 10-20 rep training can boost 1RM in and of itself.. check this maximal strength/hypertrophy variant as stated by Verkhoshansky:

so, you can achieve max strength/hypertrophy gains with that protocol alone.. how well you utilize those gains in max strength can be improved by actually getting in some heavy low rep work, but the capability for those numbers are there already..

think about 20 rep squats, you're basically hitting 20 reps with something you can do ~12 times or so.. that's a 12RM plus resting between reps to finish the 20.. that's a max strength/hypertrophy variant + 8 extra reps under fatigue, tapping into every mu possible..

very potent stimulus for improving max strength/hypertrophy ^^^

so ya, you can utilize 10-20's completely by itself and max strength improvements will occur.. you can make sure you're utilizing all of those gains to the best of your ability by getting in some lower rep training at a decent frequency.. but bottom line, if you improve your continuous 10 rep max from say, 275 x 10 to 315 x 10, that's a huge gain in max strength...... hugggggggeeeee.

hope that helped



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3325 on: April 12, 2011, 04:08:03 am »
trying to sleep 2-3 hours early.. great day of squatting.. legs feel awesome.. hopefully tomorrow i feel even better, land some crazy dunks.


bw = 155
soreness = calves
aches/injuries = not much waking up
fatigue = high
diet = protein/gatorade-drink, LTMP-VOLUME{pin-6-close-squat=135x8,225x1,275x1,295x1,295x12, ng-pullups=15, calve-raises=135x5,225x5,245x10}, 3 eggs + tons of egg whites + 2 cheese + alot of almonds, 2 sausages + wheat bread, LTMP-VOLUME{pin-6-squat=135x8,225x1,275x1,275x20, calve-raises=135x5,225x5,245x10}, 2*protein/water-drink + gatora
de-drink, 3 eggs + tons of egg whites + tons of PB + gatorade

9 hours sleep

- LTMP-VOLUME{pin-6-close-squat=135x8,225x1,275x1,295x1,295x12, ng-pullups=15, calve-raises=135x5,225x5,245x10},
- LTMP-VOLUME{pin-6-squat=135x8,225x1,275x1,275x20, calve-raises=135x5,225x5,245x10}

295 x 12 is a definite close stance Pr.. and 275 x 20 would be a "PR" for a second session set.. never have i hit 20 that heavy on a second session..

that 275 x 20 was a war.. i was tired after rep 9, but was determined to get 20 so i went like, 9 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + +1 + 1 ahah.. toast.. legs felt bionic after.

solid set.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3326 on: April 12, 2011, 10:56:41 am »

AREG or biofeedback IS going to be the best way to progress in the future. My guess is, jump whenever you feel like it, don't when you don't. Squat whenever you feel like it. Don't when you don't. Defranco used to say that high rep squat helped build ''elasticity''. I wonder if that's similar to lactic acid helping with tendon stiffness. So maybe training in another energy system creates different changes on the structural level (tendons) that are beneficial to dynamic activities vs. regular low-rep training.

Interesting to say the least.

yup, everything you said basically.. only problem i have is "don't squat when you don't feel like it".. even if i'm tired, im forcing myself to get my sessions in.. surprisingly alot of them turn out to be very good..

high lactic acid environments are great for tendon adaptations, so ya, this high rep lifting, even though it's primarily focused on muscular strength/hypertrophy, is still going to result in plenty of positive adaptations to the tendons & fascia.

high rep heavy lifting is sort of like rest-pause but, you actively rest with the bar on your shoulders etc, and the rest is much shorter.. very effective way to grow/gain strength.. when you hit EVERY MU under a load, your body will try and adapt.. next step, hit every mu under a slightly heavier load, and so on, keep repeating.. the cool thing about 20's is, you can improve your 1RM pretty hardcore without ever going under 10 reps imo.. you can hit 10-20 reps and just have that 1RM skyrocket... for example, my main focus right now is 295 x 20, and then 315 x 20.. so i have to keep hitting 10-12 reps on 315 while trying to push my 295 to 15 and then finally 20 reps etc.. then i move focus to trying to hit 315 for 20, hitting 325 for 10 while pushing 315 to 15 then 20 etc..

it's a very simple "cycle" for improvement.. it's just balls to the F'n wall and don't leave anything in the tank.. and then surprisingly you feel epic-good the next day hahaha.

peace man!

I love it. I'm telling you! Nowhere have I ever heard of someone improving with high-reps squats for athletic gains. I can't wait to see if you're able to maintain top jumping performance even longer from training in LAG-3 bracket.

The only thing I'm wondering man, you say you'll go ahead and push through a squat session even if you don't feel like it, and it can turn out good. Why wouldn't it work with jumps. I'm undergoing high-frequency jumping schedule where I go out for submax dunks everyday for 4 days straight now and my jumps haven't gone down even though I'm aching a little more each day. In fact, today I was able to drop step dunk a 10 ft' and dunk a 9'6'' off my right leg. I'm alternating plants to achieve more neural adaptation. I think that eventually, as I fight and keep jumping, my body might start to get used to it. Plus, I keep pushing even week lactic acid builds up and I get even more powerful. For example. Cold: I was barely jumping high enough to dunk on 9'6''. Warmed and primed: I was tearing shit up. In the past years I never felt that way jumping. I feel like there's more energy I can use for dunking. And it makes me push even harder.

Dunno, we'll have to see in a couple of days how it goes.

btw why the plates under heels?

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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3327 on: April 12, 2011, 04:28:51 pm »
A few things id say about the high rep squatting:

Its definitely not the only way to go. Ive been averaging out to like 1.5 days a week lifting doing 1rm shit and my verts been nice. And i think anyone who could squat 400 and did the pylos you do could jump very well. Now perhaps the 20 rep way is very effective to improve  1rm fast and maybe you jump higher then you would otherwise with the same 1rm. Idk.

Andyour still the only person whos extensively (right?) used this. Some people respond better to some methods better than others.

Another aspect of this is how would it work if you were training like once a day or something thats possible for people without the flexibility and resources you have? Thats also a factor since youre not training exactly how somebody would train using a teaditional program but substituting low rep for high.

And you do have a training background. That definitely helps you do it safely.

It definitely works for you though and i know its nothing other trainers would even think to use im just saying to somewhat keep it in perspective its still an experiment to some extent.

And like i dont think id have as good results with it and am probably not the only person because i suck at high rep stuff so it might be a tool for some but not necesarrily the end all be all for jumping. I dont see myself ever messing in it but i respect the hell out of you for figuring it out despite all the myths against it and your dedication with it.


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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3328 on: April 13, 2011, 04:40:12 am »
will reply tmw ^^^^

uploading a vid right now to adarqtv account, huge jump pr for my dog caught on film lmao.. he finally jumped onto my bed whic is pretty high for hi, plus the tile floor makes it harder.


bw = 158
soreness = calves
aches/injuries = left knee slightly, left adductor slightly (strained it shitting lolol)
fatigue = high
diet = protein/water-drink + gatorade-drink, dog walk + running, 6 sets of tke-iso (only 15s holds, maximal contraction, quads are huge), dunk + half protein/gatorade-drink, 4 hour nap, long dog walk + tons of running, 45 lb plate swing - stiff arm: 45 lb @ 4 x 5, chipotle double chicken burrito + wendy's spicey chicken sandwich, dog walk + sprints, LTMP-VOLUME{jump-rope=5x200, 45lb-plate-swing=1x10, jump-rope=5x200, 45lb-plate-swing=1x10, jump-rope=5x100, 45lb-plate-swing=1x10},

vibration massage tool on itbands, really loosened them up.. shouldn't have done it on calves.

dunk session was horrible, 4 hours sleep plus felt like i was gonna puke, something was killing my stomach.. heh

landed some ok dunks though surprisingly.



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Re: ADARQ's journal
« Reply #3329 on: April 13, 2011, 12:44:10 pm »