bw = 152
soreness = none
aches/injuries = none
fatigue = low
felt very strong throughout the day..
workout #1: dunks
- got up real good, pics above.. didn't land much, just 5 dunks in ~40 minutes including warmup etc... but had a bunch of really hard/nasty misses
- pretty short rest overall
- hit a dunk off dribble.. first dunk attempt of the session, hard one hander hah.
- right wrist hurting, slammed it into the rim coming down, a bunch of times
workout #2: strenf.
- pullups: bw(5), bw+5(10), bw+5(10), bw+5(10), bw+5(10), bw+5(10), bw+5(10), bw+5(10),
- s.a. db row: 50 lb @ 15,15,15,22
- glute bridges: 110, 110, 100, 110, 150,
- calf raises: 50, 50, 50, 50, 50
can't wait to hit sub 150 lb bw, very soon, within 7 days im sure of it@$@! hopefully by thursday.. plan to peak again thursday and freaking land some insane shit.
- tuesday = tuck jumps + squat singles (parallel) + dips, glute bridges + calf raises later
- wednesday = pullups, tons of pogo hops later on
- thursday = stim up, land nasty dunks..... i don't know what time i'll be able to dunk thursday come to think of it.. i don't need much time though, just wanna land a few max height and dribble up two hander.. if i could start at 9pm im good.
nasty dunk miss ..lol 
thanks man, gonna drop some nasty makes soon!