We had the week off over Easter. Went for a jog with some sprints mixed in on a grass oval on Sunday. Foot felt a bit sore initally but got better. Felt OK afterwards. Diclofenac didn't do much, but it's getting there anyway. I went to the physio again and he did more work on my calves. I think a lot of the nagging problems I've had lately are linked to tight calves. I work on them every night but just self-massaging them, haven't been foam rolling because it's awkward and I felt it wasn't doing anything. But I have been foam rolling them hard the last week or so and I think they actually respond better to that than self-massage. Will keep it up. For the record, my problem areas that pop up during high-intensity sprinting/jumping work (e.g. last few months) are:
- Tight lower back --> piriformis --> work with hockey ball and rumble roller every night
- Tight calves --> shin splints, plantar fasciitis --> roll calves hard with rumble roller, feet with softball
- Knee issues --> haven't been bothering me lately (knock on wood) but make sure hams/glutes are firing and not too much jumping in short periods.
Gym:5 min row
Power cleans: 10@50kgs, 5@70kgs (just practicing form)
Squat: 1x6@60kgs, 1x5@80kgs, 1x5@100kgs, 1x5@120kgs
In between: usual supp ham/core exercises
Bench: 4x10@70kgs (failed last rep of last set, burned out)
In between: back/shoulder
BW: 78.5kgs
Just a do-whatever-you-want session. There's gym on Sunday then we have the whole week off until the following Sunday. That's when we start the Winter program. I only know what's happening for the first month or so:
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Track - drills and tempo
Wed: BW weights (lots of pushups, situps, chinups, pullups
- might struggle here initially)
Thursday: Same as Tuesday
Fri: Pool or Off
Sat morn: Hill sprints
Sun morn: Basketball court - med ball throws and
It'll change to gym work and track stuff after this. There's also 4 weeks of plyos in there somewhere. The cool thing is we book out the indoor basketball court on Sunday for an hour to do medicine ball work and low level jumping drills. I will plan to do some rim jumps before the session as well. There's a lot of low-intesity running so I have to make sure I'm healthy going in. Will be paying attention to all my issues as listed above. I'll also be interested to see how I go with little gym work for awhile.