Foam roll warmup/activation
Squat: warmup, 1x6@60kgs, 1x3@60kgs (front), 1x6@100kgs, 1x5@130kgs, 1x6@100kgs
BSS: 1x8/leg@50kgs, 1x8@45kgs
SL TKEs: 1x15/leg@20, 1x15/leg@25, 1x10/leg@30
UB (see prog tracker)
BW: 76.2kgs
Looks like I'm getting stuck at 130kgs x 6. Stopped at 5 reps today rather than force a dodgy 6th, but the form was better compared to last week. Couldn't do two sets of BSS at 50kgs but it's still an increase over last week so that's OK.