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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #435 on: October 03, 2012, 01:03:01 am »

Nice work, i just need some help.

I finally managed to workout a routine what you and lbss said, then t0ddday suggested that it would be better to not do much weightlifting i.e. hypertrophy, this is what he recommended.

Yes, as I also said: hypertrophy work is not necessary for you right now, you'll build the muscles you need to run faster for now by doing intensive sprint training. Plus it takes a dedicated block of training with proper diet (typically you'd do it in the off-season) to actually achieve any hypertrophy.

monday: tempo work
tuesay: rest/recovery
wednesday: speed work  + weight training (hi intensity low body + moderate upper body)
thursday:  speed endurance
friday:  tempo work + weight training ( lower intensity )
saturday: rest/recovery
sunday: speed work + weight training ( moderate intensity )

tempo work: 3 x 3 x 150m/ 90sec rest between & 5 minutes rest between (my understanding is that you want me to run 3 reps of 150m 90sec rest between, which is 1 set.

Q. what intensity should i be running at for the tempo?

Propbably 70-75%, the higher the better whilst still able to complete the session with the allotted rest time.

Q. what days do i do the hill run?

I think Todday was just using that as an example of what you can do without having access to the track. You don't need to fit everything into your program - that isn't his intention. You would probably do hill runs for tempo maybe, given you're already doing 2x speed sessions with your track club. Speed endurance would be hard unless it's a huge hill.

Lower body = Squats and RDL
Upper = Pull ups and Dips

Speed endurance: timed 200m, 300m, 400m
400m is far i will probably get so tired at 300m, so this is what it feels like to do speed endurance training.

I would add in a calf raise exercise for lower body, either single leg dumbbell calf raises on a step or double leg calf raises while doing squats, they're both good for beginner level. Upper body is fine with just pullups and dips for you right now.

Q what is weight training mentioned for sunday friday, is that upper and lower combined, if so are they both lower intensity on friday and high intensity on thursday?

That's more a question for T0dday but I think the answer is yes. But then again, if you're just doing pullups and dips I would just do 3 sets of each, try and get 6-8 pullups each set and 10-12 dips, then build from there.

Q. what does it mean when it says low, moderate, high intensity, example please in terms of reps and sets? i understand LBSS's high volume low intensity an vice versa but not sure with this?

My understanding for "intensity" for given exercise is that [low: <50% of 1RM], [moderate: 50-80%1RM], [high: 80%+1RM]. Following from that, the closer you are to your 1RM the less reps you will be able to do at a given intensity, so for back squat for example:

Low intensity day: 5x8@50% of 1RM; Mod intensity day: warmup then 2x5@75%; High intensity day: 3x2@90%.

But remember, that is just an example, it doesn't HAVE to be exactly what you do. Also, form/technique is very important for you at this stage so don't neglect that either.

what do you think of the program as a whole.


It is solid and you should not waste any more time trying to perfect it. As I've said before, you really need to just start training consistently, and you will learn as you go. Start simple and don't worry too much about categorising each track session into speed endurance tempo, speed etc. As Todday said, at your level you just need to run fast and run often, 3x a week at least.

My strongest advice is again, something I've already said (I've been saying that a lot to you lately): get properly timed for your 30m, 60m, 100m at one of your early track sessions and then aim to make improvements in those times over the next few months. No stupid flying starts or anything either, just do a regular crouch start and have a coach reliably hand-time you.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #436 on: October 03, 2012, 05:12:14 am »
Played in the grand final for our division last night...and 5 mins into the second half I drove, got fouled and the ball bounced and hit my middle finger and malleted it AGAIN. Couldn't believe it. I was trying hard to play under control to avoid hurting myself...and I get another freak mallet finger injury.

 :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:   FUCK  :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

Anyway I grabbed it and straightened it immediately, subbed out for the game and got it splinted and taped. It hasn't been bent since it happened which is key to the tendon healing fast. I'm pretty expert in dealing with this from last time so hopefully it won't affect me too much. It won't stop me squatting which is the most important thing, and I still have the splint I used last time which is really easy to use.

It might be a blessing in disguise because I really needed to sit out basketball for a few weeks to get my patellar tendonitis under control, and now I'm forced to sit out for at least 4wks, which is good. Knees haven't been bothering me since I stopped ME jumps and bounds, except the morning after ball where they might be a bit stiff, but mostly they've been good. Hopefully this little break will see it in the rear view mirror.

Some exercises I won't be able to do though, which sucks. RDLs, some upper body exercises like bench, some core exercises, and all O-lifts are going to be out for awhile. I can still do squats, calf raises, leg curls and hyperextensions/GHRs if I decide to keep doing them, so I will be really pushing those for about a month I guess. I could maybe do light cleans and KB swings...


Foam roll warmup

Glute activation: glute bridges same as usual

Squat (Full ATG): warmup, 1x4@70kgs, 1x3@110kgs, 1x6@130kgs, 1x6@110kgs

BB Calf raise: 2x20@110kgs \\ Seated calf: 1x20@35kgs, 1x20@45kgs, 2x20@55kgs

1x6 Squat felt really easy today, the bar was flying up and getting good depth. I've done more weight on my squat but I'm getting deeper on these, probably from increased flexibility. Before when I did what I considered "full" squats I was just dipping below parallel, now I'm really getting the calves to fully touch the hamstrings and then bouncing out of the hole.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #437 on: October 03, 2012, 05:25:42 am »

Nice work, i just need some help.

I finally managed to workout a routine what you and lbss said, then t0ddday suggested that it would be better to not do much weightlifting i.e. hypertrophy, this is what he recommended.

Yes, as I also said: hypertrophy work is not necessary for you right now, you'll build the muscles you need to run faster for now by doing intensive sprint training. Plus it takes a dedicated block of training with proper diet (typically you'd do it in the off-season) to actually achieve any hypertrophy.

monday: tempo work
tuesay: rest/recovery
wednesday: speed work  + weight training (hi intensity low body + moderate upper body)
thursday:  speed endurance
friday:  tempo work + weight training ( lower intensity )
saturday: rest/recovery
sunday: speed work + weight training ( moderate intensity )

tempo work: 3 x 3 x 150m/ 90sec rest between & 5 minutes rest between (my understanding is that you want me to run 3 reps of 150m 90sec rest between, which is 1 set.

Q. what intensity should i be running at for the tempo?

Propbably 70-75%, the higher the better whilst still able to complete the session with the allotted rest time.

Q. what days do i do the hill run?

I think Todday was just using that as an example of what you can do without having access to the track. You don't need to fit everything into your program - that isn't his intention. You would probably do hill runs for tempo maybe, given you're already doing 2x speed sessions with your track club. Speed endurance would be hard unless it's a huge hill.

Lower body = Squats and RDL
Upper = Pull ups and Dips

Speed endurance: timed 200m, 300m, 400m
400m is far i will probably get so tired at 300m, so this is what it feels like to do speed endurance training.

I would add in a calf raise exercise for lower body, either single leg dumbbell calf raises on a step or double leg calf raises while doing squats, they're both good for beginner level. Upper body is fine with just pullups and dips for you right now.

Q what is weight training mentioned for sunday friday, is that upper and lower combined, if so are they both lower intensity on friday and high intensity on thursday?

That's more a question for T0dday but I think the answer is yes. But then again, if you're just doing pullups and dips I would just do 3 sets of each, try and get 6-8 pullups each set and 10-12 dips, then build from there.

Q. what does it mean when it says low, moderate, high intensity, example please in terms of reps and sets? i understand LBSS's high volume low intensity an vice versa but not sure with this?

My understanding for "intensity" for given exercise is that [low: <50% of 1RM], [moderate: 50-80%1RM], [high: 80%+1RM]. Following from that, the closer you are to your 1RM the less reps you will be able to do at a given intensity, so for back squat for example:

Low intensity day: 5x8@50% of 1RM; Mod intensity day: warmup then 2x5@75%; High intensity day: 3x2@90%.

But remember, that is just an example, it doesn't HAVE to be exactly what you do. Also, form/technique is very important for you at this stage so don't neglect that either.

what do you think of the program as a whole.


It is solid and you should not waste any more time trying to perfect it. As I've said before, you really need to just start training consistently, and you will learn as you go. Start simple and don't worry too much about categorising each track session into speed endurance tempo, speed etc. As Todday said, at your level you just need to run fast and run often, 3x a week at least.

My strongest advice is again, something I've already said (I've been saying that a lot to you lately): get properly timed for your 30m, 60m, 100m at one of your early track sessions and then aim to make improvements in those times over the next few months. No stupid flying starts or anything either, just do a regular crouch start and have a coach reliably hand-time you.

First of all, thank you soo much for your help as well t0ddday.

That's an interesting one, calf raises while doing squats, its really helpful and am understanding what you wrote.

i have track today so will get 30m, 60m and 100m timed. then work on that

since i am doing it during uni, is it ok if i did weight training i.e. morning then speed workout in afternoon or is it more efficient the way it is mentioned speed then weight. If i do miss the speed training a few weeks from now there will be a clash with my lecture, so i will miss the speed training, do i do hill sprints then?

should i take protein shake after speed workout or can i wait until i have finished all the speed and weight then take a protein shake 2 scoops as a post workout shake.

would basketball hinder my performance, if i chose to join a basketball team
thanks again
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 05:30:14 am by seifullaah73 »
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #438 on: October 03, 2012, 06:50:38 am »
First of all, thank you soo much for your help as well t0ddday.

That's an interesting one, calf raises while doing squats, its really helpful and am understanding what you wrote.

i have track today so will get 30m, 60m and 100m timed. then work on that

since i am doing it during uni, is it ok if i did weight training i.e. morning then speed workout in afternoon or is it more efficient the way it is mentioned speed then weight. If i do miss the speed training a few weeks from now there will be a clash with my lecture, so i will miss the speed training, do i do hill sprints then?

should i take protein shake after speed workout or can i wait until i have finished all the speed and weight then take a protein shake 2 scoops as a post workout shake.

would basketball hinder my performance, if i chose to join a basketball team
thanks again

I meant to say calf raises straight after squats using the bar with the same or increased weight, but you could superset them with squats if you wanted. Doesn't really matter so long as it isn't hindering your squat form.

It is probably better to do weights after your speed track workout - try and do this but if it isn't possible, make sure you go early to the gym and eat well after it. You could do hill sprints instead of a speed workout - something like 3 sets of 3x30m hill sprints at max effort (provided the hill is steep enough, you'd want about a 15-20% gradient).

You can take protein after the speed workout, after the weights, or take a scoop after each - this is where you have to experiment and see what works best for you in terms of getting the session done effectively and not feeling tired or drained. Make sure you have some carbs between each though obviously.

Yes, basketball will most likely hinder your performance.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #439 on: October 03, 2012, 07:12:02 am »
First of all, thank you soo much for your help as well t0ddday.

That's an interesting one, calf raises while doing squats, its really helpful and am understanding what you wrote.

i have track today so will get 30m, 60m and 100m timed. then work on that

since i am doing it during uni, is it ok if i did weight training i.e. morning then speed workout in afternoon or is it more efficient the way it is mentioned speed then weight. If i do miss the speed training a few weeks from now there will be a clash with my lecture, so i will miss the speed training, do i do hill sprints then?

should i take protein shake after speed workout or can i wait until i have finished all the speed and weight then take a protein shake 2 scoops as a post workout shake.

would basketball hinder my performance, if i chose to join a basketball team
thanks again

I meant to say calf raises straight after squats using the bar with the same or increased weight, but you could superset them with squats if you wanted. Doesn't really matter so long as it isn't hindering your squat form.

It is probably better to do weights after your speed track workout - try and do this but if it isn't possible, make sure you go early to the gym and eat well after it. You could do hill sprints instead of a speed workout - something like 3 sets of 3x30m hill sprints at max effort (provided the hill is steep enough, you'd want about a 15-20% gradient).

You can take protein after the speed workout, after the weights, or take a scoop after each - this is where you have to experiment and see what works best for you in terms of getting the session done effectively and not feeling tired or drained. Make sure you have some carbs between each though obviously.

Yes, basketball will most likely hinder your performance.

i was thinking it would be wierd to do it with squats, i like to do it after the squats using barbells. nice.

ok better after else do it early, i will eat breakfast after or lunch and some fruits and in the late afternoon at 2-3 speed workout starts.

so if i miss speed workout i can do hill sprints, thanks

ok i will try 1 scoop after each i was thinking that but needed approval and if i feel tired/drained during the next workout i should just take 2 scoops after the last session as that is the most important part i need it for.

take carbs you mean eat things like either fruits, bread, rice, chocolate
i.e. toast with chocolate spread and some fruits.

would a fruit smoothie be considered a carb i.e. egg, banana, milk, etc smoothie

the high, low, moderate intensity would not apply to pull ups and dips as i have to try and get a total of 50 reps unless you want me to add weights and hold it between my legs.

also i forgot to mention after speed workout, only 10-15 minutes before starting weights is a good idea or would i need a log rest.
as the gym is 30 min from where i live i don't want to go there for speed training, come back then go back for weight time will run out a lot quicker.
thanks, can't wait to get started.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 07:28:02 am by seifullaah73 »
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #440 on: October 03, 2012, 10:21:44 am »
Did your team end up winning the grand final?
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #441 on: October 03, 2012, 01:39:33 pm »
There is a big problem i am so stressed. I went to join a gym, but i had to be a member, so i did then they said you have to go to an induction gym speech, i wanted to do it as soon as possible but didn't have a timetable with me so i chose 9:30 am, also booked a arena to practice bball for a trial coming up at 9:30am. I come home and check my timetable i see that i have a lecture at 10:00 am.

this means gym induction thingy = 9:30am 20 min, 9:50, it takes 20 min to jog and walk back to the uni, which is going to be tough with only 10 mins.
so i can't use bball court for practice  :pissed:.

No gym today so i drank protein shake at home.
ate a banana.

that's about it.

now about the speed workout. the coach was not a proper coach just someone who is good at the short distances.

The track was 40m, 1 lane, not flat so we had to do it on grass.

we did warm up big jog around a big field with obstacles at some point.

we did, high knee skip drills, butt kicks, straight leg pulls down or paw down i don't know what its called its like marching but in a slow moving way pushing the ground back. then 3 cones placed on the floor, run to first, run back, run to second, back and then to third and back, we did step overs, i call them karaoke, no raptor its not singing.

then we had to slow jog to first cone, accelerate to second cone and then sprint to the last we did this 4 times.
That's about it.

they didn't do training at the track, which is somewhere else. Also they don't do actuall specific training just a lot of drills and thats it we're done. but they sometimes go to the local track don't know when.

now the second part of the bad news, the uni club trains only on wednesdays and i will have to join the athletics club, which the uni will pay the fees for. they have top quality sprint coaching, well that's what they said, its on tuesdays and thursdays 6PM!  :o. the clubs training is separate from the uni's training, well its not really training just speed drills.

So how can i change the routine below with what i mentioned above.

monday: tempo work
tuesay: rest/recovery
wednesday: speed work  + weight training (hi intensity low body + moderate upper body)
thursday:  speed endurance
friday:  tempo work + weight training ( lower intensity )
saturday: rest/recovery
sunday: speed work + weight training ( moderate intensity ) - not really training just a long distance run, not for me.

any help please?

« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 01:44:17 pm by seifullaah73 »
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #442 on: October 03, 2012, 06:39:41 pm »
Did your team end up winning the grand final?

Haha no, to add insult to injury we lost by 6 points (which is generally what I'd score in an average game off the bench). So that sucked as well.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #443 on: October 03, 2012, 10:39:22 pm »
take carbs you mean eat things like either fruits, bread, rice, chocolate
i.e. toast with chocolate spread and some fruits.

would a fruit smoothie be considered a carb i.e. egg, banana, milk, etc smoothie need to read up on basic nutrition.

the high, low, moderate intensity would not apply to pull ups and dips as i have to try and get a total of 50 reps unless you want me to add weights and hold it between my legs.

Do whatever you want, but intensity certainly applies to pullups and dips as it does to any exercise.

also i forgot to mention after speed workout, only 10-15 minutes before starting weights is a good idea or would i need a log rest.
as the gym is 30 min from where i live i don't want to go there for speed training, come back then go back for weight time will run out a lot quicker.
thanks, can't wait to get started.

30 minutes would be OK, wouldn't want to take too much longer between track and weights if you're going to do them together.

There is a big problem i am so stressed. I went to join a gym, but i had to be a member, so i did then they said you have to go to an induction gym speech, i wanted to do it as soon as possible but didn't have a timetable with me so i chose 9:30 am, also booked a arena to practice bball for a trial coming up at 9:30am. I come home and check my timetable i see that i have a lecture at 10:00 am.

this means gym induction thingy = 9:30am 20 min, 9:50, it takes 20 min to jog and walk back to the uni, which is going to be tough with only 10 mins.
so i can't use bball court for practice  :pissed:.

No gym today so i drank protein shake at home.
ate a banana.

that's about it.

Yeah...I'm happy to answer your many questions but I don't care about every little detail in your life, save them for your journal.

now about the speed workout. the coach was not a proper coach just someone who is good at the short distances.

The track was 40m, 1 lane, not flat so we had to do it on grass.

we did warm up big jog around a big field with obstacles at some point.

we did, high knee skip drills, butt kicks, straight leg pulls down or paw down i don't know what its called its like marching but in a slow moving way pushing the ground back. then 3 cones placed on the floor, run to first, run back, run to second, back and then to third and back, we did step overs, i call them karaoke, no raptor its not singing.

then we had to slow jog to first cone, accelerate to second cone and then sprint to the last we did this 4 times.
That's about it.

they didn't do training at the track, which is somewhere else. Also they don't do actuall specific training just a lot of drills and thats it we're done. but they sometimes go to the local track don't know when.

now the second part of the bad news, the uni club trains only on wednesdays and i will have to join the athletics club, which the uni will pay the fees for. they have top quality sprint coaching, well that's what they said, its on tuesdays and thursdays 6PM!  :o. the clubs training is separate from the uni's training, well its not really training just speed drills.

So how can i change the routine below with what i mentioned above.

monday: tempo work
tuesay: rest/recovery
wednesday: speed work  + weight training (hi intensity low body + moderate upper body)
thursday:  speed endurance
friday:  tempo work + weight training ( lower intensity )
saturday: rest/recovery
sunday: speed work + weight training ( moderate intensity ) - not really training just a long distance run, not for me.

any help please?


So training's on Tuesday and Thursday? Well here's an idea...train on Tuesday and Thursday! Then fit the other things around those as they will be your most important sessions. Rest the day before (Mon and Wed) or you could do light UB weights if you have to do something.

monday: rest
tuesay: club training
wednesday: rest
thursday:  club training
friday:  weight training ( lower intensity )
saturday: rest
sunday: tempo work + weight training ( moderate intensity )

I know what you are gonna say: "There's not enough speed work/speed endurance work/sled dragging sessions etc.". Trust me, this is PLENTY for you right now. I'm sure you will do a mix of stuff in your track sessions which you can really go hard in if you rest up the day before.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #444 on: October 04, 2012, 12:52:18 am »
Did your team end up winning the grand final?

Haha no, to add insult to injury we lost by 6 points (which is generally what I'd score in an average game off the bench). So that sucked as well.

Damn that sucks. Losing grand finals is hell disappointing. Hope your finger gets better soon!
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #445 on: October 04, 2012, 01:26:46 am »
Did your team end up winning the grand final?

Haha no, to add insult to injury we lost by 6 points (which is generally what I'd score in an average game off the bench). So that sucked as well.

Damn that sucks. Losing grand finals is hell disappointing. Hope your finger gets better soon!

Thanks mate,yeah it was disappointing alright. We've lost to this team 4 straight times by only 16 points total (last few were 3,4 and 3), we thought we had them this time.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #446 on: October 04, 2012, 07:26:52 am »
take carbs you mean eat things like either fruits, bread, rice, chocolate
i.e. toast with chocolate spread and some fruits.

would a fruit smoothie be considered a carb i.e. egg, banana, milk, etc smoothie need to read up on basic nutrition.

never mind... about that question.


also i forgot to mention after speed workout, only 10-15 minutes before starting weights is a good idea or would i need a log rest.
as the gym is 30 min from where i live i don't want to go there for speed training, come back then go back for weight time will run out a lot quicker.
thanks, can't wait to get started.

30 minutes would be OK, wouldn't want to take too much longer between track and weights if you're going to do them together.

So it would be better to try and not take too long between track and weights.

There is a big problem i am so stressed. I went to join a gym, but i had to be a member, so i did then they said you have to go to an induction gym speech, i wanted to do it as soon as possible but didn't have a timetable with me so i chose 9:30 am, also booked a arena to practice bball for a trial coming up at 9:30am. I come home and check my timetable i see that i have a lecture at 10:00 am.

this means gym induction thingy = 9:30am 20 min, 9:50, it takes 20 min to jog and walk back to the uni, which is going to be tough with only 10 mins.
so i can't use bball court for practice  :pissed:.

No gym today so i drank protein shake at home.
ate a banana.

that's about it.

Yeah...I'm happy to answer your many questions but I don't care about every little detail in your life, save them for your journal.

My bad, i forgot i was supposed to be asking questions, i mistook it for my journal. sorry about that. it was stress for nothing got time to practice...
i will continue on my journal.


now about the speed workout. the coach was not a proper coach just someone who is good at the short distances.

The track was 40m, 1 lane, not flat so we had to do it on grass.

we did warm up big jog around a big field with obstacles at some point.

we did, high knee skip drills, butt kicks, straight leg pulls down or paw down i don't know what its called its like marching but in a slow moving way pushing the ground back. then 3 cones placed on the floor, run to first, run back, run to second, back and then to third and back, we did step overs, i call them karaoke, no raptor its not singing.

then we had to slow jog to first cone, accelerate to second cone and then sprint to the last we did this 4 times.
That's about it.

they didn't do training at the track, which is somewhere else. Also they don't do actuall specific training just a lot of drills and thats it we're done. but they sometimes go to the local track don't know when.

now the second part of the bad news, the uni club trains only on wednesdays and i will have to join the athletics club, which the uni will pay the fees for. they have top quality sprint coaching, well that's what they said, its on tuesdays and thursdays 6PM!  :o. the clubs training is separate from the uni's training, well its not really training just speed drills.

So how can i change the routine below with what i mentioned above.

monday: tempo work
tuesay: rest/recovery
wednesday: speed work  + weight training (hi intensity low body + moderate upper body)
thursday:  speed endurance
friday:  tempo work + weight training ( lower intensity )
saturday: rest/recovery
sunday: speed work + weight training ( moderate intensity ) - not really training just a long distance run, not for me.

any help please?


So training's on Tuesday and Thursday? Well here's an idea...train on Tuesday and Thursday! Then fit the other things around those as they will be your most important sessions. Rest the day before (Mon and Wed) or you could do light UB weights if you have to do something.

monday: rest
tuesay: club training
wednesday: rest
thursday:  club training
friday:  weight training ( lower intensity )
saturday: rest
sunday: tempo work + weight training ( moderate intensity )

Nice plan, thanks
its ok, better to take rest days, don't want to spend too much time in gym
i like the joint of both sunday i can do, tempo early, weight after.

I know what you are gonna say: "There's not enough speed work/speed endurance work/sled dragging sessions etc.". Trust me, this is PLENTY for you right now. I'm sure you will do a mix of stuff in your track sessions which you can really go hard in if you rest up the day before.

 :-X Took it right out of my mouth. Don't worry i will stick to it. Wednesday is still training but i am not going to go just attend if they are going to show me how to get to the spectrum (local track). I would need to rest.

OK, version 2 ready.
Lets hope this is the last change we have to make.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 07:32:25 am by seifullaah73 »
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #447 on: October 04, 2012, 08:38:10 am »
can you give me an example how pull ups in terms of reps and sets would differ from low intensity and moderate intensity and high intensity.

Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #448 on: October 04, 2012, 08:49:12 am »
can you give me an example how pull ups in terms of reps and sets would differ from low intensity and moderate intensity and high intensity.


Example- You can do 15 pullups.
Low intensity would be doing 5 pullups in 1 set and than resting for a a minute before doing another couple of sets of 5.
Medium intensity would be doing around 8-10 and than resting for a minute before doing another couple sets of 8-10.
High intensity would be doing 15/failure and than resting for a minute before attempting to do another 15.

This applies to other exercises. You can increase intensity by increasing the weight or reducing the resting periods. Likewise you can decrease the intensity by dropping the weight or taking much longer breaks between sets.
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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #449 on: October 04, 2012, 09:51:20 am »
can you give me an example how pull ups in terms of reps and sets would differ from low intensity and moderate intensity and high intensity.


Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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