Foam roll/stretch
TKEs (with band this time, pretty thick): 3x25/leg
Leg curl: 2x8-10@25kgs, 2x8-10@45kgs
Squat (ATG) 1x6@40kgs, 1x6@80kgs, 1x6@110kgs, 1x6@40kgs (really easy, no knee troubles)
Unilat DB Calf raises: 1x15/leg@25kgs, 1x15/leg@30kgs, 1x15/leg@32.5kgs, 1x15/leg@15kgs
Ab pulldown: 2x8-10@50kgs, 2x8@70kgs
Do this one more time this week and then start new plan for 4 weeks:
MON: Squat 3x3, calf raise variation, GHR
TUES: rest --> basketball later (try to take it easy, my team is good enough without me playing 100%)
WED: Squat (work up to 1x6), Cleans (lighter, volume), KB swings
THURS: rest
FRI: Track - Sprints, depth drops (relatively low box to start), Gym - Squat (4x8-10), UB stuff + core
SAT: rest
SUN: Cleans (heavier), RDL (work up to 1x6 heavy), BSS
The only thing I'm thinking about is which squat session is best to throw in an MEBM set (20 rep, heavy weight).. they might be too intense for the volume session...