Jumps at 10':4 SVJs, best
35'', equal
5 DSVJs, best
4 DLRVJs, best was shit, ~36''
No SLRVJs (except few practice ones not worth posting)
Video of SVJ, DSVJ and DL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MvNmV2txcYPretty happy with 35'' SVJ and 36'' DSVJ today. Running verts were no good though. I felt a bit of patellofemoral pain while doing them, and subconsciously my body was just completely shutting down my run-up in order to protect itself. So I decided to not push the running jumps. It's annoying because it's only a mild discomfort rather than persisting pain, it goes away completely after I stop so I don't think it's acute or severe tendinitis. Right now I've got full ROM, no swelling, no pain walking or anything like that so I don't think it's too bad.
Having said that, I don't want this getting worse to the point where it develops into more severe jumper's knee so I'm going to change up my training plan I've been doing over the last few months. It's been getting me gains but I don't want to risk contracting any chronic knee problems because of the high jumping volume.
Since it's only running jumps that seems to give me the discomfort, I think it'd be wise to cut ME jumping out for at least 4 weeks. Sprinting and squatting do not give me any problems so I'll continue doing those (although I am wary that just because an activity doesn't give you pain doesn't mean that it's not aggravating the problem). I'm fairly sure it isn't but I'll be very cautious in the meantime and monitor any pain or swelling during/after squats/sprints (usually there isn't any).
I think I might have changed course a bit anyway as I probably need more raw strength in all muscle groups; this might be a good time to rest my knees from jumping while focusing on building more strength. Mainly through squat but also hamstring exercises like GHR and RDL.
However, I don't want to lose all the explosive strength I have built up so I'll continue to do explosive work that doesn't give me any pain (i.e. anything but jumps). Basically sprints, low level plyos like pogos, tucks, depth drops, KB swings and light cleans (to work on form and reduce load on knees).
Working on putting together a program, will post it up later. It'll probably revolve around Lance's recent post (
http://www.adarq.org/forum/lancests-performance-blog/training-posts/) with 3x squat a week (heavy triple, heavy 1x6, volume) with hamstring and explosive exercises thrown in.
TL;DR: Knee is hurting a bit during ME jumps so going into a strength phase and taking out jumps