GymPower clean: 2x40kg, 2x70kgs, 1x75kgs, 1x80kgs, 1x85kgs, 1x87.5kgs
(catch was a bit dodgy but otherwise not bad)
Depth jump: 2x5@24''
KB swing: 3x8@16kgs (the heaviest KB at the gym, tried doing it with two KBs but couldn't control them properly, next time will try with a DB)
Jump squat: 1x6@16kgs, 1x6@32kgs, 2x6@40kgs
RDL: 1x6@60kgs, 1x6@100kgs, 2x3-4@130kgs, 1x6@100kgs
Wide-grip chins: 6,6,6,6
Foam roll/stretch after