Week 2 - ON/powerGym:Squat (parallel, focus on concentric speed): 1x6@60kgs (warmup), 1x5@110kgs, 1x5@140kgs, 1x5@160kgs
Calf raise (unilateral): 1x15/leg@60kgs, 2x15/leg@110kgs
BSS: 3x5/leg@25kgs DBs
Chin-ups: 8,9,9
Dips: 10,10,10
Squats were good today, the speed was really good. Felt pretty explosive. Also, no hip pain anymore = win
I decided to stop doing calf raises double-legged because the tonnage was getting a bit ridiculous. Was planning on doing 180kgs today, but I would have really struggled to hold the barbell on my back for the length of time it takes to do 15-20 good reps. Last time I did 165kgs for 20 reps I nearly dropped the bloody thing because my traps/forearms were giving out. So I did them single-legged with a box in front for my other foot to balance with. It's probably something I should have been doing anyway to simulate the one-legged jump better.