IMO, I think you're too hard on yourself. You're not a lost cause by any means. Anyone who can train themselves to full squat nearly 400lbs has got something to work with. You could comfortably go from 25% to 15% in a few months of 2x/week tempo sprints (fartlek or 400m repeats). That's what I'd be doing right now along with strength maintenance. Sprint repeat sessions are fat furnaces. Even just HIIT sled pushing with light weights, only takes 10mins of a gym session at the start, and you'll see big gains. Counting cals is boring, just train harder
What is "fartlek"?
Anyway, if you reach 37" rvj, mad respect to you, and even if you don't reach it and get 34-35" in a year, still mad respect, I'd guess the majority of athletes don't even have >32in SVJ.
[100 sprint:100 jog]^n or similar (alternate 100/200m distances etc.)
It depends on the sport I guess. I'd be stunned if most competitive club-level olympic lifters had a SVJ of less than 32''. Your average weekend pick-up basketball player probably is much less though. IMO, basketball at recreation levels is a pretty horizontal game. Smaller guys aren't jumping for rebounds that much, and big guys don't need to. Before I started focusing on it, my jump was pathetic even though since I left school, I played basketball 2-3x/week.
Had two weeks of solid training. I've found the best time for me to hit the gym nowadays is 10-11:30PM, this works really well as it's usually empty and I can sprinkle in some squat jumps/SVJs/DSVJs to the roof. The ceiling is a standard 9' height so I know if I'm getting close to hitting it = ~35''. I changed what I wrote a few weeks ago a little bit so there's a bit more volume:
Warmup: rehab exercises (ham levers for 45sec/leg, banded hip abduction, light pallof press, banded pull-apart, BSS, box pistols) // 400m @>15km/h
Day 1 (heavy): Squats (10-7-5-5-7, currently@80/90/100kgs for 10-7-5 reps) // GHRs (3x10) // banded hip thrust (2x20@20kgs) // Farmer's walks (~40m x 2@40kgs) and 80kg front squat rack holds (3x15-20sec, in between squats)
Day 2 (very slow eccentric, full RoM exercises): RDL (3x5@70kgs) // SL squat (2x6/leg@8kgs // BSS (2x10/leg@15kgs) // wood-choppers to pallof press (2x10/side@15kgs for both) // hanging leg raises (3-4x10)
+ 5-6 squat jumps (no countermovement) in between exercises wherever there's room. Mostly bludging UB, just doing seated rows, light bench press, DB shoulder press, pullups.
I changed some of the core exercises. The excessive weighted window washers and weighted situps were really stuffing my neck up. I have a longer torso so the leverage is quite a lot to overcome, and lots of reps leads to my sub-occipitals getting jammed up, usually giving me headaches 24hrs after. The farmer's walks and front squat rack holds are isometric and can be loaded up pretty good. Then on the light day it's anti-extension with the pallof press (good for back) and regular hanging leg raises, neither of which involve the crunch movement, which suits me better I think. The heavy weighted eccentric core exercises that T0ddday recommended are dynamite, but I just can't keep getting headaches - writes off whole afternoons/evenings.
This squat jump is about 28-29'': my SVJ is a couple of inches more with the countermovement, so no real improvements yet. Looking at that thumbnail, I need to straighten up! Will work on that. Once I'm hitting good squat numbers I'll start doing SJ+SVJ, then SVJ+RVJ in blocks. For this experiment, I'll stick to weighted squat jumps and jumps practice for plyometric activity, no stuffing around with Olympic lifts, bounding or depth jumps etc. yet.