Yeah when I go for volume I also go with lower weights and those lower weights allow me to get really really deep and the whole leg is sore after that.
Gym:Foam roll warmup
Activation: SL glute briges, TKEs, core
Squat: warmup, 2x3@120kgs, 1x2.5@155kgs (the last rep was a half, fucked it up)
SL DB calf raise: 2x20@25kgs \\ Seated calf: 1x20@20kgs, 1x20@45kgs, 1x20@70kgs, 1x10@80kgs
Back extension: 1x10@BW, 2x10@20kgs
Leg curl: 1x10@20kgs, 2x10@40kgs, 1x8@45kgs (or whatever the unit is, doesn't actually say on the machine, could be lbs)
BW: 83.7kgs (with clothes on, I think my fully dry weight would be around 83kgs atm)
Annoyed with squat, the first two reps were good, but I just knew I was gonna fail the last one as I started going down. It was mainly because I probably didn't eat enough beforehand, I remember feeling a bit hungry before I started. Also, the gym was fucking packed out today and sometimes that can distract me when I'm trying to go for a max lift and there's lots of people around, makes you tentative about going for it in case you fail and drop the bar. I'd much prefer to be in an empty gym when going for heavy squats.