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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #255 on: May 09, 2012, 01:35:56 pm »
Thanks for the advice!
I'd never consider doing smolov though coz i'm defs nowhere near smolov level. Even if i was I've got rugby 3x a week so I wouldn't be able to do it. I looked up the texas method-
It seems like a good program but the trouble is I always feel shit on Mondays so I don't think I'd be able to handle that volume, and than on Friday it's probs not the best idea to max out coz I got games on Saturdays. I'll do that program in the off-season though because I like the look of it. When i was searching for Texas Method I came across this othr program called Madcows.
I'm going to incorporate Madcows into my training. I'll probs modify it a bit but I like the theory behind it of squatting 3x a week but having 1 of those days as like a recovery day and than still getting a 5lb weight increase a week. But yeh ultimately I just want to get my squat from the 1.5x region up into the 2x region.

Yeah madcows is another one. I reckon that could work for you if you were to do it. I've looked at those programs and yeah they're difficult to fit into your regular sporting life (unless your sport is powerlifting lol). Smolov is just ridiculous. Any program that starts with 3 consecutive days of squats is gonna be bloody hard.

But yeah once you get to 2-2.5x I think you'll see a big increase in your SVJ because it's mostly a strength jump. From memory I was at prob 26-27'' (or less even) before starting (couldn't get close to rim standing), but then when I started squatting heavy it got to around 29'', then consistently 31'' when I got to 140kgs for reps, now ~33'' max. So if you're at around 30'' now, then you could put quite a few inches on when you get up to 2x.

Yeh with smolov I don't see the point of anybody doing it unless their weightlifters or powerlifters. Well I guess also if somebody is an experienced lifter who's facing a massive plateau haha. With madcows I'd follow it exactly how it's templated except instead of working up to max set I'd work down from a max set after warming up but still keep the same amount of volume if that makes sense. I also wouldn't follow any of the assistance stuff coz i don't really need it atm since all I'm focussing on is bench and squat and my bench is actually going fairly well.
I'm not even at 30" SVJ yet lol I'm still only at around 28" but I can grab rim off SVJ coz I got 7'10 standing reach at 5'11. To increase my SVJ up 5 inches to like 33" I think i'd probably need at least another 50lbs on my squat while staying at the same bodyweight. Only 1 way to find out though :P
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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #256 on: May 10, 2012, 03:16:41 am »
Thanks for the advice!
I'd never consider doing smolov though coz i'm defs nowhere near smolov level. Even if i was I've got rugby 3x a week so I wouldn't be able to do it. I looked up the texas method-
It seems like a good program but the trouble is I always feel shit on Mondays so I don't think I'd be able to handle that volume, and than on Friday it's probs not the best idea to max out coz I got games on Saturdays. I'll do that program in the off-season though because I like the look of it. When i was searching for Texas Method I came across this othr program called Madcows.
I'm going to incorporate Madcows into my training. I'll probs modify it a bit but I like the theory behind it of squatting 3x a week but having 1 of those days as like a recovery day and than still getting a 5lb weight increase a week. But yeh ultimately I just want to get my squat from the 1.5x region up into the 2x region.

Yeah madcows is another one. I reckon that could work for you if you were to do it. I've looked at those programs and yeah they're difficult to fit into your regular sporting life (unless your sport is powerlifting lol). Smolov is just ridiculous. Any program that starts with 3 consecutive days of squats is gonna be bloody hard.

But yeah once you get to 2-2.5x I think you'll see a big increase in your SVJ because it's mostly a strength jump. From memory I was at prob 26-27'' (or less even) before starting (couldn't get close to rim standing), but then when I started squatting heavy it got to around 29'', then consistently 31'' when I got to 140kgs for reps, now ~33'' max. So if you're at around 30'' now, then you could put quite a few inches on when you get up to 2x.

Yeh with smolov I don't see the point of anybody doing it unless their weightlifters or powerlifters. Well I guess also if somebody is an experienced lifter who's facing a massive plateau haha. With madcows I'd follow it exactly how it's templated except instead of working up to max set I'd work down from a max set after warming up but still keep the same amount of volume if that makes sense. I also wouldn't follow any of the assistance stuff coz i don't really need it atm since all I'm focussing on is bench and squat and my bench is actually going fairly well.
I'm not even at 30" SVJ yet lol I'm still only at around 28" but I can grab rim off SVJ coz I got 7'10 standing reach at 5'11. To increase my SVJ up 5 inches to like 33" I think i'd probably need at least another 50lbs on my squat while staying at the same bodyweight. Only 1 way to find out though :P

Sounds good mate, get after it!


Calf raise: 1x20@70kgs, 1x20@110kgs, 1x20@140kgs, 1x20@150kgs  :personal-record:

Clean:1x5@50kgs, 1x6@60kgs, 1x6@70kgs  :personal-record: (even though it's still pretty crap)

Max SVJs: 2x6

Pull-ups: 3x10

DB shoulder press: 3x10-12@30kgs

Core (planks, leg raises with med ball), foam roll, stretch

Edit: Oh and when I've been writing clean I mean power clean (start on ground then catch above parallel, maybe 1/4-1/2 squat max)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2012, 11:21:09 pm by acole14 »


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #257 on: May 14, 2012, 01:17:00 am »
Training of last few days:



Few short sprints

1-leg bounds: 4x20-30m LRLR

2-leg bounds: 2x5-6 for height

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

1x5 for distance (with bit of height)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Depth jumps: 2x6@~22'' (mem card filled up at 4th rep)

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

My single leg bounds aren't worth showing, but from watching the vid I realised my dorsiflexion is OK on the left but way worse on my right leg (which makes sense) so gonna try and focus on that. On the other hand, given I still suck so much I might dump single-leg altogether and just focus on double leg for awhile  :P

Next day I foolishly did a 4km charity run - OK except it was on asphalt so it gave me some mild shin splint pain. Felt good enough to jump after I iced them a bit so got some jumps in that afternoon. Feel pretty good today considering but decided to take a rest day to let my legs heal a bit.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #258 on: May 14, 2012, 04:18:43 am »
You should try to keep your head looking forward on the depth jumps (instead of looking at the ground), you'll do them better.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #259 on: May 17, 2012, 12:41:36 am »
You should try to keep your head looking forward on the depth jumps (instead of looking at the ground), you'll do them better.

Yep for sure. It's funny, whenever I video something I always forget to do something right like keeping my head up more.

I took a few days off because my shins were still sore after the weekend, as well as my right heel, which was a bit bruised. But they're good now.


I tried some squats today but my hips are still bothering me. I got up to 130kgs for a few reps but my hips would start hurt once I got below parallel. It's annoying because the weight feels like nothing (i.e. no problem for quads) but the hip pain is making me stop. I talked to the PT at the gym and he reckons I just have been going too heavy and my hip flexors haven't kept up. He suggested doing some hip cable extensions and hip thrusts every workout to strengthen them before going back up to 130kgs+. So that sucks but at least I've identified a weak point I can work on.

Hip cable extensions: 3x8-10/leg@18kgs

SVJs: 2x6

Core - planks, leg raises w/5kg med ball


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #260 on: May 17, 2012, 08:05:27 am »
That hip injury sounds fuked up. Hope it gets better soon!
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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #261 on: May 20, 2012, 06:37:53 am »
That hip injury sounds fuked up. Hope it gets better soon!

Thanks mate. It's more of a niggle than an injury so hopefully it clears up soon. I've read online of other people who've had the same problem and just tried to squat through it and it got worse so playing it safe. It's basically a combo of:
- (relatively) weak hip flexors
- posture while squatting (I may not have been sitting fully back when I squat recently)
- more foam rolling and stretching needed


6 SVJs - highest around 32''

8-10 DLRVJs - highest 34''

2 hrs of bball

I was pretty happy with my jumping today, not too far off my best despite a disrupted training schedule over last few weeks. I didn't try any SLRVJs though because I my shins were slightly sore from playing bball, but I think they're good to go now.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #262 on: May 21, 2012, 12:11:00 am »
Calf raise: 1x20@110kgs, 1x20@150kgs, 1x20@160kgs  :personal-record:

BSS: 1x8/leg@20kgs, 2x8/leg@25kgs

Hip cable extension: 3x10/leg@20kgs

Core, UB stuff

For squats I kept the weight low (70kgs) and just focused on blasting it up really fast and getting form exactly right. Next session I will get a video (my old gym didn't allow videos but this new one does). I did some BSSs in lieu of heavy squats and they owned me. I forgot how tough these can be.

My training plan atm is pretty much the same as the one I've been doing with a few important changes:

MON: Gym - heavy legs (mainly quads, glutes)
- Squats (will be heavy once I get back into them, low rep e.g. 3x3 heavy weight)
- BSS (this is a great assistance exercise, don't know why I stopped doing them)
- Calf raise
- Hip isolation exercise (either hip thrusts or cable)
- Core, UB (pull-ups or dumbbell shoulder press)

TUES: Track
- short sprints (e.g. 3x50m 100%)
- longer sprints (100m, 120m, 100m etc.)
- bounds (probably focus more on DL bounds for the time being)

WED: Rest
- foam roll and stretch

THURS: Gym (explosive exercises/hamstrings)
- Cleans/snatches
- Jump squats
- Depth jumps

FRI: Jumps
- 6+ of each jump (SLRVJ. DLRVJ, SVJ)

SAT: Rest
-foam roll and stretch

SUN: Jumps
- 6+ of each jump (more effort than Thurs)

So it's not radically different (which is a good thing), but just a few changes. The main difference is less bounds volume (because I suck at them and it's just hurting my legs) and more jumps. I think I've never been jumping enough through the week, I've always just concentrated it on one day. Also swapped lunges for BSS and added in RDL for hamstrings (which I'd been neglecting) and some hip/glute work to target weaknesses in those areas.

2 weeks of this then a rest week where I might try and incorporate some STIM methods, but only if I'm not limited by my hip. Then go for some PRs later in the week
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 04:30:00 am by acole14 »


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #263 on: May 21, 2012, 10:22:20 pm »


4x50m sprints

DL bounds: Height (2x6), Distance (2x6), Alt height and distance (1x6)

Tuck jumps: 2x6

SL bounds: LRLRx3x20m

Pogos: 3x20

Didn't do the longer sprints today because I'm sick and felt like passing out after the 50m sprints  :huh:


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #264 on: May 24, 2012, 05:00:56 am »


Few SVJs

3x50m sprints

3x6 tuck jumps

3x20 pogos

Few SL bounds and line hops

I used a court at my uni I've avoided because it's on asphalt, and now I remember why. I just cannot jump on asphalt. It's like my knees know if I'm jumping on it and get sore after only a few jumps. I stopped and went to the track and did some light stuff and it just disappeared, no pain whatsoever. It's weird, but luckily the sports centre at uni (which normally charges $55+ to hire courts for an hour) are finally letting people do casual shooting at lunchtimes on Friday. So I will prob switch Thurs and Fri around so i can jump on hardwood.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #265 on: May 25, 2012, 04:33:45 am »

Cleans: 2x5@60kgs, 2x5@72.5kgs  :personal-record:

Jump squats: 3x8-9@17.5kgs

Depth jumps: 4x8@18'' (the only box at the gym)

RDL: 1x8@50kgs, 2x8@80kgs, 1x8@100kgs, 1x8@50kgs

Hip cable extension: 1x10/leg@13kgs, 2x10/leg@18kg, 1x10/leg@22kgs

Upper body (DB shoulder press, chins), core (leg raises w/ med ball, side planks), foam roll stretch


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #266 on: May 25, 2012, 07:30:23 am »
17.5 kg for the jumpsquats?

Not using a barbell huh?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #267 on: May 25, 2012, 08:48:48 pm »
17.5 kg for the jumpsquats?

Not using a barbell huh?

Nope, used one of those premade barbells that have set weights. It's good because I can go hide somewhere with it while I do them, everyone looks at you like you're a freak if you do jump squats in the rack  :huh:. I have never seen anyone else at my gym do the stuff I do so I get some funny looks sometimes.


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #268 on: May 26, 2012, 02:20:18 am »
Yeah I know, I do them in the squat rack and get pretty much the same thing. But people here don't even squat so...
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: acole14's journal - DUNK OR DIE
« Reply #269 on: May 28, 2012, 01:01:37 am »
Jumps (yesterday):

4 SVJs


6-7 DLRVJs (all submax, hamstrings were toast after RDLs on Friday)


Squats (depth between parallel/half): warmup, 1x4@140kgs, 2x4@160kgs

Calf raises: 1x20@140kgs, 2x20@160kgs

BSS: 3x7-8/leg@12.5kgs

Core: Leg raises for 3x10@10kgs, front and side planks for 1min/30sec

Foam roll/stretch

It felt good to go heavy again on squats, I found that if I stop just above my usual parallel depth (nearly half-squat depth), then I can do them with no pain at all in hips. They felt pretty easy (I could have grinded out 8-10 reps) so I don't think my max strength has slipped too much.