Author Topic: AGC's journal  (Read 548027 times)

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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1395 on: July 30, 2024, 12:31:55 am »
Squats last week:

4x10@80kgs --> dropped the weight here a fair bit, but felt about right after ~12 days off from squatting.

5x5@100kgs, 1x20@60kgs --> pretty comfortable. No DOMS whatsoever today. Will go to 4x10@90kgs / 5x5 @110kgs next sessions. Still aiming for 5x5@120kgs and 4x10@100kgs within the next month or so.


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1396 on: August 07, 2024, 01:33:46 am »
Squats last week:

4x10@90kgs --> good. 4x10@95kgs next time.

5x5@105kgs, 1x20@65kgs --> I opted for 105kgs instead of 110kgs, felt about right. 5x5@110kgs next time would be nearly back to my recent high of [1x5@100kgs, 4x5@115kgs].


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1397 on: August 18, 2024, 09:15:11 pm »
Another disrupted ~7-10 days  :huh:

My wife ended up getting influenza A alongside the pneumonia kid #2 had a few weeks ago and really went downhill. I ended up doing extra with the kids and still trying to work, which was hard. I thought I had mostly avoided it, but when she started to feel better (about 7-8 days ago), I crashed out. Not sure what I got, but it was probably the worst I've ever felt. Had a few days of fever, extreme lethargy, and frankly quite anxious/mentally drained. I don't really know where the anxiety came from, I'm not used to feeling so weak - I think the added vulnerability coupled with the unchanging responsibilities of work/kids/life stuff just hit me pretty hard. Mostly I'm just very thankful I don't get sick like this too often, I feel a lot of sympathy for those people who are chronically sick around this time, especially with young kids.

I'm mostly recovered now but I still feel only about 70-80% of my normal energy, and still feeling a bit flat mentally. I got swabbed to see what I have and if I need antibiotics to properly clear this thing out of my system. Hoping my energy comes back soon. I haven't been able to engage in my normal hobbies (mostly playing piano) yet, mostly just lying on the couch watching TV.

Haven't been lifting either obviously, but I have realised how good it's been to be back in the gym and thinking about training goals. I imagine I've dropped a fair bit, but the good thing about having no set time goals is that I can be patient building strength back. I have been watching a lot of kneesovertoes guy's stuff, and I'm liking the idea of doing more of that stuff alongside getting diesel in the squat again.


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Re: AGC's journal
« Reply #1398 on: November 06, 2024, 08:27:24 pm »
Very slack updating as usual.  :lololol:

Since being properly sick a few months ago, I've gotten back to consistent 2-3x/week gym. I've also been running a bit more as cardio warmup, and can do a treadmill <4min km. (Not sure if I could do that outdoors yet, I find my treadmill times much faster than real conditions.)

I'm still doing the volume squatting, currently at 4x10@100kgs, and 5x5@115kgs. I'm just going to keep at it until I start plateauing.

Assistance is some KOT lower back exercises, high-rep SL calf raises, and a few different core exercises.

I've found doing the back ext. single-legged has been really good for reducing lower back spinal erector soreness after squats. I'm working up to doing 3x10/leg @10kgs. I've thought for awhile that outside the main compound lifts, everything else should be unilateral if possible to even out strength imbalances.