A- Plantar Fascia Stretch
B- Tibialis Stretch
C1- Sled Push-Pull- 3 x 20m heavy
C2- ATG Squat- bw x 10, +10 x 10, +16 x 10
C3- GHR x 5, 5, 5
D1- Tibialis Raise- 20, 20
D2- Garhammer Raise- Level x 10, 10
E1- ATG Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 10s x 10, 15s x 10
E2- ATG Chin-Up- bw x 5, 5
F- 90:90 > Pigeon Progression
G- Couch Stretch
Have been training fairly meekly the last few weeks. Have had a few niggles over the last couple of months and am progressing meekly. Think it's time to ramp things back up again as the body is feeling pretty good.