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Messages - JayC

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Introduce Yourself / Re: New member with basketball aspirations
« on: December 10, 2012, 11:18:05 am »
Do you play for a club or just social?

^this and

having a killer shot is a gem.  it frees you up for so many other opportunities.  definitely focus on shooting.  focus on shooting in many different situations... under pressure, when you are fatigued, after you have done say 15 suicides... etc.  Against a good defender, it is almost impossible to even get the ball sometimes let alone get off a shot.  You should know by now that one's shot varies a lot under different circumstances.  The mind can play tricks on you.

Pay attention to the details and always learn more about yourself as a player.  For example, ive realized the length of my finger nails can effect my shot, and even the climate can effect your shot.  In cold winter times when it is super dry, the skin on my hands get real cracked and i don't get a good grip on the ball compared to wet summer months.

look up shooting drills and observe how good players in  the ncaa/nba 3 pt contest play.

Why would he waste his time doing suicides? That isn't exactly going to get him more explosive/stronger. In my opinion, since he already seems to have a great shot, the focus should not be on shooting, it really is all about getting strong, strong, strong. Obviously, strength training shouldn't come before Bball, but i'm gussing you play in a club Akanator? So plenty of basketball action already.

Should we say "no" to bench pressing?

IMO you can go much safer with pushups/weighed pushups/elevated feet pushups.

Also, bodyweight lunges seem much safer than doing heavy squats. True story.

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Ammunition for the power athlete
« on: October 27, 2012, 05:21:43 pm »
ZMA does not help sleep that much. What helps sleep the MOST is getting one's mind right... that is having confidence in life, not being influenced by lies spread by society, and getting right with God the creator.  God exposed himself through the fact that things exist.  If things exist, there is something behind it.  Evolution is the biggest pile of crap out there and it is what is causing a lot of the trouble on earth.

Just when I thought you didn't have more in you.. your ability to entertain is unparalleled.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: funny / horrible training videos
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:17:36 pm »

 squatting continuum -

 atg squat ---> full squat----> half squat -------> quarter squat -------> girljordan squat-------> that ^^

That had me laughing so bad.. Girljordan squat hah.

I'm really hungry now..

Basketball / Re: Ball-Handling Programs
« on: July 31, 2011, 07:37:31 am »
i don't get why you need a program? There are like a million drills and workouts layed out for you on youtube, it's not like Marokko has some secret combination of drills that is going to give you mad handles.

So... Waffle racers better for developing feet than Vibrams, why?  :)

« on: July 24, 2011, 07:18:45 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I don't feel nice about being Danish anymore...

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Deadlift and squat form
« on: July 22, 2011, 06:08:32 pm »
First saw the video now Flander, thank you for it.

Also had a coach tell me today that I to let my feet point further out on squats, and I'm still using my back too much on the descent in deadlift, so still got some work to do

Keep posting progress videos.

Really want to do that, the problem is that everybody I know is on vacation or isnt working out here in the summer, and the few that do workout go to fancy gyms like Fitness DK hehe.. So kinda hard to get film currently, but i'll do my best to get some asap.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Deadlift and squat form
« on: July 09, 2011, 09:39:18 am »
First saw the video now Flander, thank you for it.

Also had a coach tell me today that I to let my feet point further out on squats, and I'm still using my back too much on the descent in deadlift, so still got some work to do

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Deadlift and squat form
« on: June 21, 2011, 12:06:21 pm »
Finally got footage together.. that took a long time.
There are two sets of the exercises, one with front view and the other one from the side.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I don't get as low on squats as I thought, not sure if its okay tough, and i'm thinking my torso comes a bit to far forward? and my stance is still pretty unbalanced for sure.
Help is very appriciated.

Lol, sorry English isn't my first language..

Thanks for the reply Lance.

How do you add weight to recline pull-ups?

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Deadlift and squat form
« on: April 12, 2011, 04:25:08 pm »
Sorry that I haven't replied (my computer is pretty messed up), really appriciate the help and I am already seing a lot of progress.
 Will post some new videos when I get my computer fixed.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Deadlift and squat form
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:17:47 am »
Hey guys, I have some problems with my technique and was hoping that you could help me out.

So I recently changed to a mixed grip on my deadlifts to improve my grip, while that certainly helpe with the grip my back is getting murdered when I deadlift now.

Here is a video of it (few reps as I don't want to hurt my back)
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Now with squat the problem is that I have some kind of staggered stance and my body is turning a bit (kinda like basketball shooting position I think), and its like no matter what I do I stay in that kind of poition or something that looks similar, it can be quite hard to change your stance with the bar on your shoulders but even if I lower the weight I can't get in a proper position, and I get a similar position on deadlifts and calf raises I think. So I was thinking that is due to somei mbalance in my body, or is it just a bad habbit?
Another thing with my squat is that my lower back can get a little sore, i'm guessing that is not a good thing.
Something went wrong went i tried to upload my squatting so I don't have a video of it, but I will upload it again asap.

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