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Messages - dirksilver

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
i bet you see a lot of black helicopters caring the illuminati leaders of the new world order dontcha sicknin?

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Squatting
« on: September 03, 2011, 01:54:52 am »
what about for sprinting>

Depends on whether you mean speed or actual sprinting.  In general increasing your squat will help you more in two-footed standing jumping than it will in running.  Squatting will usually have some carryover to the acceleration phase of sprinting.  For speed relevant to sport (soccer, football, etc) this is about all that matters.  However, for actual sprinting the acceleration phase is a minor part of the race.  Most high level sprint races separate when athletes get the chance to display max velocity.  The problem with this is that if your increases in the squat are combined with increases in bodyweight your maximum velocity may suffer EVEN if your relative strength (as measured by squat to bw) increases.  If you plan on competing as a sprinter... watch out for this.

For a track sprinter, what would you prescribe to improve maximum velocity and how do you explain lower speed despite improved relative strength?

Maximum velocity is by far the hardest quality to train.  It's equal part tendon stiffness and leg strength.  For well trained athletes max V can be improved with overspeed work (pulling, slight downhill runs, etc), lot's of max V work (flying 20s, etc), single leg bounding work, or changes to mechanics. 

It's lower speed despite improved relative strength as measured by the squat.  You see this because the squat becomes a poor measure of strength at maximum velocity.   Even high school sprinters have their fastest 10-meter splits well under a second.  At this speed an athlete must exhibit extremely brief powerful single leg ground contact and the squat does not accurately predict their ability to produce power in this movement.  So basically, if you weigh 150 pounds and squat 300 pounds and run an 11 flat 100m (assume fastest 10m split of 0.9) and you increase your back squat to 400 pounds and your bodyweight to 200 pounds  it's very likely that your 10m split will now be slower.   

Note that this is less true for poorly trained athletes.  If an athlete is running 13.0 seconds in the 100m then their max V may likely simply because they fatigue before they can accelerate to max V.   If this is the case then overdistance work for endurance and increase in relative strength as measured by squat will increase their acceleration, maximum velocity and speed endurance.   

Notice that this is less true for an untrained athlete. 

Thanks for taking the time to answer this. Still, I don't understand your explanation. If an athlete increases his squat / bw ratio through an increase in bw and much larger increase in the squat, which mechanism makes that he is now slower?

i just don't get the ratio he used as in wasn't an increase in relative strength but rather absolute strength

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: September 03, 2011, 01:44:28 am »
have you seen your pedo-chocolate bear lately?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 31, 2011, 03:17:44 am »
U crazy, sir  :D

thanks :D


diet = tons of coffee, dunks.............., steak sandwich, running with dog, rested-max=275x8 + NGP=8, tons of ghr's + 3 sets of supine nearly stiff leg hamstring isos until failure

blooper slrvj

<iframe width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

you ought to edit a fart noise into the video when take off and when you juuuuuust miss the dunk and re-upload is as your blooper hahaha that'd make me laugh

yeah i know i'm pretty much a 5 year old hahaha

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 27, 2011, 03:32:41 pm »
way too heavy

I outweigh you by 35 pounds while also being 1 inch smaller.

i weigh 200 pounds while being the same height as you! booo yaaaa!

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Check out my new dunks
« on: August 25, 2011, 06:32:27 pm »
nice but that's an old vid.. ?? ive seen that exact vid before hah.


i don't think it was the exact same vid...the really hard dunks are older ones...the newer ones i think were the ones that were weaker(still good!)but the pump/windmill was a lot weaker...i'm pretty sure those are new

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 22, 2011, 09:33:45 pm »
hey man i'm gunna be a doucher and ask you for some workout advice!

so my lower back is in really terrible shape and squats seem to be making it worse...i'm looking into finding a good strength coach to workout the kinks with my so i don't feel like i'm dying the next 48 hours+ after i squat but in the mean time i was thinking i'd stop squating and try doing heavy barbell lunges since they don't seem to cause me pain...whats your take brother? does this sound good? or do you have anything else you think i might wanna try?

thanks Andrew i appreciate your time mon chum!

so V why don't you start coiling like a mo with a couple friends,document everything and post your results...everything you're saying is academic AT BEST and complete(and most likely)bullcrap at worst


The third image in the first set of stills you posted Tdub's feet are about 80 degrees + of basket, spine is at a similar angle.

In the next image, he rotates clockwise. Can you not see that? Cuz I mean, he clearly twists to the left, when I'd expect an RL planter to twist + to the right.


You are incorrect about one thing in you last post: the angle at which TDUB is planted in relation to the rim should not matter. In his other dunks he may even be 180degrees + of the rim. SUch as in the second set of stills Adarq posted, his toes are basically 180 + of the tim (not - because approached 180 from rotating +) and in that dunk he did not rotate much since he did a completely dif dunk.

Adarq's feet face the rim, but he comes from a slanted approach like most LR dunkers, so he is rotating a little bit, the rotation you'e talking abotu though is happening after the jump, and it's compltely opposite of how others think to jump: RL planters would rotate opposite of Tdub for instance.

Also I'd imagine this coiling exercise would feel a lot like a simple 2 punch in boxing, where your back fist rotates across your entire body, and beginners would definitely feel this in your core.

THe motion is quite similar, squat back, rotate left, feet are in an RL plant right foot back, punch with right.

Tdub is just turning to get the ball i'm pretty sure

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Orlando Magic squat walkthrough
« on: August 19, 2011, 07:17:32 pm »
i cain't get the second video to work pour moi!

why is everyone just talking out of their ass, i don't get it.

Those fucked up threads are beginning to get really annoying!
Backpedal strokes , NBA players that don't train because they can already dunk , top secret T-DUB secret and so on...

Raptor, we all agree there are better and worse plants ( although you are being dogmatic about rotation etc , each body is different and has a different optimal plant ).

EDIT : picking random Vince Carter videos , comparing uneven things (old VC - young VC / open court one hander - pivot dropstep 2 hander) and making arguments and rules out of it = broscience.

But this is a wrong thread to talk about this , this is a thread that talks about "T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

"T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

"T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

"T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

"T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

"T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

"T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

"T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

"T-DUBS biggest secret. Elastic winding & coiling."

THANK YOU! i was thinking the same thing...i was like how can you even compare those dunks?!?!?! not even close to the same thing at all!!!!

gosh dang raptor!!!! the only things apples and oranges have in common are they're both fruits!

i still don't think you're added video applies to jumping...maybe if what he was doing was horizontal(and still even then it's not the same thing)but it's's vertical

MUSiC anD SHeeT! / Re: Hardcore music for the interwebs
« on: August 06, 2011, 02:04:24 pm »
I don't usually listen to any hardcore music. I know Rise Against isn't really "hardcore" per se, the post was more about the message of the song than music.

I don't see how Rise Against is really a sell-out. The whole point of their music from the start has been to spread political messages and that's what they've kept doing. If they have to expand their audience into the mainstream to spread their thoughts to more people, more power to them. I'll consider them sell-outs when they make money without making music about anything meaningful like most of the bands teenagers listen to.

it's cool man you can like rise against all you want but i still think they blow and if their change to reach more voices is akin to "abandoning the free market to save the free market"...i disagree with their politics anyways...they're liberal tools with no brains most likely

MUSiC anD SHeeT! / Re: Hardcore music for the interwebs
« on: August 06, 2011, 01:27:32 pm »
did you listen to the chariot yet?

i dunno how to embed the link

MUSiC anD SHeeT! / Re: Hardcore music for the interwebs
« on: August 06, 2011, 01:25:44 pm »
What do you have against Rise Against?

they suck thats what i have against them...that and they sold out biiiiiiiigggggg time!

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