wat you mean what's the beef?
i'm still surprised no one has pasted the kenny dobbs excerpts from the article.. finally a "TFB level dunker" is measured, and no one cares.. lmao
actually, i read this article today and noticed the kenny dobbs excerpt. I was really surprised when he said majority of his hops are being contributed by his quads and calves.... and that he has glute and hamstring development of a "fetal pig"... i mean, i have dedicated the past two and a half years of my life to increase the power output of my glutes and hamstrings and completely ignoring my calves and now i read this... i dont know what to think.... i really am confused as fuck as what to focus on. kellyb said "no glutes = no results".. and ive been going on that as well as joedefrancos methods, rippetoe... etc...
i am still to this day trying to make the glutes and hamstrings my prime movers, and while my glutes are much better developed now, i still dont feel them doing anywhere as much work as my quads in a bilateral jump.