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Messages - ghettoracer

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so i've been out of MPSS for over a month.  but yesterday was the first time i woke up at 6:30am in 4+ weeks.  and last night i slept at 2:30am (after doing a late 10:30pm-12:30am hot spring session with lots of stretching and yoga, ~15 minutes of meditation).  got up at 6am this morning again.  i'm happy!  finger crossed on getting back into MPSS state.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

hmm, new web site:

i'm sure we'll learn more about the truth eventually.  i'm just glad Casey stood up for himself and now, his life is forever different!!  that was history in the making.  now he is the international representative for all bully victims.

this story makes no fucking sense. why would a skinny kid, who is in 7th grade, walk up to a massive 10th grader and start punching him for no reason. skinny kid is not gonna bully somebody 3x his size and 3 years older than him. think about it... more than likely, casey talked shit, skinny kid stood up for himself, then casey bodyslammed him.   also, the facebook page has to be the most hypocritical page on facebook. at this point, everybody is bullying on skinny people while glorifying the fat kid.

it makes perfect sense.  Casey has been bullied so much and always took it.  so even a little punk ass 7th graders (3 year underclassman) dare to taunt Casey (because skinny kid was with his buddies and they cheered him on and backed him).  finally Casey snapped.  if you look at Casey's photo you can tell he's a sweet guy.  this is casey:

pix from:

i don't condone violence but the little kid asked for hit. he's lucky he didn't get hurt more badly...  he could've been seriously hurt.

personally i hate bullies and i had personal experience first hand.  it was in 1986/87 i had just arrive in California from Taiwan and could't speak a word and didn't even know the alphabets from A to Z.  there was this punk little black kid that always caused trouble and one time he pressed the communication button to the main office and said it was me.  i could barely speak English so i couldn't defend myself using words.  i was so angry and i decided to fight him after school.  the little fag was chicken shit, slapped my glasses off and ran away.  i was victorious.  lol.  no one fucked with me after that because i stood up for myself.  same shit happened to me and my little brother while riding bicycles in the ghetto ass San Pablo (near to Richmond), super drug infested area in Northern California.  some neighborhood kids tried to punk us too, and again i had to stood up.  luckily the neighborhood adult recognized us and escorted us back to the liquor store.  that's where i grew up because my family had a liquor store in the ghetto (hench my nick name ghettoracer heh).  i've seen my share of punk ass kids.  but of course, lot of them had to be tough because that's what you gotta do in the ghetto to survive...  that's whole another story.

awesome work chubby kid! stupid skinny punk kid got what he deserved. almost killed the little bastard though. damn...  haha, little Zangief is what they call him!! damn right.

haha, this version rocks with sf2 sounds effects!

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

super combo version:

google little zangief if youtube takes down the video.

ps, little zangief's real name is Casey Heynes...  not sure if this bit is accurate.  i hope it is:


Bully Boy's Mom Speaks Out! "My Son Got What He Deserved"

well, i do hope the little kid learn his lesson and turns out okay in the future.

say yes to yoga flames!!


multi phase sleep update...
Posted on March 11, 2011 by ghettoracer

by Frank M. Lin

I sort of caught the flu virus that's been going around in Taiwan (or maybe not).  Nothing serious, no fever or headache or body aches.  Just running nose for like a week.  Actually, I think I brought it upon myself...  Normally after a hot spring session you're suppose to hit the cold shower (or in my case I dipped in the cold water tank one last time before towel drying myself) to close up all the pores on your skin (???) so that when the wind blows on you, you won't catch a cold.  Well, that one day two weeks ago I got out of the hot tank, and just dried myself.  So I ended up sweating a lot, with my pores wide open, and I rode scooter down the hill with my jacket open...  and this is most likely how I got the running nose, and not from a virus.

In any case, the running nose made me slept a lot more than usual.  One day I actually slept for like 14 hours and just didn't feeling like moving or doing anything but snuggle up in bed.  That was around Feb. 25th, 2011 or so and today is already March 10th, 2011.  So not much multi phase sleeping anymore as my night rests are back to minimum of 6 hours a night.  When I wake up from the sleeping sessions I no longer feel refreshed and rejuvenated.  Which means the sleeping quality is no longer intense and powerful like during actual multi phase sleep.

Looking back, this period of multi phase sleep started around November 2010.  What kicked it off was when I started to move my bed time from past 1am to 11pm.  In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) philosophy, 11pm-1am is critical time for body repair.  It is the natural body cycle/time for the liver to regenerate itself.  If you don't believe it, try to to sleep by 10pm for a week and you should feel like you need a lot less sleep and you wake up much more refreshed.  I notice that, by doing chikong and/or yoga (there are many methods that will directly or indirectly increase your chi/energy levels) I'm less bound by the rule that require me to rest during the 11pm-1am repair time.  During the multi phase sleep periods the best thing seems to be the body is never fatigued.  Even if I was running and playing full court basketball for 4 hours a day.  All I would need is a 10-15 minute power nap after the game, and all my energy is back!!  The feeling is quite amazing.

Basically for me, when I'm in the multi phase sleep state (MPSS) the entire body seems to be operating at peak efficiency.  During a lot of these power nap sessions, my mind actually still awake and alert.  I would describe the feeling as the body needed to stop its movements for a little while, and especially the eyes needs to be closed.  In MPSS when I'm feeling tired, closing the eyes makes a HUGE difference.  Even just shutting the eyes half way I can feel the energy requirement needed to keep the eyes processing the information - think about it, shut the eye lids down half or even 75% and the imagery is drastically reduced, thus reduced energy needed to operate it.  This is all just my own theory of course.  I'd have to check it against other people's experiences and flip through older texts to see what other people's experiences are like.  This is fun stuff for sure.

So when I'm in serious MPSS phase, some days there would be no one major sleep block at all.  It would basically be power naps every 3-4 hours on average.  These sleep sessions are super intense, often 10-15 minutes in time, and frequently it is shorter, like 5 minutes.  I would completely lose the feeling of time - 5 minutes could feel like an hour!  Is that cool or what?  I guess some might say that's disorientation at work and in a way they are right.  I'd freak my friends out a lot haha...  I'd be like, sorry dudes, I need to crash for 5 minutes.  I would seem to be asleep, but yet my brain is alert and my ears are functioning and I can wake up 5 minutes later, and still join their conversation.  They'd freak out be like, dude I thought you were completely knocked out you looked dead asleep.  Hahaha...

Olympic Weightlifting / Re: World's Strongest Teenager - WTF
« on: February 24, 2011, 08:37:17 pm »
interesting.   :o

i tried this, its only rubbish for the 1st few weeks when your body adapts to the sleeping pattern. probably not recommended for peak performace workin out, but if u wanna research dream land, then its perfect. i did 20min naps every 4hours, it was intense the 1st few days, overnappin and feelin real tired. after a few weeks, the naps started feelin different, sumtimes id fall asleep str8 away and the second i fell asleep i heard the 20min alarm go off, that freaked me out a few times. other times id wake up at the alarm and it would feel like iv been asleep for hours. the best times were wat is called hypnogogia, inbtween sleep. id feel my body go sleep, but my mind wanders, and wat i was thinkin about turned into a semi dream, real quick flashes of lucidity, and sumtimes wen i kept focus i could b lucid for a few mintues.

yep yep.  you're doing it right.  one thing about polyphase sleep is that body recovery efficiency seems to be at the maximum.  i love it when the body goes to sleep, but the mind is still clear.  you can hear all your friends conversations, and 5 minutes later when you are able to move your body you talk to them it was as if you were awake.  it freaks my friends out.   lol.  they think i'm crazy.

polyphasic is pretty cool if you hav an empty schedule, and you wana amillion more minutes in your day. i was learnin spanish, and studyin freeman law xD i cudnt keep it up kuz it was messin wiv the relationship, i like fallen asleep wiv my lady and wakin up next to her, i started missin it too much to carry on xD learnt alot about my body through this, that switchover between wake/sleep is an interesting phaze.
The main goal for at all is REM sleep, and from some stuff i read thats when most of the tissue rebuilding happens, so with enough time your body can adapt to hit rem every 20 min nap, givin u 2hours of dream/rebuid time throughout the day. sounds good in theory, u jus gotta giv urself enough time to adapt. 

pieca peace

definitely gained a bunch of extra times to do things.

it's not rubbish.  i'll elaborate on my background in multiphase sleep later but in short, think about this, babies/new borns do multiphase sleep!  they do not eat on schedule or sleep on schedule.  they eat when ever they are hungry and they sleep whenever they are tired and need to rebuild energy.  it is 100% natural.  humans are habitual animals, when we conditioned ourselves into the same shits we tend to find it hard to change, but only at first.  once you are used to multiphase sleep it'll feel completely normal; except the society will think of you as crazy.  :-)

Basketball / Re: Blake Griffin needs his own thread - This guy is a freak
« on: February 07, 2011, 04:24:59 pm »
lebron has played his entire basketball life in ohio, first akron, then cleveland nba.. everyone in that city/state thinks they own lebron and he "owes them" by staying there his whole life.. im glad he took a big heaping shit all over those fans by going to miami, look how they reacted.. death threats, burning jerseys, booing him, tons of youtube video rants, etc..

_that's the point_, fans will turn on you in a second so there is no loyalty to begin with, and lebron understands that.. he's seen it happened to plenty of player's in the nba, nfl, mlb, etc.

LBJ is probably the only franchise player to leave the team at/before his prime though.  is there anyone else that did pulled this chicken shit stunt like he did??

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: my sure killing hand in omaha hi-low poker
« on: February 07, 2011, 06:46:41 am »
it's a poker game called omaha hi-low...  google/wiki it.  it's like texas hold them but with a "low" hand too.

Pics, Videos, & Links / my sure killing hand in omaha hi-low poker
« on: February 06, 2011, 09:56:37 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Basketball / Re: Blake Griffin needs his own thread - This guy is a freak
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:45:31 am »
LBJ gave up.  he was in position to build a great legacy but took the easy way out.  no matter how great his achievement he will have in the future, he will always be remembered as the guy that left.  some guys who never won a ring, but is still remembered well.  LBJ won't be one of them...

franchise players shouldn't leave to begin with, and should not leave during their prime.  especially not the way LBJ handled it.

Basketball / Re: Blake Griffin needs his own thread - This guy is a freak
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:48:17 am »
he's going to be what LBJ was meant to be and what LBJ never will be...  hahah, this is awesome.  i'm a fan of Griffin fo sho.  LBJ, NEVER.

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