« on: March 26, 2012, 08:38:13 pm »
Well i'll reply a quick one since i'm on my phone will continue later. I did 3sets 5 max effort jump 20to 30second rest be tween reps and 2 minutes between sets. I then do mr tuck jumps about 8to 10reps 3 sets. Whats the different between mr tuck jump and normal tuck jump?is that enough volume? Should i add bounding?what variation and reps if so? Thanks oh since i got time add a bit more. I never knew more than 2.5kg twice rep month could slow down jumping progress. Whats the cause of it? Ain't you getting stronger, and along with the jumps you increase the efficiency? I see lots who progress 2.5 kg rep week or some per workout. They're jumping 30plus inches. I'm guessing they're already fast enough that they can concentrate on strength?also what single leg plyos i can do? Probably something which doesnt require lots of space (weather friendly), something i can do indoor too at homeif it rains. Also when wu say more jumping, so would you say i do low level plyos , basketball could probably be counted on no leg workout days? Thanks
Is depth jumps necessary? max effort jump, mr tuck jumps, and possibly bounding if you do suggest it, is that enough? maybe do them before leg workout, and an additional day of jumping, probably on wednesday,( legs might still be sore), just do tuck jmps and bounding or something? What you recommend btw? i do legs on mon and fri. so would juumping on mon , wed, fri be better or mon, thur and fri?
QWell i'm only 5ft6 no doubt i play guard haha. well its a square, or more like rectangle court. the corners are high school 3point. i'm not at the point where i can shoot them comfortably enough to move back further. strength issue is one thing.
oh and i remember how you said , either you or the article, said abouit how one should focus on strength when they're already really fast, or they're beginners since beginners benefit from anything.
well wouldnt i be considered beginner? i've officially starting wokring out properly since december, started at july last year but that was from my lower back injury and really weak. did high volume like 12/15-30rep ranges with al lsort of exewrcises. started squatting november, but went UK for two weeks, came back weak shit. so officially november 24th or around that time? its been about close to 5 months now would u say i stil lqualify as a beginner?