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Messages - John Stamos

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: June 08, 2021, 09:30:09 am »
Saturday I hopped a conveyor and slammed my calf.  Still swollen and burns so Sunday I went for a walk


Seated dB oh press.  4x15@40-50-55-60
DB raise front and side with bent over raises
3x10 25lbsx1 set 30 x 2 sets

Cable push downs with vbar and ropes. 3x10 each

Log clean and press.
180x2(no press)
200x1 no press

Went for a walk

Just going to take it easy for 2 weeks then hopefully I don't stop again lol

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: June 02, 2021, 08:02:57 pm »
3 mile jog.

Tomorrow going to attempt to run from the gym to town and back and do a quick workout.   Mostly because I'll be cramped after a few sets.

Thurs, Fri, Saturday I got forced into work early.

This morning just went for a 2 mile jog down the road.

So when I got to my last 15 minute spot from yesterday I was 13:13 in.  I went for the 16:23 or whatever it was and I was fairly close to getting to the second road.  On my way back I was 1 min 5 seconds faster.  Tomorrow I'll run for 17:28 one way.

I was fairly tired considering how much running around I did at work last night so I was surprised.  I think the 15 min mark I did yesterday was 1.5 miles.  I believe I hit my first mile around 10:06.  Started off with a 9:30 pace and ended with an Almost 11 min so idk how I beat it.

It's finally warm

I am running on the trail again and I ran for 15 minutes.  My goal was to run the return trip faster.  My return trip was 1:23 seconds faster.

So tomorrow I'm going to run 16:23 and try to beat my time back.

I want to work up until I reach the second road that cuts through the trail.  Once I get back to that I want to be able to do it in 15 minutes and beat it on the return trip.  Then once I can do that I want to try and decrease my time.  I think it might be around 2 miles one way but tomorrow I'll have Strava going.

Then I just went out and did curls n stuff with kettlebells.

It's been awhile

Started my new job and I've only had one day off since january.  It's warming up now so whenever it's warm I just go for a run.  Today I ran up and down my road, approximately 3 miles.  It's been raining a lot so I'll have to suck it up and go to the gym to run tomorrow and on.

I signed up for the court officer test before covid and it got delayed.  I just got the email that they rescheduled it for august.  I don't mind my job and I earn a lot but because of seniority I won't ever see day shift and I'll basically be forced to work at least 6 days a week even years from now. As a court officer though Id just work mon thru Friday, no weekends really and really no nights, plus if I got promoted up to lieutenant I can make more money.

With that being said I'll have to get ready for a fitness test which includes max push ups, max sit ups, run beep test, agility run.  I downloaded a beep test so when it's warmer out I'll go to the track and do 20 meter runs.

Anyway I gotta stop being lazy and get after it.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: March 01, 2021, 10:22:48 am »
My legs were torn up so at it today

Safety squats triples to 255 I think, I forgot how much the bar weighs

Db single arm cleans 40-50-60
Wallballs 20lbs wod
Took like low 8 mins, I wore a thicker mask today which was a mistake.

I'ma do a 10 minute jog and head out.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: February 23, 2021, 05:17:07 pm »
Haven't done shit ugh

Squat: 185x5x5
It wasn't heavy but if I haven't squated in awhile then my legs hurt.  It doesn't feel like a pump or soreness it just hurts

Log cleans up to 200lbs

Bb power cleans
Triples to 175

Shoulder stretch

Shoulder press machine for 5sets

10 min jog

Tomorrow will be safety squats, deadlift, dead hangs, lat pulldown, single db cleans, mile jog

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: February 01, 2021, 12:07:22 pm »
Getting back into the swing of things at work.

Last week mon thru Thursday I was on the packers but running around a lot.  Friday and Saturday I was on the palletizers and running around even more.

I forgot which days I was at the gym but I did some lifting and 2 days I did 30 min stairmaster.

Today I woke up late and just did a 30 minute jog.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: January 05, 2021, 04:41:21 pm »

I ran for 20 minutes
Pool room
Jumping jacks


Tried to bench but was whooped

Went today just to walk

I got the call and I got the job.  I think after my probation period I'ma get a storage unit and order weights.  The place I was looking at was doing like 1000lb sets n what not so I'll go with that to start it off.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: December 30, 2020, 01:16:46 pm »
10 minute stairmaster
10 minute bike
19 minutes row for 1.5 minutes then 19 wallballs

Total of around an hour

Tomorrow will be deads, squats and just a bunch of other stuff since the gym is closed on Friday.

I've been looking at a place in pennsylvania for equipment and so far it's about 11k worth of stuff.

"Jungle gym"
Which is a lat pulldown, pull up assist, seated cable row
Plate loaded bench(also use for shrugs)
Chest supported t bar row
Pec and rear delt fly
Lying leg curl
Hammer strength chest press lat pulldown combo

Realistically I can do with just a lat pulldown and smith machine which would be over a grand cheaper than the jungle gym.

Anyway this is just a wish list since I'd wait til the apprenticeship is over.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: December 28, 2020, 11:02:29 pm »
I guess they are calling people for the apprenticeship next week(the job I've been going my current job lol).  I haven't been turned down so it's looking like I'll be getting it.

The plan is I'll want to get through my apprenticeship but along the way aquire gym equipment.  If I can pull it off there's a house I want to buy that has a big garage already that wouldn't be hard to add onto.

As far as equipment

I'll build platforms myself
Already have barbell, just need more weights
Smith machine
Hammer strength equipment
-. There is a chest and lat combo
Leg press swing
I saw a lat pulldown, low row and pull up assist combo
Narrow cable machine

I want other shit too but I can't find it.  My old gym had a plate loaded bench press and tricep dips combo that I can't find.  If I can find a old school leg press hack squat then I'll do that instead. 

Ill start when (if) things get back to normal because gym equipment is in low stock and expensive these days.

As far as cardio I'd like a jacobs ladder and treadmill.

A lot of this stuff is a grand a piece but I've found some for under 400 but like the chest press holds 135 each side..which honestly might be enough.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: December 28, 2020, 02:07:09 pm »
Upper body

Ran for a bit

Bench: 225x5x3
Shoulder still sucks
Drop set back down 225-185-165-135

Strict Oh press: up to 135x4x5

Dead hangs for 4 sets

Db side raises and oh press: 3x10
Db extensions: 4x10

Cable crossovers and push downs for idk 5 sets each

Felt good, tomorrow will be stretching and cardio in the area above the pool which is usually around like 75 degrees or more.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: December 25, 2020, 12:40:40 pm »
I've been doing the workouts but I am watching wonder woman 1984 right now.  Right away I was wondering how there are kids on the island so I looked it up.  Apparently they raid ships, bang dudes, kill them, throw them back into the sea and go back to the island.

I was thinking about it and I'd probably be fine with Gal Gadot doing that to me.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Triathlon sprint prep
« on: December 17, 2020, 08:01:35 pm »
This week

Close grip bench for 3x5 @225
Chest flyes
Lots of tricep work
Lots of running

Had 2 cardio days

Yesterday I ran
Deadlift/ssb Squat super set

Up to 275 for 3x5 for deads and 235 or so for the squats.

I felt some aches so I'll start bringing my bag in and wear knee sleeves

Also did back work

Tomorrow I have to work overnight so I'll go early to get accessory work and cardio done.

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