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Messages - JackW

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News, Announcements, & Suggestions / Re: Embeding youtube videos
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:36:21 am »
Hi Andrew

I changed a typo in my jump video and it removed your html edit. Can you refix it up. Sorry about that.


Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Jack Woodrup Jumping Video
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:14:41 am »
Thanks for the kind words guys.

My run up and plant used to be much different. It felt much much smoother when I did a lot of it. What you see in the video is someone who has done little to no max effort jumps in a long time. With the sore knees I also feel a bit nervous running in now because I know I am going to pay for it the rest of the day.

I also really feel the extra upper body weight and loss of strength. In addition to my extra 8kg in weight my squat 1Rm would be down about 25kg and my deadlift down probably 40kg from before my knees called it a day on me.

Still not the same as a dunk video but it will have to do for you.



Program Review / Re: Free to Fly - jumptrainee1
« on: December 21, 2010, 07:00:59 am »

We were talking all kind of ideas over youtube messaging... haven't talked to him in a long time though.

I just messaged him today after reading your post. It would be great to get him involved a bit more.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Jack Woodrup Jumping Video
« on: December 21, 2010, 06:40:42 am »
Andrew if you know how to fix my post so that the video embeds properly go right ahead and fix that up would you.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Jack Woodrup Jumping Video
« on: December 21, 2010, 06:38:46 am »
Hi Guys

Amongst all this requests for coaches who sell programs not having any videos talk I thought I would make a quick video and post it.


I have a standing reach of 227cm and would say I got probably 5cm of my fingers above the rim so that is a RVJ of about 78cm or 31inches. In the big scheme of peoples jumping ability that isn't that great but here is a few things to consider

1) I am nearly 36 years old
2) I have not trained my vertical jump in nearly 2 years at all
3) I have chronic tendonitis in my right knee so max effort jumping like this actually really, really hurts (and it shows in my lousy jumping form, poor run up etc).
4) As a result of 3 I only ever do max effort jumping like this about once every 6 months when the thought occurs to me along the lines of - "I wonder if I can still grab the rim"

These jumps are well down on my max jumping days but given the above points, and also the fact I am now 8kg heavier than I was when I just trained for jumping, I am actually reasonably happy with those jumps.

Anyway, feel free to laugh, call me out, argue about freaky elbows, low rims, dodgy camera angles or whatever else you feel like. I just thought I would post a vid for you to see.



Program Review / Re: Free to Fly - jumptrainee1
« on: December 20, 2010, 09:09:15 pm »

What I would REALLY like is to get in touch again with Joel Smith and make him join this forum.


Joel wrote an awesome article for me at 

Smart guy. Nice chap too.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Jeremy Shockey Vertical K swiss commercial
« on: December 09, 2010, 11:54:33 pm »
I don't doubt the zoom waffle racers at all. I have been training in a pair of Adidas Fluid trainers. Probably not quite as light as the Waffle racers  but pretty light, very comfortable, nice flexible soul - basically awesome.

They look good with jeans too.


What about naked? I really like women in high heels when naked though.

Oh yeah Raptor. I look good in them naked too. But I look great in anything naked due to my extreme buffness and super tight abs.  8)

I also like women in high heels and no clothes. It is a strange combination really to like. I mean if you are a women and yo uhave taken off your clothes, presumably to ahve sex, then surely it isn;t that big a deal to whip off the shoes too! Oh well, that is pornorgraphy messing with our modern male psyche for you.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Jeremy Shockey Vertical K swiss commercial
« on: December 09, 2010, 06:47:27 pm »
I don't doubt the zoom waffle racers at all. I have been training in a pair of Adidas Fluid trainers. Probably not quite as light as the Waffle racers  but pretty light, very comfortable, nice flexible soul - basically awesome.

They look good with jeans too.


Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Jeremy Shockey Vertical K swiss commercial
« on: December 09, 2010, 06:09:08 pm »
Patrick Willis - runs like a cheetah, hits like a super pissed runner

"Secret Muscles"

Take them tubes off and put them up to your ear. Hear that sound? That's the sound of your muscles getting big!

"Suck it physics"

You know I was half tempted to import a pair of APL shoes to do a few Myotest tests on with a few athletes I train who are all about the same size but in the end I knew it was going to be a waste fo $300 plus postage. However after seeing the Kenny Powers K-Swiss ads, I am so getting some K-Swiss tubes. I want "secret muscles".


PS I love Kenny Powers.

Andrew when you were explaining what was wrong with some of thoe videos you could have just said - "He wasn't even trying"

Program Review / Re: Squat flex and jump manual or the gym?
« on: December 01, 2010, 12:03:30 am »
What kind of gym charges $139 per month, or $230 per month with a pool?  :o

Nothing specific but most people who played as much basketball and other sports as I did along with extreme training will have some degree of damage at my current age.  For years I played on concrete courts and that probably has a lot to do with it. I've never had a single acute injury that kept me out of action - I've had tendonitis and an occassional ankle sprain but no ligament tears, muscle tears or anything like that..just general wear, tear, and age. The training I consider the least of the culprits...the only thing I've done trainingwise that I thought that jacked me up pretty good was some of the DB hammer stuff like REA squats.

I also had some degree of rheumatoid arthritis, which is an immune disease where your immune system attacks the joints. Mine was fairly mild as far as that goes and just caused fatigue, general muscle stiffness, and chronic pain in my hands, fingers, toes, and ankles.  It's pretty much gone now but I imagine it did/does spill over and affect the larger joints to some extent even if it didn't cause me pain. I'm not sure much my knee and hip issues are due to that and how much is due to just general wear and tear. I can still sprint without problems but there's just too much ground reaction force in the jumps and I can't bend my knees enough at high speed to get a 100% effort in without jacking myself up.

I am with you 100% on this Kelly. Too much basketball on hard courts, lots of intense training, throw in age related wear and tear  and maximal jumping just becomes completely out of the question unless you are happy to hobble around for a few days.

Being able to dunk a basketball was something that I worked my ass off for nearly 2 years to achieve. It is something I am immensley proud off. It is also something that I ask myself on a regular basis - was it worth it? The answer depends on how sore my knees are that day.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Blake Griffin
« on: November 22, 2010, 07:08:46 pm »
'Nuff said

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Dunk of the year!

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Unilaterals Make You Weaker
« on: November 16, 2010, 06:19:49 pm »
steven-miller's next project is to get really really fast by doing nothing but double-legged bounds.  :P


when it comes performance that involves highly single leg efforts, ie single leg jumpers and sprinters, bilateral only training can REALLY screw that up.

i mean we've all seen it, the SL jumper who gets into lifting, focuses primarily on squatting, then becomes a double leg jumper.


Interesting you should say that Andrew. I agree with what you are saying but have no scientific evidence other than my own experiences.  Last summer I focused on running a lot of hill sprints and doing walking lunges as my primary leg training as it was easier on my knees. I found that as a result when I did any max effort jumping my body naturally wanted to do single leg jumps even though I don't do any specific jump training any more (just weights and hill sprints).

Now several years ago when I trained exclusively for vertical I did a lot more squatting and trap bar deadlifting, as well as box jumps with a weight vest and back then I was a two foot jumper.

Whoever said T-Nation has declined is right. They still have a few good articles here and there though, this one was worth the read I thought.

Good topic for the mental masturbators.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Unilaterals Make You Weaker
« on: November 15, 2010, 07:34:19 pm »
I actually believe that unless my back injury takes a loooong time to recover from whatever drop off I will experience will probably come back pretty quickly.

Raptor I agree with most of the article too, but it wasn't written for running and jumping athletes so much. If all I wanted to do was get big and strong I wouldn't do much in the way of unilaterals either.

Still, as with anything training related, there are no real absolute's. There are pro's and a con's for nearly everything.


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