Thanks for the tip on the RDLs! It reminds me of Yoga.
I'll also add the Good morning stretches.
Why don't you want your lower back stretched?
You don't wanna stretch your low back with your hamstrings, so that when you do an exercise that may take your ham flexibility to the limit, like say a squat for some people, or a deadlift, you're not stretching the hamstring with the back rounded(atleast you shouldn't). Generally, you wanna make a clear difference between flexion/extension of the waist, and flexion/extension of the hip joint. Generally if you're flexing at the hip, you wouldn't want to develop the habit of flexing at the waist at the same time. Same goes for extension, you wanna use your glutes, not low back.
so daballa100 what if i have a stiff back, at the same time have not so flexible hamstrings and calves?
Ditto on PointerRyan's question, mostly because I just think more info will help me better understand.
To clarify what you're saying, is if I'm beding my waist i do NOT want to be bending my hip, correct?
And if I'm doing leg extensions I need to be usin my glutes
To answer PointerRyan, if your low back is really THAT stiff, one of those instead of hitting your hamstrings at the same time. I'm pretty young and spry, so I have no idea what real back pain or stiffness feels like lol. If anything though, I would try stretching your adductors, hip flexors, and piriformis first and see if your low back pain is gone. Like here: I don't know why, but the images don't appear when you look at the individual article, so just scroll down until you see the part about static stretching.
For zbiz specifically, more like the other way around. If you're flexing(bending) at the hip, you don't want to bend too much at the hip. Typically in sports, whether it's weightlifting, or sprinting, etc. that involve lots of hip movement. You want to keep your spine in neutral, you should never over arch, which is almost as bad as rounding your back. It's better for your hip to be mobile, and your waist to be stabilized.
Also, not leg extensions, hip extension, you wanna use your glutes.
I could type an article, but I don't feel like I'm qualified, plus it'll be boring xD.