Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: acole14's journal
« on: February 12, 2019, 10:25:10 pm »
My training has been pretty much this for the last month:
M - general foam roll, few prehab exercises (whatever is sore!), back extensions
T - track session 1
W - home gym 1
Th - track session 2 (this is the comp night)
F - general foam roll, prehab, back extensions
S/Su - home gym#2
Exactly the same as home gym#1, but with less UB (just banded stuff) and some jumps at a ceiling target (approx 10-15 SVJs, 10 DSVJs). Have only done this one once so far this month - prior to this it was just the same.
Once I get comfortable with this structure and stronger in the BSS/back ext (I'm not giving these 100% atm), I will move to a new phase with the weight vest. Hopefully some squatting once a week too. I've definitely lost some vertical power, SVJ and broad jumps down from historical averages.
A 60m standing start:
M - general foam roll, few prehab exercises (whatever is sore!), back extensions
T - track session 1
- 400m/prehab exercises/dynamic warmup (~20mins)
- Jumps:
- Broad Jumps x 6 - recent best: 2.70m
- Squat Jumps x 3
- SVJs x 3
- some v. light 1-step SLRVJs into sandpit off both legs x 3-4
- Sprints
- 60m x 5-6 or 60m-80m-120m with ~walkback recovery
- 100run-100jog-100r-100j-100r-200j-200r (60-70% speed)
- 200m jog barefoot on grass (for my calves/feet)
W - home gym 1
- Foam roll/stretch/warmup exercises
- UB:
- Pullups 3x8
- Pushups 3x10 (lol)
- Banded stuff - a ton
- Core
- Banded twists - heaps
- Lying leg raises: 2x20
- 200m jog barefoot on grass (for my calves/feet)
- LB
- Back extension: 3x15-20@10kgs
- BSS: 3x12/leg @ 10kgs
- Calf raises
Th - track session 2 (this is the comp night)
- 400m/prehab exercises/dynamic warmup (~20mins)
- Jumps (not as many as Track#1):
- Broad Jumps x 3
- SVJs x 3
- Sprints:
- Sprint warmup - few run-throughs and practice starts
- Short sprint, usually 60-100m
- Long sprint, usually 200-500m
- 200m jog barefoot on grass (for my calves/feet)
F - general foam roll, prehab, back extensions
S/Su - home gym#2
Exactly the same as home gym#1, but with less UB (just banded stuff) and some jumps at a ceiling target (approx 10-15 SVJs, 10 DSVJs). Have only done this one once so far this month - prior to this it was just the same.
Once I get comfortable with this structure and stronger in the BSS/back ext (I'm not giving these 100% atm), I will move to a new phase with the weight vest. Hopefully some squatting once a week too. I've definitely lost some vertical power, SVJ and broad jumps down from historical averages.
A 60m standing start: