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Messages - D4

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ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 31, 2012, 11:25:06 pm »
I see.  Bottom line, get them fuckin strong either way.


ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 31, 2012, 08:53:40 pm »
I did 2x30 leg curls today with a moderate 60lbs, and I was able to get the 30 reps, but god damn, my hamstrings were HURTING for like 5 minutes after.  Like PAIN hurting.  Feels fine after but wth, never felt pain like that from lifting since my very first time ever touching a weight.

Also, a random question.  When sprinting, is the same knee flexion motion going on from what you do on a leg curl machine?  If so, I'm assuming a strong leg curl = faster sprints?

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 31, 2012, 12:42:42 am »
I see, gotcha.  I don't have a GHR bench here though, so I'll just do RDL's once and dead lifts the other I guess.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 30, 2012, 11:21:21 pm »
Well... while walking around campus today, when I kind of took a small hop down a stair landing with the knee extended, I felt a little pain in my knee again.  It's significantly less severe than last week when it was still hurting, but still, it would be stupid to put this knee in a league game in as little as 3 days.  I'll shoot for next saturday for my return.

You say higher reps is better for healing the joint, but I also need to eventually do heavier weight for strength. 

Is 20 reps what you consider high reps?  Also I can just do both right?  3x8 heavier and then right after do 3x20 light...


Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: funny / horrible training videos
« on: May 30, 2012, 03:02:43 pm »
yeah he lives in taiwan and he speaks perfect english, just uses that accent when he's fucking around/tryna be funny

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:33:30 pm »
Hey Lance, it's been 2 weeks since the injury and since then I've only been doing dead lifts and leg curls.  I had to walk on my toes for my right leg to keep my knee bent so it doesn't extend, until this past Saturday I was finally able to walk normally.  It felt good, and didn't hurt when I extended it and put weight on it.  So today, I tried squatting, followed by dead lifts and leg curls.  First 2 warm up sets of squatting, I felt a little tingling in the back of my knee, but it wasn't pain at all, so I kept going and from the 3rd warm up set, it felt perfectly fine, no tingling, no nothing.  

Last time squatting was 3 weeks ago where I PR'd at 5 reps, 245lbs, today I did a pretty explosive single of 260, but failed a 275 single, so I don't think I lost much strength, if at all.  

Friday I would like to go and shoot around, play a little basketball (no pick up games) to test out my leg to see if I can play my league game on Saturday.  Would you approve of this? (Gonna have 1 more leg curling session during my upper body lifting day on Thursday)

Also, I don't know if this is important at all or whatever, but how come I had so much VMO activation/burn in my squats today?  I NEVER had this before?  Does it have anything to do with the squat break + p-chain only lifting I've been doing?

Anyways, thanks for all the rehab tips, it's been going great.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 20, 2012, 06:18:09 pm »
Yeah the initial injury was definitely the PCL area.  IDK what I did on Friday, but it's going back to getting better by the day so that's good.  I'll rest it, and just do dead lifts and leg curls the way you said to do them, and see how it feels in a week.  If it doesn't improve, I'll check out a doctor.  Thanks for the advice.

I had chronic OSD pain for years.  The knee braces that strap around right between your OSD bump and kneecap help a lot.  Also, some light knee extensions with high reps help. 

However, my OSD just went away for good as I started squatting for the first time and just got stronger lol. 

I think everyone who strength/power trains has seen this video and knows all about Frank Yang lol.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 19, 2012, 06:40:34 am »
I looked up the PCL.  The weird thing is, before my injury this past Monday, I was feeling some awkwardness and minor pain in the back side of my knee.  Each day since Monday when I injured it, it got better and the pain was still at the PCL area, the backside.  Today however, when I accidentally shift too much weight onto my right knee, it hurts unlike the days before and I feel it on the outside of the knee.  Not sure, but isn't this the LCL area? 

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 19, 2012, 12:49:29 am »
I see, thanks for the advice.  Would you rule against me at least doing single leg bounds with my left leg only?  My left leg is stronger at the hams.

I feel like on my dead lifts which I like doing, I am getting the bulk of the work on my hams and glutes, pretty much no quads, if so can I do reg deadlifts? Or should I fuck it and do rdls anyways?

So a 2:1 ratio of leg curls and deadlifts (or rdl) and squat sound good?

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: May 18, 2012, 03:17:15 pm »
Hi Lance,

Have u had experience with athletes who hyper-extended their knees?  I hyper-extended my right knee, and my left one feels prone to that same injury right now.  The injury was minor but still, I can't do shit on it besides walk/very light jog, anything more intense I can feel pain.  It's getting better every day, as I'm resting it, taking ibuprofen.

From my own self-diagnosing, I believe it was caused by 2 things:

1) I got too heavy/fat from eating a LOT lately trying to get my lifting numbers up.  160lbs at 5'8" for an ecto doing intense plyo's and training single leg jump, I thought might be a bit much.  Do you agree?

2) I admit I made a stupid mistake, but past few months, I've basically just been doing full squats.  I think I created an imbalance between my hamstrings and quads.  So lately I've been doing leg curls and dead lifts (no squats cuz I can't squat with the knee like this).

I could be wrong, just my opinion on what caused it.  What do you think, and what do you recommend I do to recover from it?


Also PointerRyan, on top of everything I said, that theory is so bullshit.  1.5 = 3x thing.  Before I ever squatted, I was leg pressing like 500+ lbs at 150lb BW.  After a couple of weeks learning the squat movement, I struggled with full squatting my own bodyweight...  Just cuz u read it somewhere, don't mean it's true, especially one as retarded as that one.  Your leg pressing numbers ain't telling you shit, so just get your squat and RDL up.

I'd rather be glute dominant than quad dominant, tbh. Which I am, I think, after several months of one leg parallel box squats.

At any rate, just get your squat numbers up. If you're squatting 400 and have good reactivity, chances are you're gonna get up. Get the numbers up, jump and sprint, recover, and progress.

This is true.  Just get your squat up, and have a p-chain dominant exercise.  If your squats are at least parallel, then this routine of squats and RDL's is just fine for you right now.  You can start targeting your weaknesses LATER, with more specificity when you are a lot more advanced and stronger.  Just doing at least parallel squats and RDL's will straighten out any imbalances/weaknesses you have right now.  Stop over analyzing and get stronger.

You ask even more retarded questions (and more frequently) than I did when I was new to training.

3xBW leg press = 1.5xBW squat?  WTF, erase that BS out of your mind right now.  Also, just take leg presses out of your training routine.  I'm serious, take it out.  You do squats and RDL's for legs?  Perfect combination, no need for leg presses at all.

You think your legs are weak cause of your leg press numbers and it's holding your squat back?  How about, strengthen your legs with squats?  Whatever the weak link is, your squat will work it...  

Leg presses are leg dominant?  You don't say?!

Relation between squat and deadlift?  What are you even asking?  How much higher should one be than the other?  It'll be different for everyone.  Usually DL is higher though.

Don't get offended by my jackassness, but seriously this was retarded.  Take out leg press, be consistent with the depth of your squats and keep squatting.  Keep doing RDL's.  Simple.  Stop over-analyzing and get your rdl and squat numbers up, BY SQUATTING AND RDLing.  NOT BY leg pressing.

It's a good thing to ask questions, but this one, I seriously had to .

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