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Messages - mj

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Reckon its an involuntary thing to an extent. Reason I say that is I came from a background of doing all low bar squats nd deadlifts. Zero quad specific work. As a result I was a very hip dominant jumper. I would never ever have any quad fatigue, even after a day of competitive beach volleyball.

Recently been doing front squats, lunges, step ups etc and my quads have come up. I'm probably lacking in the hips now if anything. I get quad fatigue every time now but rarely glutes.

The point of my ramblings.... your body will use the best available resource. Its smart like that. So get balanced front and rear.

Program Review / Re: Bill Starr 5x5 - Linear and Periodized Version
« on: March 11, 2011, 12:25:08 am »
Ran a cycle of the intermediate about 6 months ago. This was the logical strength world progression after 5x5 got gnarly.

I liked it. Light, medium and heavy days made a lot of sense and took my squat about 10kg past my plateau on 5x5. Plus the higher volume set on the heavy squat day (if I remember right? 3 reps max weight then 8 reps lighter weight) felt really right to me. Got a mad training effect from that.

But all that max weight lifting made me slow as a mofo. Ditched it after one cycle to start some VJB sh!t again.

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: N.O. Xplode
« on: March 08, 2011, 05:28:33 am »
Way overpriced IMO.

Hell yeah. Used it twice now and yawn  ::) Got a whole tub to finish now.

Prefer something with 1,3 Dimethylamylamine in it. That stuff kicks ass. Jack3d, whiteflood, 1.R.M, Hemo-Rage etc. I can get any of these for half the price on NO-Xplode too.

Use sparingly though. Tolerance does build up.,3-Dimethylamylamine?&id=3324614

The popular supplement ingredient, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, has a huge variety of street names. Basically it is an extract or oil from the geranium plant. This particular compound is supposed to mimic the effects of adrenaline in small doses. At the moment it is legal in most places but because of some bad press and lack of comprehensive studies about DMAA is might be made illegal by the FDA in the future, because this natural supplement works.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Bench Press
« on: March 06, 2011, 03:15:39 am »
OH Press is way better for athletic development. Do it standing and its a whole body movement.

But bench is useful if your sport involves pushing (football etc). Bench only wrecks shoulders if you flare your elbows out wide on the descent. BBers do it to target the pec better. A genuine PL type bench really works the outer pec but leaves the inner pec behind.

I reckon if you're set on benching do heavy sets PL style for pushing strength (back arch, feet locked on the ground, heavy) then do some really close grip assistance sets to fill out the inner pec a bit. Don't need to be heavy on the assistance.

Weighted dips will fark your chest (good way) if done with proper form too.

agreed. I remember my 1st time doing snatch grip deads on a podium. They're hard as sh!t.

I did 4 x5, then 3's till failure (form), 2's same, singles same. I nealry blacked out twice and then got a mad euphoric rush 20 mins post workout. I was wandering around the house laughing at the dog  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

Apart from the quad stuff that advice is fairly solid.

Program Review / Re: Starting Strength
« on: February 18, 2011, 07:20:26 am »
One of, if not the best basic strength programs out there. If you are a novice trainee squatting under 1.5 x bw this is the business to get your basic potential up. Plus Rip is a straight funny mofo.

Question - "Got any good ab exercises"
Rip - "Got any better questions"

After 1.5bw best to move to a more vert focused program I think.. if thats your goal.

Squats and milk = growth  :D

Crazy Weird Analysis & Stuff :) / Re: The Squat Thread
« on: February 14, 2011, 04:42:41 pm »
Yeah bro dead right, squatting just above paralell feels crazy natural to me. But I did most of my schooling in the 5 x 5 strength world where anything above paralell is homo. So I forced myself to learn the squat they preach.

But the more time I spend around leapers the more I appreciate different means to an end. I'm gonna start looking at a more natural (for me) squat, whatever that looks like.

Farkin long legs  ::) Thanks for the input dude.

Crazy Weird Analysis & Stuff :) / Re: The Squat Thread
« on: February 13, 2011, 06:03:44 am »

Always knew my legs were long. I squat low bar, athletic stance always past paralell. I have to shoot my knees forward though. If I try to PL squat (static knees) I end up folded like a briefcase and lifting with my back  :o My squat is very much like what Mark Ripptoe prescribes. I lift on a wedge board too (too cheap to buy oly shoes)

Below link to a vid of 150kg x 1. Made 160kg recently but no vid.

I've tried oly squats but I just can't get all my junk (legs) out of the way without putting the knees out in the next postcode. Gets dodgy over 110kg and upsets my patellar tendonitis  >:(

Schedule sounds ok. Is that all you do though? Depending on volume that might be rad.... or you might like to add assistance stuff, sprints or something else. At least you have the rest days in there, thats a winner.

My rule of thumb for soreness is to cycle up to about a 60% 1rm squat as a warm up. If I'm still tight and weak there I'll consider bugging out. Pretty rare, usually come good. Lifting is only beneficial if you can put your heart into it.

Strength requirements are different for everyone man. I consider 1.5 x bw a basic athletic requirement for anyone subjecting their joints to repetitive jumping in a sport. Depending on how good you express that strength that might be heaps. Get to 1.5 x bw then make a new plan.

ATG or paralell will depend on your body, flexibility, squat style etc. But more ROM is better as you build basic strength.

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: I get writer's block after I eat
« on: February 13, 2011, 02:27:29 am »
what are you eating bro?? Something starchy? Probably just a blood sugar thing.

I have permanent writers block. But thats an IQ thing  :wowthatwasnutswtf:

Nutrition & Supplementation / Cutting on a reactive training program???
« on: February 12, 2011, 07:42:27 am »
Hey, please tell me if I'm being reasonably clever and economical with my training strategy or setting myself up for poor results.

I'm just winding up a bulking phase. I've added 20kg to my squat and 30kg to my deadlift but got up to a hefty 92kg in the process (though I was biggish to start with). I accepted the weight gain and kept it under some control using the Anabolic Diet.

The next 3 - 4 months I intend to cut fat. I do not believe I can make material strength gains on a calorie defecit. More power to those who say they can... I've tried before. But what I intend to do is pick a reactive focused program from the Vertical Jump Bible, which will be 2 days per week focused on plyos and speed work for 16 weeks. There's enough heavy lifting in there to maintain the strength I've built too, but not progress it very far.

I'm also going to join a new oly gym in my neighbourhood to learn the oly lifts (1 night a week). This will not only compliment the speed development but its a good time to be learning new lifts with an empty bar. I'll be ready to bulk again just as I get the lifts nailed.

So is it ok to be doing speed and plyo work on a calorie defecit? Seemed to me this work was all about training myself to recruit things fast and jump coordination. If its largely neuro-muscular in nature I should make vert gains while on a defecit, both from improvements in reactive and explosive ability and the drop in body weight.... yeah?

Hope that makes sense!

Introduce Yourself / G'day from Australia
« on: February 12, 2011, 03:31:19 am »
Hey all. Cool site.

I'm from Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. I'm a beach volleyball player and train to improve my vertical out of sand primarily. I play outside left hitter. Big wind up, try to kill some dudes  ;D

I used to go to a commercial gym but got sick of bro's tying up the power rack for curling. So I went to night school, learnt to weld and built myself a rack at home. Now I have enough gear to do all my workouts at home. No waiting. I'll post some pics shortly.

I'm 5'9" and 92kg. No idea what my vert is but its heaps better than a year ago. I've squatted 160kg x 1, 145kg x 3 (low bar athletic stance, past paralell) and deadlifted 180kg x 3 (never done a 1rm). Just finished a vertical jump bible intermediate program and freestyling for a week while I decide whether to bulk or cut next. I'm carrying a bit of extra fat from bulking since November. Not serious fat, but I was always a chubby kid.

I have a few specific questions about jump training that I'll put up in the relevant sections. Look forward to sharing the love with you all  :)

EDIT - link to my home made power rack build


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