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Messages - Raptor

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Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: I AM BACK!
« on: September 05, 2010, 07:46:31 am »
Haha that will do for sure! :strong:

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: I AM BACK!
« on: September 05, 2010, 07:04:05 am »
Hey thanks Enzo. My thinking process is to pretty much rest now in the Autumn since there will be raining etc outside... so basically I need to rest as part as my training process if you will (and if I will :P). I'm training with pretty much no rest at all (consistently) for like 1 year+, maybe it's time to give the body some due respect and let it recover. I could still do core work and maybe some kind of one-leg RDL... pure hip extension, low volumes, just for the sake of it. And upperbody work, bodyweight work (pushups, pullups etc).

Then if I get healthy, and if my injury is overuse-related (it would appear so) - then I might get healthy again. I'm also thinking of switching to low bar squats and I plan on getting into that using box squats first to learn to sit back more...

I have an amalgam of things in my head... I even plan to write an article about the "perfect plan" (yes, pretentious words here) with a thorough analysis of whatever a "perfect" plan should contain from all the standpoints of training (that includes a lot of stuff).

Anyway, regarding the bounds: I think you can still do one-leg consecutive bounds on the left leg... there's nothing that can stop you since the right knee is the injured one... just make sure you're fit enough to do them so you don't injure that too. I'm doing them (I won't from now on) and I'm always thinking "be careful, be focused" when I'm doing them so that I don't get injured.

These were the last ones that I did:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: I AM BACK!
« on: September 05, 2010, 05:16:50 am »

improving conditioning & moderate rep bodyweight exercises/lifts goes a long way towards improving health.. short sprints, 200's, 400's, light running, jump rope, lateral movements, submax jumps from all plants, bodyweight stuff, avoiding risky exercises etc.. improving overall fitness.

To be frank, I'm kind of "afraid" of doing any "long distance" (>50m) sprints... I feel like my heart will blow up and die. I really think about that in my head. I've never had any resistance ever in my life... especially as I get drained of energy almost immediately because of nervous stuff (I get so "stressed" when I run that my energy just drains like rocket fuel).

so you can't jump/sprint anymore without pain? i figured the pain in the knee was still mostly isolated to squatting, considering your recent bound videos and depth broad jump videos.

I can sprint at high speeds without too much pain and I can jump maximally... it's just... weird. For the bounds, I only did them on the left leg, no right leg involvement. And yeah, I can do the depth jumps but there is pain.

if maximal jumping feels fine then it's definitely something else.. if you do slow runs, do them on grass etc, nice and soft, lots of blood flow, lots of very light impacts.

That's just boring... slow runs? WTF? ;D I can't just go to the track and see other people (Nightfly etc) train while I "slow run"... drives me nuts. I mean, I feel like my life is meaningless and shit like that. I know, crazy, but I still think that. Lost time...

Now I know, you're going to say "yes but it's for your healing"... haven't ever been injured in my life... that's a hard concept to comprehend.

if a dynamic warmup is really hurting the knee then man get that mri and get it figured out, thats if you have the right type of medical care.. if you don't, you'll have to do lots of light stuff to help rebuild/compensate to protect the knee.

A dynamic warmup isn't "really" hurting the knee but it does hurt it. When I do the knees to chest jumps unilaterally as part of the warmup, it still is an unilateral jump and land... so that bothers my knee.

But enough about me, hopefully I can rebound like Enzo here  :-*

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: I AM BACK!
« on: September 04, 2010, 06:49:34 pm »
How would you define "in shape&healthy"?

Training just doesn't make sense to me right now... I'm so limited... I still can do a few things but they are probably limited at hip-isolated movements, I'm thinking straight leg deadlifts and 1-leg variants of those...

Slow running might actually make the knee thing worse... I probably need to get to the doctor again but I don't want to fucking tell me I need an MRI... I just need some basic rehab stuff for a possible ITB friction and do these... if it's the meniscus whatever... they can't hurt as much as maximal jumping can they?

When you think about it, even a dynamic warmup is damaging, knees to chest march and stuff like that... that's pretty intense for the right knee.

As for Enzo... I get very hardly impressed/happy about someone... I did for him. I really am a passive guy and pretty much a hater in essence... not with Enzo for some unknown reason I guess. I genuinely am happy for you man, hopefully you stay healthy. Usually when I say stuff like this is just "politically corectedness" when I don't really mean it so ... you know... it's genuine for you.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: I AM BACK!
« on: September 04, 2010, 03:30:11 pm »
So this is some kind of inspirational for me I guess :D

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Broad jump analysis
« on: August 29, 2010, 05:00:23 am »
1) Nah, I just ran all three videos in Quicktime and it opens up multiple instances of the program, so I could just sized them to fit on the desktop and then printsceen and paste in Paint. And then cut and paste again in a new document in Paint what I was interested in (so that the rest of the desktop doesn't appear in the final shots) and then save it as a JPG and upload it on imageshack.

2) Yes, I train with these guys.

3) They are in between 2.45 and 2.61.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 29, 2010, 04:56:21 am »
And he didn't even went GOMAD yet!

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Did jump tests today
« on: August 28, 2010, 04:19:29 am »
One more thing - someone commented that since this is a test, it should be canceled because I put my hand down behind me not to fall. That actually isn't true because the only reason I did that is because I landed in a full squat and with the legs in a narrow stance I can't stay in that position since I fall on my back. So I put my hand down not to fall because of this and not because of other considerations.

Yeah you make good points with the open chain thing. I think it just boils down to personal preference.

That might as well be the thing. It's also probably loading different, but I think you nailed it. Interesting adaptations occur over time...

I was looking in this log... and saw 12 reps on the leg curl. I personally prefer ~4 reps per set done with "I'm going to break this machine" mentality for this exercise...

The hamstrings are like 70% fast twitch so I believe they respond the best to very heavy/very explosive work. So I usually was using like 4 reps @ 260 lbs for leg curling per set (about 4 sets I think).

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 27, 2010, 09:01:08 am »
Complex training is great.

Like I said in other threads, the day that I did ~5 cycles of power cleans + depth jumps for length (3 reps for each exercise) it was probably the best power/reactive thing I have ever did. It just "felt" great. And I was heavily tired like 3 days after that day.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Hip flexors
« on: August 27, 2010, 08:32:36 am »
In a single leg jump the faster you go with your non-jumping knee upwards the better... it takes away part of your bodyweight.

It's strange that your right leg was better... it's usually the first leg you plant in a two-leg jump that's stronger and you have more control onto that, because you also rotate on that leg and therefore it's your "base" leg. The 2nd leg you plant off two feet is your "block" leg which doesn't contribute that much into the jump. I'd say the 2nd leg is more quad involved than anything if you look at the angles.

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