That actually sounds fantastic, I'll start doing those Monday for my next workout. Also, I might as well add the exercises and weights right now.
* Add weight if necessaryPhase II Day 1:
Barbell front squat: 5x5 @ 155 lbs. (Never really practiced front squat so my weight isn't near as good as what I'd do on back squats.)
Close grip incline bench press (about 14in.): 5x5 @ 115 lbs. (deltoid injury screwed me over on this lift for the longest time)
Bulgarian Split Squat: 2x8 @ bodyweight + 25 lb dumbbells
On arm row (elbow out): 2x8 @ 35 lb dumbbell
Phase II Day 3:
Chinup*: 5x5 @ bw + 20 lbs
Hang clean and press: 5x5 @ 100 lbs (When I finished I realized I definitely should have put more weight on this one)
Cable Pull Throughs: 2x8 @ 45 lbs
Weighted sit ups: 2x8 @ +45 lb plate
Phase II Day 5:
Trap Bar Dead-lift: 5x5 @ 195 lbs.
Dips*: 5x5 @ bw + 45 lb plate
Cable Rows: 2x8 @ 150 lbs.
Reverse Hypers: 2x8
Because I was able to finish all sets of 5 on all the workouts, next week every single weight will be going up.