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Messages - Zetz

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Phase II Day 15 (Tuesday):

Skipped cardio or HIIT in favor of frisbee. :)

Phase II Day 16 (Wednesday):

Warm up/exercises same as adarqui has listed on page 2 of the journal.

-Clean and Press: 5x5 @ 105 (Felt really good on my form on this one. Last week's was crap, went up weight too soon.)
-Weighted Chin-ups: 5x5 @ bw + 25 lbs. (Last rep was really hard, I think every final rep on every lift I do should feel just like this one did every week.)
-Cable Pull-Throughs: 2x8 @ 80 lbs.
-Weighted Sit-ups: 2x8 @ +45 lbs.

I started tracking my calories with FitDay. I realized I'm not eating quite as much as I thought, last two days averaged 4,100 kcal. I think things should be a little easier now that I have my program and once I start paying for my own milk. (I was told by my mom that she'd only buy two gallons per week.... 5 less than I need. :P)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Sup all
« on: August 02, 2010, 10:05:18 pm »
Not as badass as my deltoid tear.... oh, wait... that happened running into a wall.  :'(

I think your coach is talking about your turnover, you might have great leg strength, but you're not putting one leg in front of the other fast enough.

I had the same problem with squats when I tore my deltoid, when I brought my arm up to the bar the pain was unbearable and worse when I actually put the full weight over my shoulders.

Also, I would stay to the sprints, or consider hurdling. My 100m PR is only 12.11 but I'm much more competitive in the hurdles thanks to some decent form and okay speed. My 200m is my best sprint event, but even in that I'm not great. (PR is 24.15.... shut up I know the 100m average is faster than my normal hundred lol, I accelerate through the race.)

Track & Field / Re: Huge hurdle jumps by high jumper
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:58:50 pm »
Holm is one of the craziest people I've seen. Think about it... if someone (not too tall obviously) was in his way at, say, an airport. He could just jump over their head. Ridiculous.

Phase II Day 15 (Monday):

Close Grip Incline Bench Press: 5x5 @ 125 lbs. (tried to focus more on form, but last two reps were forced reps, didn't really get a chance to eat very much yesterday, I felt really weak on this lift today)

Front Squat: 5x5 @ 155 lbs. (still awkward, but at least I only do front squats one more time before switching)

Bulgarian Split Squats: 2x8 @ bw + 2x40 lb. dumbbells

One Armed Row: 2x8 w/ 40lb. dumbbell

Tested vert today:
Standing: 28 in.
Running, two feet: 31 in.
Running, one foot: 27 in.

I measured against a marked wall, so I really don't think that's accurate. When I get a chance in the rec center I'll to use one of these bad boys.

Well, yeah, I realized it's for bulking, but If I'm already eating plenty then the extra kcal in milk from fat really does me no good. I mean, protein and nutrients are nearly identical in both. The only difference is fat content. I think I'll go skim or 1% and add some chocolate milk powder like LBSS. lol

Hmmm.. well, is there any significant reason to use whole over low fat? I mean, I already have plenty of good and bad fats in my diet. Aside from about 15%-30% less calories coming from fat (depending on the actual type of milk) I don't see why I should use whole milk.

Oh, and like I've said plenty of times. Suggestions are always welcome, here and on my youtube videos.

I'll test standing and running vert tomorrow. Can't believe I didn't bother checking sooner.

I've never actually fully considered GOMAD, but after reading some stuff about it from different sources, I think it's worth a try, my friend still uses it. (though I think it really only worked the first month or so)

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Pre/Post workout Supplements
« on: August 01, 2010, 02:35:16 am »
Lulz @phil

damn that is some strong dipping.. 5x5 @ BW + 50 lb.. good work!

Hehe, I think I could have added another 5 lbs.... My last rep was pretty tough but still manageable. I'm going up weight again next week on all but incline bench and clean and press. (bench I had a really hard time keeping strict form on my last set and clean and press I just couldn't finish)

There's no final goal for me. No bodyweight I'd like to reach, no maxes. Just a tiny bit Bigger, just a tiny bit faster, just a tiny bit stronger, every day.

THAT'S my goal.

Introduce Yourself / Re: RutgersDunker is up in here
« on: July 31, 2010, 04:46:32 pm »
Hey, welcome to the forum. (again, I guess, or whatever)

Also, thanks for subscribing to me on youtube. ;D haha

Didn't update journal the last couple days, sorry. Anyway... here we go for the last two days

Phase II Day 11 (Thursday):

Another cardio/recovery day. I was a friend's birthday party chasing people with water balloons and big water filled buckets. :D Always fun.

Phase II Day 12 (Friday):

Trap Bar Dead-Lift: 5x5 @ 210 lbs.
Dips: 5x5 @ bw + 50 lbs.
Cable Rows: 2x8 @ 170 lbs.
Reverse Hypers: 2x8 @ + 20 lb. dumbbell.

Heels to fingertips, reaching upward, just remeasured: 87". I'm not sure why you think that's so great, that's only 17" over my head, not really very much.

Phase II Day 10, Wednesday:

Clean and press: 4x5 @ 125 (jumped weight too fast, I'll be trying the same weight next week)

Weighted Chin ups: 5x5 @ bw + 22.5 lbs

Weighted situps: 2x8 @ +45 lbs

Cable pull throughs: 2x8 @ 70 lbs

Yeah, I've noticed they put a lot of pressure on my shoulders which drops my weight a little on it's own because my shoulders really aren't that big. I'm also having a really hard time balancing with higher weights, I could do more, but if I do I tend to fall back. We'll see how that one goes next week.

good job on the BSS.

Thanks. ;D

Also, I'm gonna go to sleep now. I've been having a lot of trouble going to bed when I need to. Doesn't turn out too well considering I need to get up at 5:30 am to go to the gym if I want to get to work on time.

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