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Messages - Zetz

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8/24/2010 Phase III Day 9 (Tuesday):

Just some biking done and really light jogging. (something like 2 miles) Super light day, hamstrings and quads are sore from squats yesterday.


Good news though, I talked to my coach in the gym and I'll probably be able to get a set of hurdles, which means I'll be training sprints and hurdle form on my off days. Nothing too heavy yet though, I'll experiment with some routines. Suggestions and positive criticism are always welcome of course, as usual.

very nice.. i'm all for that, must maintain proficiency.. just ease back into it over 2 weeks.

warmup + hurdle mobility + tempo hurdle sprints to start?


Most likely. I haven't been doing much sprinting stuff other than the pre-workout stuff adarq showed me.

Phase III Day 8 (Monday):

Again, all sets of 4/3/2 reps.

-Box Squat: 135/155/175 and 155/175/185 (much better than front squats, but still not near where I'd like to be)

-Pull-ups: +10/+20/+25 and +20/+25/+30

-Bench Press: 135/145/155 and 145/155/x (stopped major lifts after I ended my fifth set)

-Hanging leg raises: 2x8 (knees tucked, didn't have the energy for extended)

To dead to do anything after all that. Might have something to do with puking my breakfast about 4 minutes after eating. Could be the Chinese I had yesterday upset my stomach somehow. I gotta eat a more solid breakfast again, I've been waking up later because of school.

Good news though, I talked to my coach in the gym and I'll probably be able to get a set of hurdles, which means I'll be training sprints and hurdle form on my off days. Nothing too heavy yet though, I'll experiment with some routines. Suggestions and positive criticism are always welcome of course, as usual.

Or am I just being ignorant?

That is a clean and jerk, not press.

Has anyone taught you jerk technique? A correct jerk does not involve pressing the bar, it is primarily just catching it.

Obviously I've learned the technique, just not proper terminology. I'm not sure the words matter quite as much as the fact that I did the workout as it was described to me.  :strong:

On clean and press I'm not stopping the weight on my shoulders with my legs straight and then pressing. It's one motion and my legs help me get the weight up a lot.

Like this but without stopping.

And military press just like this.

Phase III Day 6 (Saturday):

I was supposed to do a workout today since the gym is closed tomorrow, but I didn't make it on time. (apparently it closes 5 hours earlier on Saturdays... lame.)

I settled for bike riding and 3x5 on one armed pushups and pistol squats. (oh how I love pistol squats :P)

I still don't count that as my workout. I plan on doing two workouts on Monday before and after school too keep my schedule normal.

Phase III Day 5 (Friday):

Still riding my bike to and from school. Not too much done today aside from walking between classes.

Phase III Day 4 (Thursday):

Soreness is all gone. I realized I need to spend more time stretching. I'm not very flexible at all and it would be of huge benefit to me anyway in hurdles and strength.

Workout layout will be the same as listed earlier for the next 4 weeks.

Hang Snatches: 75/85/95 and 85/95/100 (Oh, shite I need work on shoulders.)

Military Press: 65/75/85 and 75/85/90 (Yeah.....  :strong: I'm pretty buff aren't I? haha)

Russian Twists: 2x10 w/10lb. weight.

Prone Rows: 2x10 w/2x25lb. dumbbells.

The ridiculously week shoulders is probably because of my deltoid tear. That might be one of the ones with fastest improvement now that I'm recovered. You never know.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 19, 2010, 03:53:38 pm »
400m is an interesting distance. Have you ever tried using track spikes for it?

damn sucks about your car, bonfires are fun though :F

you can ride your bike everywhere? it's all within distance? if so, that's cool, as long as weather permits.

Smallish valley that I live in. Anything that I would want to get to is probably not more than 30 or 40 minutes on bike. It's okay for now.

donating blood

This is where we need a high-five smiley.

Ha, agreed. Thanks. ;D

Phase III Day 3 (Wednesday):

Started school again. Rode my bike there and back home. I'm taking today off and lifting tomorrow. According to the book some days I'll need 2 days rest anyway, plus donating blood has made my recovery a little slower than normal.

Soreness is still in my lower back and lats, but I'm feeling glutes and hamstrings much more today, along with chest. Overall soreness is less though. I think I'll be good for lifting tomorrow.

Phase III Day 2 (Tuesday):

Rode my bike for a while. Later in the day my car's transmission decided to not let me shift into anything other than reverse. I'll be riding my bike quite often from now on...

Anyway. After all that mess my friend gave me a ride home where friends were waiting for me for a bonfire. Kept my mind off things, but it also made me realize how ridiculously sore I am after yesterday. Lats (somehow), glutes, and especially my lower back muscles.

Oh happy day...

Phase III Day 1 (Monday- Day 28):

I had never done something like this. Each of two main lifts has 2 sets of 4/3/2 with ascending weight and 3 minutes rest between each subset. For the two main lifts I'll only list the weights I used on each subset. Supplementary lifts I'll list just like I have been.

-Bench Press: 135/145/155 and 140/150/160 (Sadly 160 really is my two rep max right now)

-Trap-Bar Dead-Lift: 205/225/245 and 215/235/255 (I feel like I could do more weight on this one, but it still felt hard enough ending at 255)

-Cable External Rotation: 2x10 @ 30 lbs.

-Barbell Rollouts: 2x8

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 17, 2010, 01:24:32 am »
Same from me. Happy birthday.

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