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Messages - Clarence

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BW = ???
ACHES/INJURIES = right calf wtf, worse than yesterday, right knee but only when i kneel on it
FATIGUE = moderate
DIET = good

-warm up
jog x 6 mins
mobility stuff

-jump squat 4 x 3
97,97,97,97 == right calf tweaking badly during first set, did a bunch of very light stretching between sets

-leg press, rest pause, ~30s between sets
418 x 15,5,5,5,5

-DB bench, rp, ~30s between sets
53e x 10,7,5,3

-DB row, rp, ~20-30s between sets, diarrhea between arms
53 x 10,7,5,3


i was wondering when the diarrhea would hit. i feel totally fine otherwise. just gotta make sure i hydrate well. took it really easy on upper body stuff, more in the tank across the board. wish i could do more weight on leg press but that's the stack.

wow...that's some seriously explosive diarrhea for it to get all the way btwn the arms. :o

Introduce Yourself / Re: for 45" running vert
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:07:55 am »
You're squat is freakin' EXPLODING these days!!!  Don't think I've ever seen someone's squat go up so fast.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: March 20, 2011, 06:47:06 am »
gettin pretty high there man...i'm waiting for the adarq elbow hang dunk!

Seems like it's working well for you adarqui, but gotta admit i'm a bit weary of it.

I tried a squat daily program last year after reading something by Dan John advocating it...I kept the weight at about 70-80% and only did 1-2 sets...destroyed my hip.  Couldn't squat for about 6wks without pain.


It was the dad of caseys friend who uploaded that vid on facebook and wrote the description. It wasn't just random people that commented on it.

that argument makes no sense. in this case, you would want a random person to upload it because there would be less bias. If it is the dad of caseys FRIEND, of course he is going to side with casey and claim casey was being bullied, regardless of what happened.

x2, casey is a bully and he's getting props for it, it's a sad day in this world, people jump to conclusions too fast.

wtf?  are we watching the same video?  Casey took 2 punches in the face and still didn't retaliate.  Richard (skinny dude) still didn't quit and finally Casey had enough slammed the kid then walked away.  If Casey really was the bully, he would of pulverized him after throwing him down, instead he just walked away.  If you really think that Casey was the bully from this video not only have you jumped to a conclusion, but you've jumped to an irrational one.

I live in Australia (the vid is from western sydney) and it's been covered pretty extensively by the media here...nothing has even remotely suggested that casey was the bully.

ps, little zangief's real name is Casey Heynes...  not sure if this bit is accurate.  i hope it is:

The piece of shit piss ant received the following things?

>1 broken ankle

>1 dislocated knee

>22 days suspension

L.Zangief received

>4 days suspension

>epic win status

Nah, none of that is true.  Nothing more than a scrapped knee...both got 4day suspension.
this story makes no fucking sense. why would a skinny kid, who is in 7th grade, walk up to a massive 10th grader and start punching him for no reason. skinny kid is not gonna bully somebody 3x his size and 3 years older than him. think about it... more than likely, casey talked shit, skinny kid stood up for himself, then casey bodyslammed him.   also, the facebook page has to be the most hypocritical page on facebook. at this point, everybody is bullying on skinny people while glorifying the fat kid.

+1000000 to zgin

I think it's all legit.  Little dude's seen that everyone get's away with it...guaranteed that he's done it before...then one day big dude says f-this I'm not taking this from you.  I can remember the same thing happening to a guy when I was a kid.

Nah, get it right away...sooner the better.

I swear by the VFF.  If I could wear them with dress pants they would be the only pair of shoes I own (other than squat shoes).  I don't do any distance running....but for sprints on grass, or just walking around love the VFF.

is this your own feet or someone else?  does it give you an edge when you wear shoes?

it's someone else from "the barefoot runners group" or something.. sv, on this forum, linked me.. he's into barefoot running.

well, i'd imagine it does give you an edge when you wear shoes as your foot is more developed/stronger, but it's more of, it gives you an edge in minimalist shoes, track flats.. and of course barefoot.. it's more of a "hippy hobby", running barefoot :d it also would help to correct a ton of postural/foot related issues i'd imagine.

that transformation took 3 years.


Also makes you fore foot dominant...important for pretty much all athletic endeavours.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: March 14, 2011, 07:16:33 am »
Nice squatting...your relative strength is pretty sick these days.  Now get some freakin sleep... 3hrs = zombie mode

Who has any information on Flax Seed Oil??  I'm bout to start looking at it to see what its for (I thought it helped with joint lubrication but could be completely wrong) but I'm going to start googling it asking around, because I want to get my ankle as healthy as its going to get for the summer and outdoor basketball when I get a chance to

I'd just go with fish oil.  The omega 3 in flaxseed oil is short chain and we don't convert it efficiently.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: March 12, 2011, 02:23:25 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>



that was freakin impressive...great bar speed.  i don't follow college ball, so have no idea who this dude is, but i'm gonna keep my eye out for him.

im going to laugh when im posting pictures of "nba 2011 champions - the miami heat"

Maybe on playstation....but that's as close as they are getting

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: March 11, 2011, 08:24:13 pm »
That last dunk was awesome too.

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