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Messages - Sean0013

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ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Jump analysis
« on: January 30, 2011, 06:09:12 pm »
I'll video some footage with my jumping like that...I do do it sometimes but it's often when i'm jumping from distances that are further away from the hoop (acrobatic layups - nutjob dunk attempts!). It's hard in the gym where I train aswell 'cos that shit is mad slippery, and my apartment is my small aswell!

News, Announcements, & Suggestions / Re: T-Shirts?
« on: January 30, 2011, 04:05:34 am »
"Hey rim, heard you was talking shit?"


Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Soy Milk!!!
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:23:55 am »
It's fine for you! If tofu is cheap in the Phillipines you can eat that too. Lentils, chicken, fish, soy-beans are fine too.

P.S. Stay away from dairy. You're lactose intolerant - alot of Asians are.

« on: January 27, 2011, 10:00:44 pm »
wire= Shakespearean level shit.

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Soy Milk!!!
« on: January 27, 2011, 06:34:54 pm »
It's a load of nonsense from what I can see. So far tests haven't shown that they lower testerone. They also haven't shown that they effect estrogen levels/activity or act in the same way as estrogen when taken in at a physiologically relevant level. Maybe if you ate 5 pounds of tofu a day it might, but nothing is good for you in those sort of doses. Basically if they do have effects you need to be intaking them in ridiculous levels. Soy milk tastes like shit though so personally I wouldn't drink it!

Also on the side - the gym I used to go to in Japan had a 50 year old powerlifter/bodybuilder and blackbelt in judo who was the Nagasaki champion while he was in highschool. Dude was a beast. Seriously, a fucking beast! His son (who I taught) was a marathon runner, and a fucking good one at that. His youngest son (who was a fucking beast in the weight room and only 12 years old) was a sumo wrestler and ranked no. 3 in the prefecture. His oldest son is a pro baseball player in Japan. All unbelievable athletes and they ate Japanese all day - miso, tofu and edamame. None of them used any supplements either. As an anecdote - the 15 year old marathon runner weighed about 50kg soaking wet and could easily bench 75kg. For his build, age, weight and considering he could run for days, that is fucking beastly!

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:50:13 pm »
lmao...Theres an emo thread...niceeeee

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: January 26, 2011, 04:50:31 pm »
That doesn't look smart or healthy to me. Stubborn person trying to satisfy her dreams.

Dude stfu! Stop talking shit and criticizing everything when your own approach to stuff is a far from perfect. Shit is annoying yo!

I don't even think I will but I could dig up notes for you from my undergraduate degree (except now that I remember the lecturer who gave us that course had terrrible notes and I pretty much learnt everything from books/internet). Being honest they've figured out an awful lot about what can go wrong on the biochemical side of the equation. If you wanted to learn a little bit more start by doing searches on those hormones/signalling molecules and their receptors either on PubMed or google/google scholar. As for as the psychological aspect - it's alot more complicated - the biochemical side of things obviously has somewhat of on impact on it but you're talking about a complex interaction of environment, neurology and genetics to fully explain it on the "food addiction/stress eating" side of things.

Different people have different reactions to food. Some people simply have food addiction - which could be a product of environment (eg eating as a reaction to stress) or they may be victims of faulty genes which cause their neural "award systems" to over activate when they eat. I've only studied this a little bit to be honest so I can't give you exact example of which genes. I'm not that well read on brain neurology. Some people also have faulty versions of genes whose products function to tell you when you're full (eg, ob gene mutations - , leptin receptor mutations, mutations to the ghrelin gene).

Essentially, if the genes of biochemical messengers which control satiety are malfunctioning (or their receptors) you will see people over-eat or potentially under-eat aswell I suppose. Other examples are: orexin, and PYY 3-36, cholecystokinin, any of the hunger/satiety hormones.

The best time for a high carbohydrate meal is in the morning, when your body is prepared to uptake glycogen for energy for the day

now im assuming he is up and ready for the day in the morning and not just wake up and lay around in bed all day

A website full of people with body dysmorphia disorder generally isn't a good place to go for nutrition advice. Also your making generalizations and just generally don't know what your talking about.


To make a very long story short, scientists are starting to think that our bodies more or less have a set point for bf% and weight that our bodies really don't vary from that much. One of the things scientists are trying to figure out is why people's weight doesn't vary alot from the post-puberty stages until much later in life. The reasons would seem to be along the lines of what you're saying. People have differential tendencies in the low energy and high energy state. Theres a bunch of different ways to look at that last sentence I suppose but an easy example would be that in a high energy state alot of skinny people tend to be very jittery and move about alot. It's not just as simple as that though - fat people tend to have faulty mechanisms in determining what is a high energy state/low energy state eg leptin gene mutations, etc. To fully account for it you'd have to talk about ecology, psychology, genetics, biochemistry and physiology but to answer your question I'd say - you can manipulate your body weight (obviously) but it's an uphill battle and your body may resist you!

My bad dude. You seem pretty as ease with the whole thing - you do log it on here and stuff. But yeah, apologies dude that wasn't necessary!

Hang on. You have existing knee pain and want to try MSEM squatting? Are you high?

0.25mg Xanax homie...

I'm not saying it's not a good tool, i'm just saying that a calculator can't be universely applied to ever individual/for every lift. Anyway it doesn't matter 'cos hes after saying it does apply for him  :uhhhfacepalm:

Predicting lifts generally isn't as simple as plugging numbers into a calculator. It depends on which kind of fibers make up your muscle. Things can be more complicated for compound lifts like the squat aswell.

Annyyywayy, yo Mr. Baggett, since Raptor won't listen wanna impart some free training advice on to me instead?!?


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