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Messages - gukl

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Thanks, I've always been quite a bit stronger in my overhead press compared to my "weak" bench. I have no idea what my 1RM is though. I guess like you said 80+ or around 85-90kg, inching closer to that bodyweight overhead press. (BW at 93-94kg at the moment) I only know my 1RM on the pushpress and there it is 105kg. Just started to do jerks and that still feels kinda odd.

Bodyweight OHP is super impressive if you could hit that! I can push press around 105 too and have jerked 130 but my strict press 1rm is around 65kg haha, just wasn't built to press I guess.

MUSiC anD SHeeT! / Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?
« on: March 26, 2016, 07:02:24 pm »

the whole album, on repeat.

Did strict barbell overhead presses today and wanted to go for a heavy topset of 10. Last week I just got 60kg(130lbs) so today I wanted to try 62.5kg (135lbs) but the second set at 55kg felt surprisingly heavy and I did 11 reps with it which felt like a max effort, so I was kinda disappointed and decided to cut down the weight and get a bit more volume in at a lower weight. Then I looked at the barbell again and realized that I loaded two 10kg plates each side instead of a 10kg and a 5kg. So I actually did 65kg (140lbs) for 11 clean reps, which is definitely a rep PR! Haha I love when stuff like that happens.


strong! what's your 1rm?! 80+ ?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: March 26, 2016, 04:50:42 pm »
how is your desk/keyboard set up if you're spending a lot of time coding etc? could it be aggravating the tennis elbow?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Party's Over!
« on: March 23, 2016, 08:38:37 pm »
Your DL seems to be coming back nicely.

It's going nice atm.
My plan is to increase the weight by 5kg each week until I'm up to 180kg. Than I'll reduce the weight increments to 2.5kg each week until I stall. It would be nice to get back to 5 plates ;D

Good plan. I'm doing something similar although my goal is just to get back to 180.

Seems like 180 is just a lightweight these days. So many guys pulling well over 200 it's ridiculous.

you see lots of 'skinny' people pulling 200+ with deadlifts, but basically never squatting 140+ or benching 120+. It's weird. Also, I bet a lot of these big deadlifters can't squat 140kg... (me being one of them for a long time) (leverages!). Also, deadlifts don't hurt as much as squats but still make you feel like a badass so i reckon people put way more effort into deadlifting.

News, Announcements, & Suggestions / Re: instagram embedding fixed?
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:54:20 pm »
Works fine in windows 10 / firefox.

It may still be too big though, and my screen here is 1920x1080, i imagine it is still gigantic in smaller resolutions. Maybe use 50% ?

gj anyway  :highfive:

done. how's it look now?


I have made a terrible mistake!!!



Yeah haha I'll get at it tomorrow.  I know meditation is sitting there with your eyes closed but I will have to look into it because if I did that now I would just fall asleep so there has to be more to it than that.

yeah that happens, it's normal! first thing/before food is probably best. i actually sometimes drink coffee before meditation, kinda defeats the point but...i stay awake.

try the 'headspace' app, i believe they do a 'trial' ten days which gives a good intro to meditation/mindfulness.

Way too stressed out lately and I think it has been wearing me out.  I had some crazy fucking dreams last night but I slept through the night because of the Bob Marley tea drink.  I got chased by the scream killer but he was in a flannel robe and was floating so idk lol

Nothing today just wanted to relax today before work

Threw away the yohimbine, did some research on it and I think i had an allergic reaction to it, my skin on my upper cheeks were raw and felt sun burned.

LOL wtf.

get into mediation for the stress!


Code: [Select]
from my weekend trip. literally sat here for 2-3 hours completely alone, so zen.

*im always getting 'content unavailable' when i link instagram/youtube stuff on here...what am i doing wrong?

not a pic but, some drone footage from a guy i follow on twitter. scottish highlands in winter:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

best bit probably from 2.10

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: March 15, 2016, 02:52:49 pm »

scary stuff after my run.... urine was pink/red. freaked me out when I first saw it.. never had that happen before. It's most likely related to the beet juice though.. It makes poop red, but apparently if stomach acids are low it can make urine red.

scared me at first but, not worried about it. If it keeps happening tomorrow though...... ya that'd be a problem. Shouldn't though.


interesting...probably the beetroot juice. otherwise you know of exercise induced hematuria? i gather its pretty common in runners. or 'march' haemolytic anaemia which is different but also = 'blood' in urine. no other symptoms?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: March 12, 2016, 07:48:21 am »
What's the deal with the hamstring? Is it more toward the insertion or the muncle? If it's a muscle based thing/tightness would it be worth trying heat over ice?

I love ice for my knees, but I once iced a sore/right calf/peroneal and it made it significantly worse!

I love IF (totally with you on saving lunch money dreyth haha). It's just super convenient, although I have altered how I do it now.

At one point I'd fast till I train - typically till like 4-5pm then begin binging after this. If I was home maybe I'd start eating at 2-3pm. I generally ramp up carbs on training days, don't count anything though.

I now decided I do better with a little food in me before training, especially now I started sometimes from as early as 12am I'll have granola and yoghurt or if I leave it real close to training a protein/dextrose shake and a banana or something.

I have considered training early now I can and the gym is much quieter, so I may switch to what you (coges) are doing.

I eat 2-3 meals maybe, lots of snacking though...very IIFYM really. Withoit counting macros. But I'm still lean so meh.

One of the best things for me is the mental benefits - I can fast all day not have to think about food and get work done with great mental focus. meanwhile everyone else has breakfast, gets a bit foggy as it settles....then they have 2-3 hours and theyre thinking about lunch...then they're away for an hour, have a early afternoon slump, before starting to complain about how hungry they are at 4pm. Then they go home having eaten over half their daily macros whilst I'm not hungry, got more work done, and now have an evening of eating pretty much whatever I want  ;D

Injury, Prehab, & Rehab talk for the brittlebros / Re: Low back pain
« on: March 01, 2016, 05:19:42 am »
also there is a big correlation between mood/depresion + pain. obviously there is something mechanically going wrong in your case, but it may be exacerbated by your mental state, just something to consider. you don't want to find yourself in a vicious cycle of like..low mood - training raises it - back injury - can't train - lower mood - worse pain - less funcitonality - lower mood - worse pain!

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