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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 11, 2013, 08:36:45 am »
At least you can see how much the core strength matters in the squat, and in the jump as well as a consequence. And it tells you that you need to improve it (it tells me that as well).

Fully agree! That's the silver lining here, i can be a fair bit stronger a squatter, esp out of the hole with more weight once i've beefed up my core strength. The downside is right now this 'discovery' is costing me valuable progress/PRs, which sucks. But it's okay, i'll find a balance. I tried to be conservative with ab wheel and only did 2x8 but seems even that was too much to start with, should have done 1x5 or something instead. I'll do some today, and hopefully come monday with a much stronger, recovered core i'll be back on track for FS 1x140kg (PR) so I can put this absolute strength gain chapter behind me and start on relative strength gain.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / chasing athleticism -- W1D3
« on: October 11, 2013, 08:08:23 am »
FS 1x127.5, 1x132.5, 0Fx137, 0Fx136.44
BS 3x120, 2x127.5, 2x132.5, 1x135, 2x130
HBBS-ATG 2x6x100
BP 5x90 (PR)
WCU 2x90, 7x90, 5x94.5, 5x92, 5x90
HKR 2x16x90 (PR)
AWR 7Fx90

FS notes:
Not much to say, disappointing front squats, no PRs, got owned by the weight, couldn't even get it into the sticking point lol. I'm regretting ab wheel on monday, ruined my training for the whole week, my core still isn't well recovered. i was going so well this week before dabbling in that stupid shit. oh well.

BS notes:
No pop, no juice, legs heavy and uninterested.

Upper body:
Big milestone today, I benched 90kg for 5 reps. That was a long term goal. Now the hard work begins towards 100x5, hopefully when that happens, i'll start to look like I lift. lol.

Abs notes:
Did chinups and then hanging knee raises, these were really tough today, i guess from monday's ab carnage. I also did just one set of rollouts, just to keep my body keen. I expect on monday i'll find myself recovered and with new core strength that is sufficient to achieve my short term squatting goal of 140kg.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 10, 2013, 10:09:34 am »
Ok. Well you're still doing a good job with your lifting so don't be too hard on yourself!

Ha thanks. I'm planning on maintaining my absolute strength (140kg FS + 90kg BW = 230kg). So if I drop 5kg bodyweight, the bar weight should be 5kg heavier so i'm still the same absolute strength. That's my goal. If everything goes to plan, by the end of the cut, i'll still have the same absolute strength (230kg), and my relative strength will be that magic 2xbw number instead of the 1.5 it is atm.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:51:19 am »
Because legs have to support that extra bodyweight. Athletically/relatively speaking it's worse, but for the purposes of getting stronger, it's better to be a 200kg fatty squatting 200kg than a lean 100kg one, because the 200kg fatty's legs are moving 200kg bw + 200kg bw.

Put another way, if I squat 140kg @ 90kg, then drop 3kg of bodyfat, i can now squat 143kg @ 87kg by maintaining the same load on my legs. But if i'm only squatting 140kg @ 87kg, then i've gotten weaker than I was at 90kg.

Nah that logic doesn't work out. Imagine how much more potential the guy at 100kg has. If the 100kg dude bulked up to 150kg and the 200kg fatty lost 50kg down to 150 the lean 100kg dude would be miles stronger than the fatty.

 That's true and goes along with what i've said! That's relative strength, yes, but not absolute strength. So bulking is about gaining absolute strength (bodyweight + bar-weight) to a maximum amount. And cutting is about gaining relative strength (bar-weight/bodyweight). You have to see strength in the right context. While i'm gaining absolute strength, it's preferable to lift the most amount of total weight (bodyweight + bar-weight). So in that context i'm strongest when that total is largest at my heaviest.

For an athlete, being as light as possible, while moving as much bar weight as possible is the right context of strength. When acquiring strength or gaining/bulking, your lifts go up but so does your bodyweight. If you gain 15kg like I did, that's a significant amount of weight borne by the legs. Now if I maintain my end of bulk bar weight and shed those extra 15kg, i'm now much weaker than i was at the end of the bulk. I'm not interested in just plain relative strength, i'm interested in maximising my absolute strength which means using extra bodyweight to make up that total.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 10, 2013, 09:21:27 am »
Because legs have to support that extra bodyweight. Athletically/relatively speaking it's worse, but for the purposes of getting stronger, it's better to be a 200kg fatty squatting 200kg than a lean 100kg one, because the 200kg fatty's legs are moving 200kg bw + 200kg bw.

Put another way, if I squat 140kg @ 90kg, then drop 3kg of bodyfat, i can now squat 143kg @ 87kg by maintaining the same load on my legs. But if i'm only squatting 140kg @ 87kg, then i've gotten weaker than I was at 90kg.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 10, 2013, 07:02:21 am »
BW: 194.5

Blah. I love how I tried to lose weight actively thru september and failed, struggling to string together even a pair of days of compliance. And in october when i'm actively trying to maintain my bodyweight, i'm finding myself naturally eating clean and at a deficit this whole week. So i'm dropping bodyweight even though I don't want to, and ideally i would have liked to get a 140kg FS @ 90kg which is better than 140kg @ 88kg which is where i'm headed :( The reason I want 140kg @ 90kg rather than 140kg @ 88 is because it's i'm stronger when squatting the same weight + 3kg of extra bodyweight! It gives me a better chance of getting 150kg @ 75kg.

Abs feel less sore and painful today than yesterday. Hopefully they'll be fully recovered tomorrow, would like a strong workout to end the weak.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 09, 2013, 01:43:47 pm »
With what numbers do you come up using this?

19%. But I put zero faith in these things, I am a special snowflake, all these measures and estimates (including skinfolds, dexa etc) don't WORK for me.

Was just viewing footage from today's squatting and I came across this rep of BACKSQUAT which I failed but notice my position

This is a deep, upright, midfoot heavy BACKSQUAT, which is never this deep for me. Any ideas on wtf happened here. Should I be able to do my normal backsquats this way. I guess I had to relax some muscles  that would normally be tight to get this position? which muscles, i don't remember either. It's interesting though. Might be something to explore further.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 09, 2013, 11:33:52 am »
Thanks for the advice on calfs, my esteemed sprinter friends :) Will keep that in mind. I'm itching to start sprinting again, i probably miss it more than anything else, even basketball which I don't really enjoy right now. More and more i'm attracted to solitary sports like weightlifting and sprinting, at least that way you don't have to be constantly disappointed and let down by other ppl, it's frustrating when you try your best to spark some interest and people just habitually don't come thru despite their assurances.

I just wanted to make a note in the thread that good news and bad news  -- i'm not as fat as I thought. i can pinch my waist and grab a small-to-medium amount of fat today. Which suggests to me i'm probably over-estimating my bodyfat because i'm usually bloated or whatever. Not say i'm not fat, but I might not be in the 15kg overfat range I thought I would be. Actually I dont know where my bodyfat is right now, it may be mid 20s or more, but I feel as though it could be as low as high teens. Anyway this is neitehr here or there, just a passing observation. It's actually depressing to me because i want a double FS more than anything else, and if i'm lean at 80kg (say) then I need another 10kg on my FS than I initially planned. Still, even if i get a 150kg FS @ lean 80kg that's better than what I started off with, 120kg FS @ not-very-lean 75kg.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: A couple dunks 2 years ago
« on: October 09, 2013, 11:27:20 am »
hey man, just saw you online for the first time in ages. How's training going? Good to see you back.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / chasing athleticism -- W1D2
« on: October 09, 2013, 09:26:32 am »
FS 1x127.5, 1x132.5, 0Fx137
BS 3x120, 2Fx127.5, 2x127.5, 2x130, 2x125, 6x115, 6x112.5
OHP 6x50, 5x60, 8x55 (PR), 9x52.5 (PR)

Salient notes:
Abs were destroyed from monday's ab wheel .. even sneezing hurted them yesterday, today wasn't any better, oh well, i'm a dickhead for being careless. I think i should leave that accessory stuff for fridays. Doing it on monday was a mistake when I have a whole week of training ahead.This didn't bode well for squatting, as you'll see.

FS notes:
lulz, even warmups felt wrongly heavy, PR wasn't in the realm of doability. Will get it friday when my core is refreshed

BS notes:
Giving up on the idea of reps and sets now, it's bullshit, you can't plan this stuff, it's too chaotic to expect the body to act in some orderly fashion. jettisoned repsxsets as of today, now it will be freestyle from here! My guide will be keeping myself from doing dirty sets, if the next rep will be dirty, i'll end the set there and then. If I have more juice in me, i'll do more reps than I might have originally intended. I'll avoid sets that result in slow grindy lifts, except for the ocassional PR. Lets see where this new approach takes me.

One thing i've recently been doing when my knees feel wonky is doing a compression around the muscles near the knee. I just wrap some rubber bands fairly tight around my calves and hams/quads for about 1 min, do a bit of a stretch to fill the area with blood, then move my way down the leg. Makes my knees feel good. Something to try perhaps, it's pretty amazing how good it feels in an instant. People use rubber tubing from bicycle tyres, i just use my bands.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Body Fat Decreased?
« on: October 09, 2013, 06:41:01 am »
Scooby looking lean! Hows your mobility scoob? Do you foam roll and stretch regularly? I still think you should do some swings just prior to jumping, i got an easy 2" from that when I tried it. I did banded plate swings, not sure if the band is all that important. Anyway just something to try.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 08, 2013, 08:15:19 am »
I wouldn't bother training calves. You'd get more benefit just spending that time playing basketball or even just dribbling at home if you don't have access to a court. Once you start running again your calves will also get a bit of a workout.

Thanks, i agree with you on dedicated calf training. Here are the potential benefits of doing heavy barbell raises -

1. Get used to having a supramax weight on the back
2. might help with core stability by challenging the whole body to stay rigid while supporting a heavy weight
3. CNS training effect, PAP
4. preparatory work for one day when I do heavy ass (180kg+) quarter squats
5. strengthens dorsiflexion which is important for stability and control in deep ATG squatting

but the problem is, if i dont really believe in something, i wont do it. i mean i might do it once or twice, for me do it regularly i really need to believe lol and i'm not sure i do right now

i agree with you that when playing basketball regurlarly and running i'll be working them pretty good. wish i was but i really need to get my squat goals out of the way, i'm sick of waiting

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: October 08, 2013, 05:13:40 am »
Ow lord my abs are sore today. Hope i'm good to squat tmr. I have to make the most of being heavy right now and do a lot of bodyweight exercises while they're hard. Doing ab wheel rollouts when i'm a lightweight is fucking pointless but right now they're not too bad, hitting the spot pretttttty good. maybe i should get a weighted vest and maintain my bodyweight for certain exercises..

bodyweight update: 194.8 (!), is that the first time i'm under 195 in the last few weeks? I haven't really been weighing myself regularly when I lost my pc, i lost access to my custom software i made to keep a track of my training and bodycomp. i'm back on my system so i'll start tracking everything regularly again. Saying that, also waist was 36.5" today, so i'm still fat but it's ok, once squat goals are achieved i'll fix that.

also, calves are sore today for the first time in ages. jumping i did last night, cool. I guess this is telling me i should keep regular jumps in my training, at least once a week from here on. calve raises might be useful too.. maybe i have really weak calves...? worth experimenting with by adding in some weight training for them.

One thing I can't wait for is to finish my squatting block and begin sprinting. I feel as though as training at my current bodyweight to run quickly will do wonders for my athleticism, maybe indirectly thru increasing leg stiffness? i dont do any running right now cause they'll make my legs too sore to squat :( but .. ive heard hill sprints avoid that, not that i know of any places to dhills around here, will try to ask around if there are any. well i have hills around home but they're concrete not grass.

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