I just realized all my other posts said 12/x/2010.... LOL. fixing that now.
Thursday 1/6/2011:
-Track Warmup
-400m accelerations (~120-130m laps)
-1 lap jog
-1 lap run
-1 lap sprint. (400 pace)
-1 lap walk
-Rest until next group is finished (~3 min)
-Repeat 2x more.
-Stairs (x3)
-Right leg bound up (ea. step)
-Squat each step on the way down
-Left leg bound (ea. step)
-Walk down
-Double leg bounds (every other step)
-Squat down
-High knee/runner up (ea. step)
-Walk down
-Follow the leader BW squats
-25 crunches
-Planks. (added elbow variation... 15 sec hold each)
-Follow the leader hell sits (time varies)
-15 pikes
-Stretch + PWO shake.
Notes: Actually a pretty hard day on the quad, but I'm still feeling the runs bring out the soreness in my posterior chain more than ever. I feel like my sprints are actually implementing the back more now. (<--- super useful for hurdles) Hurdle technique day tomorrow. Runs are really easy so I might add some weightlifting and take the whole weekend off. Excited for next Saturday.
Notes #2: This is a long way off, but I think this summer (or after a small deload phase after track season) I want to focus on strength. I don't mean just get to the weightroom and do near max rep stuff... I want that to be part of it too, but I really want it to focus on the craziest stuff possible. Single leg squats (weighted) and one arm pushups included. Possibly attempt to build up to a single arm pullup. I just want to do something to get absurdly strong. Not really going to worry about the weight. At my current size some will pack on from increased diet and muscle strengthening. Turn me into the little engine that could