i think those squats hit the glutes pretty good too, just neglect the hamstrings (especially since i always do reverse hypers or hip thrusts before to especially activate the glutes)
so what are you saying i should do to remedy it?
I never understood what "activation" has to do with this, maybe someone can clear this up. But from my understanding your technique determines whether or not a muscle works in a movement and not the other way round, i.e. the muscle gets "activated" through other exercises and thus fires regardless of technique. I don't want to say with this, that you should not do hip thrusts if they are beneficial to your strength btw.
Also saying fuck the hamstrings might work perfectly fine for now, but could become a problem later on. Relaxing of the hamstrings in the bottom position might cause problems with the hips as well as the knees. The reason is that relaxed hamstrings cannot counteract the anterior forces on the knees, but do so when they are under tension (this is the "stretch" ardaqui described).
I suggest you leave the weight over mid foot and initiate the movement as described with hips and knees breaking at the same time. You might find that this is also easier since the bar keeps its vertical path which I think is what ardaqui means with "go straight down bandwaggon". This should be easy to fix.
On the other hand, you could also do a Rippetoe style squat, which I came to like after doing high-bar for several months as well. But this thread might not be the right place to discuss the benefits or disadvantages of that...