welcome back! sorry that you had such a rough go of it this fall. but just think, at least you didn't end up in the emergency room with penis trauma. http://deadspin.com/what-horrible-things-did-we-do-to-our-penises-last-year-1487404095
what's your weight/fats at right now, roughly speaking?
Jesus... that sounds awful.... you know the first day of classes I tried to think "well at least it can't really get worse than this" I guess it could haha.
Weight is at an abysmal 139, oddly enough that is up from just a few weeks ago when 135, which is as low as I've been since.... I can't remember. I was about 160 mid summer, which was about as heavy as I've ever been. Far from big, but I was a strong as I've ever felt and I was feeling pretty decent there.
No clue on bodyfat. Still quite lean, but not nearly like I was mid summer, or even that last vid I posted doing deadlifts. I don't have the "spring" in my step like I used to. Any sort of running or jumping makes me feel lethargic because I feel so slow.
On the bright side, I found out I could do a backflip in full marching uniform (including thermal gear underneath), felt like I was wearing a snowsuit. Last halftime show of the season they always announce upper-classmen and I did a backflip on the sideline when they called my name at the end. Kinda scary though because my laziness and lack of power made me very slow. Felt like I was turning in slow motion in the air.
Anyway, all my posts tend to be wordy so...
TL;DR: it's great to be back. I'm tiny, I'm weak, but I'm feeling more and more consistent and things should only be going up from here.