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Messages - AlexV

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Thanks a lot guys.

That may be why my tolerance of the internet bs drama is really low because in the end there are real problems to worry about.

We'll get it done eventually.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer, then my dad got sick and passed away, and now we are nearing the end of my moms life.  So there has been a ton on my plate.  Heck even my dog got cancer!  So everything besides the job that pays the bills went on the back burner.


i disagree with CF.  I dont get it at all.  so he has sprinters work on sprinting form/technique a ton.  Then when it comes to changing direction, which is far more complex he says dont even think about form.  Look, you need to practice consciously changing direction correctly enough so that you can do it sub consciously.

work on sprinting as fast as possible and then breaking down and stopping as fast as possible.

Drop your hips when you break down

then when you can stop on a dime work on stopping and taking an open step that actually moves you in the dierction you want to turn. 

Then work on sprinting, breaking down, turning, and accelerating on the direction you want to go.

cut with crisp straight lines

Oh and always look where you want to go it will help you turn quicker.

there is more but that should help.

Also reminds me of Thib's Perfect rep system a bit where you are essentilly waveloading between 60 and 85% of your 3RM  So closer to 80%1rm.  Only Thibs recommends lifting explosively.  I guess Adarq, according to this, would argue it is neurally more draining.  Personally I always feel fresher using the DE parameters in these %'s as opposed to getting near failure in the squat.

Of course he limits reps to the 1-5 rep range with more sets. So you are not training to fatigue.  You end up hitting 18-30 reps a day that don't approach failure.

And then there is Pavel's and Ross's PTP/GTG approach.

Recently I was reading Bompa's Periodization text and he had said that training frequency and intensity have the greatest impacts on results.  So the best bet is to train at high intensity and high frequency (motor learning) while still being able to recover.

Now this doesn;t mean doing a puke bucket plyo session.  Rather it means high quality.  Jump in sets of low reps (1-5) until your performance peaks or begins to fall and stop!  High intensity = high quality.

Look at your goal and see if you are following this advice.  In the weight room strength speed and max strength are the attributes most closely related to success.  Off the top of my head, alternating weight room work with blocks of PTP (ME) and CT's methods would work best.  Of course CT's system has you closing the explosive strength deficit which would mean that there will be a point where his system has you training kinda PTP style.

I'll close with this:

Pavel refers to training sessions and workouts as "practice".  If we take this concept in mind it may help bring clarity to our training programs.  AQs Dan John, quoting Dan Gable, has said "If it is important do it every day".  The concept of practice has its roots in motor learning.  We are teaching ourselves to be stronger and more explosive.


i know one thing that is for certain, it is impossible to those who think it is impossible.

if you are able to squat more, at the same weight, after getting poked with an adrenaline shot, then surely you can keep improving squat without gaining weight. no one on this forum is anywhere near needing to put on weight to improve their squat strength, especially including yourself.

some of the stuff i see on here lately is ridiculous. it's like none of the stuff is resonating, people are still giving credence to PED's and "weight gain".. sure if you want to gain weight go ahead, but everyone on this forum is capable of making pretty big gains at their current weight.

I'll get all Jay Schroeder-esque on Adarq

RE Size and strength:  "The smallest most powerful athlete wins"
RE PED's and Adarq's take on hard work: "The will to prepare must be greater than the will for results"

So maybe Jay and Adarq are sippin the same kool-aid

As far as PED's I am definitely as anti PED as Adarq, but I would not advocate their use.  I understand their use at the highest levels.  I do not see any real solution besides having parents raise their kids to have higher moral standards, and appreciate the journey that is the hard work towards your goals.  Unfortunately  live in America and everyone wants the quick fix and insta results so we would have to completely change our mass culture.  I mean shit, 5 hour energy has a commercial where a guy doesn;t have time or energy to make a cup of coffee.  How lazy are we?  Utill we get a higher moral (not religious) standard and people learn the value of hard work and appreciation of the return on their efforts then people will always be willing to cheat.

So lets make an Adarq pledge: We will raise our kids (in the future) to have a high moral standard, understand and appreciate the importance of hard work.

I agree with Adarq's sentiment about strength, power, and weight gain.  I prefer to keep working max strength and power stuff.  Once a plateau is hit then move into hypertrophy work.

A 3-3.5xBW squat is a bit high.  I would say that 2.5-3.0 is a better range when considering the goal of training for performance.  The move from 3-3.5 requires, IMO, too much specificity in training.  For a 200lb athlete you are talking a 700 squat.  Getting to 700 would require taking too much time away from sport preparation and it would require too high of inroads into recovery ability.  Essentially you would need to begin training like a PLer and not an athlete.

Performance Training Blog / Re: Max Effort Beast Mode (MEBM)
« on: February 11, 2011, 01:32:54 am »
jumanji/silverback (forgot his real name) used to do 20 rep breathing squats as a finisher after each leg day with his athletes.  Old school classic stuff

what is a potty squat?

1/4-1/2 squat
sitting back
shins stay vertical
spine stays neutral
it is kinda like the top of a westside style box squat with your feet at olympic style width. 

It is all about isolating the glute and getting it to control the hip

**Forgot landon evans great stuff on elitefts. Also forgot Alex V=beast and i guess that kelly guy knows stuff too

soo in no particular order, everyone that aspires to training themselves and train for sports or a particular sport athlete, ready as much as you can from-

James Smith,
Tom mylinski,
Landon Evans
Charlie Francis,
Buddy Morris
Alex V
Kelly B
and more..

To develop a 40+ inch running vertical jump, and to learn how to dress during training sessions, among other things, ask adarq

Anyways, good posts and good thread.  Very good points Alex.  How do you personally squat now?  how do you coach your athletes to squat?

I use a few varieties based on what I am training for.  Olympic ATG style on a quad emphasis.  Currently using a rippetoe type squat cause I am focusing more on the pchain.  For glute emphasis I do a loaded potty squat.  Basically I try to pick the right tool for the job.  Those are the 3 types of back squats I've done in the past 6 months

I let depth be dictated by mobility and performance.  if they get into a hyper lordotic or kyphotic position I have athletes squat higher so they stay neutral.  Proper performance is always better than depth.  The way I see it is that as long as the target group is getting stringer I don;t lose sleep over depth.  Of course mobility work is always included but depth is less important than strengthening the appropriate muscles properly.

I guess that is why I am more on the fence about every exercise.  Don't get married to any one dogma.  Olympics are good, so are jump squats, powermetrics (REA), Squat high, squat low.  Look at the complete picture of every athlete and pick the movements and methods that best suit their needs and goals.

You can get a high school lifter squatting properly and successfully use DE, REA, and jump squats in place of olympics and easily achieve the same results.

I recall the old coach Ian King saying that the older he gets the more his answers begin with "it depends" because it does depend.  You dont exercise in a vacuum.  Head coaching style, injuries, previous training experience, sport demands, time constraints (ever try to teach 100 kids to squat ATG when you only have 1 hour?), size of the group, head coaches needs, discipline of the group (try to control a team with a soft head coach... impossible), and more...


edit: I remember jaron (jason?) gilbert had a really impressive half squat vid, which took some heat, because of all of the ATG maniacs.. that dude was very explosive, nice vert too.

Gilly is 6'6" and has very long limbs.  He is not built for squats at all.  He could jump through a roof at 295lbs

probably addin some more fuel to the fire, but here is my  :rant:

everytime i see box jumps done it's usually some trainer at the gym or one of my coaches

the look dangerous at the heights that ppl try to do it at

i really don't think it's better than just doing a standing jump

I see ppl all the time jumping them trying to show off

they hurt my knees for some reason, either landing wrong or something

box jumps generally are very easy on the knees, except if you wipeout, then they are very risky.. but in general, you're jumping up and ONTO a box, that's a very low force absorption when you land.


except for when you land in that horrid deep squat position that all the JA's do on youtube.

when i was at state we had a coach that became crossfit certified and man...

all his teams form went to shit (not a big drop as his teams only went from suck to shit on the dave tate scale) after he began allowing the crossfit slop.  I have never seen more round back deadlifting then when I have watched his teams and his crossfit classes he leads....

Then in pull up testing for upper back strength he allows kip ups...  And then has the nerve to brag about how many pull ups his athletes can do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bragging about kip ups vs pull ups is like bragging about box jumps vs vertec jumps

Mixed Martial Arts / Re: UFC PRIMETIME - Brock Lesnar vs Cain Velazquez
« on: October 19, 2010, 06:13:00 pm »
I am rooting for Cain.  Gotta pull for the local guy (plus I now have a couple guys fighting on his team!).  He is a beast.

Looking forward to this fight.  It's coming down the pipe!

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