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Messages - D4

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ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Push Press and Basketball
« on: August 20, 2012, 03:04:09 am »
This might be a stupid question, but I'm curious.  You know how shoulder power contributes to vertical jump height and to work on it people do arm swings like when Adarqui used to do his plate swings which basically mimics the same swing motion in jumps. 

Push presses aren't the same motion as plate swings, but does improving push press help with the same effect that improving plate swings will have specifically on VJ's?

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Push Press and Basketball
« on: August 19, 2012, 05:40:17 pm »
What would you say is a good number for push pressing?  For example, 2xBW for squats is a good milestone, 1.5xBW for bench is considered really good, what about push press? My goal at a 152-155lb BW is to do 135 for 3 reps.  Would that be considered adequate?

 Push pressing your bodyweight for a few reps is a good goal to start with. When you can do that you will tend to not have problems being stronger than the majority of players you compete against.
Damn I have a long ways to go llol...  yeah I'm gonna prioritize push press over my bench now

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Push Press and Basketball
« on: August 19, 2012, 05:22:38 pm »
What would you say is a good number for push pressing?  For example, 2xBW for squats is a good milestone, 1.5xBW for bench is considered really good, what about push press? My goal at a 152-155lb BW is to do 135 for 3 reps.  Would that be considered adequate?

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Push Press and Basketball
« on: August 19, 2012, 04:59:40 pm »
Lance, I remember in another thread pretty long time ago, you mentioned that push press destroys bench press in terms of carryover to basketball.

Not disputing this, I'm just curious as to why and how?  Strictly for knowledge sake since I'm a basketball player.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Force Vector Test/ SVJ
« on: August 17, 2012, 06:59:43 pm »
Hey Lance, if someone's goal is strictly SLRVJ's and sprinting, wouldn't it be more beneficial for this person to try and be as hip dominant as possible and try to get way in front of the line in this force vector test?

Also with the added benefit of lowering knee problem risks?

Agreed.  Let's not argue anymore, you're an idiot and everyone knows it. Bye.

Nobody thought the Durant video was real idiot.  You're the only one who said "that video is probably fake" lol.

I sound like I'm mentally challenged?  Nice one.

Nobody thought the durant video was real?  Yet several people tried to make a point about it that lanky forwards also need upper body strength?  Yet entropy posted it to try to disprove my post?

Entropy wrote "Speaking of KD" and then posted the video.  I can really sense him trying to disprove your post with that statement.

And then he writes "apparently at the 2007 draft he couldnt bench 185 and this is him benching 315 .. apparently"...  Hyperdunk, you're horrible at sensing sarcasm.  The Raptor one was even worse lol.

Of course lanky forwards need upper body strength.  EVERY BASKETBALL player needs upper body strength...  No one was correlating that with the video idiot.  Just stop it.

Nobody thought the Durant video was real idiot.  You're the only one who said "that video is probably fake" lol.

I sound like I'm mentally challenged?  Nice one.

Plus that bench press by Kevin looked damn easy!

That's right. Daaaaaaaamn easy I tell ya!

yeah, i find it unbelievable how every meathead on this forum thinks they are bball and sports specific experts.  Learn to hit the rim on your layups first then chime in.  

Yeah man, I know. They all talk shit. You should do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for your upperbody, if you train the legs with squats the HGH generated through squatting will help the upperbody grow. No need to burn yourself out with upperbody lifts!

Yeah there's definitely some truth to this, and what D4 said.  But at the professional level, strength does factor in a little bit more than pure athleticism compared to lower levels.

Guarantee all the poeple barking and flaming me and D4 have absolutely NO organized bball experience besides park district where there is no tryout.

LOLLLLL, it's funny cause you don't even know Raptor is being sarcastic.   And no one's barking at me idiot.  Only you.

It's also funny how you post a million new topics on this forum asking the most ridiculous questions that all blatantly show you don't know shit about training, and then you go around other topics acting like you're an expert, in which again you blatantly show you don't know shit about training.  When I first joined this forum, I asked a million dumb questions too, and it's fine but I didn't act like some stubborn expert.  I just learned.

You and Harvey go start your own forum.

Also, I hope no one was naive enough to think the Durant video was real lol.  And Hyperdunk, 315 isn't that much?  315 is a lot.  Just because Boykins at 140 can do it, doesn't mean Durant should be doing 600

Harvey, you don't know shit about anything.  Stop answering people's questions on this forum.  You've yet to post one good reply.

Played ball on the national level?  STFU LOL, if you think jumping should be his number 1 priority as a basketball player, I'd doubt you ever even played JV ball

Who ever said the OP was prioritizing his upper body over his lower body?  

And I'm sure you were joking, but if you weren't (I wouldn't be too surprised cuz you've proven many times to be stupid), wtf any of this have to do with him being White or any other race...

Don't look at what NBA players are doing...  Most of the time, they're training with different purposes than you are.  They do a lot of injury prevention stuff and they stay away from "risky" stuff since they are million dollar athletes.  

How much muscle mass is useful is a horrible question..  Depends on what your goals are as a basketball player, but for the most part, adding muscle mass will only help you as long as you're not trying to turn into the hulk.  I can't possibly think of how added lean muscle won't benefit you.  It will add weight, strength, power, speed...  

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Pre-Workout supplements
« on: August 10, 2012, 04:46:12 pm »
it is because of the crash.  it works okay for 30-45 min short workouts

That doesn't mean it works okay for 30-45 min for everyone...  For some people it works better than okay.  Everyone is different

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Pre-Workout supplements
« on: August 09, 2012, 11:13:36 pm »
most of this pre workout stuff is not that good or useful.  it all contains caffeine, the rest of the stuff is like vitamins and fruit extracts.  imo it's not worth it and is placebo effect most of the time.  nothing beats pure motivation, and some times this pre work out stuff makes u all giddy and not yourself.

and this stuff is terrible before basketball and plyometrics.

Did you ask every single person on Earth if pre-workout supplements aren't useful for them? 

Maybe it sucks for you before plyos and basketball,but when I used to take a lot of caffeine (when I was less tolerant) prior to jump sessions/plyo's/basketball, I loved it lol.  Made me really aggressive and explosive,  not only making the jumps and plyos better quality, but making me perform better in basketball games as well.

Nutrition & Supplementation / Pre-Workout supplements
« on: August 09, 2012, 07:45:49 pm »
Anyone here use pre-workout supplements so they are energized fully for an optimal workout?  Since I started working, I've been getting less sleep and it's affecting my workouts.  My workout frequency isn't exactly that high so I need to make all my workout sessions count.  Caffeine has little to no affect on me now, considering that I'm drinking coffee everyday at work on top of the fact that I'm naturally pretty tolerant to it to begin with.

I've heard of stuff like N.O. Fury (I think Raptor uses it), and C4 or whatever... 

Any recommendations on a specific supplement? 

- Also it'd be nice if you add in information such as if it includes caffeine, if you experience a crash later, how long it lasts in your body, does tolerant build up, etc...

I am pretty clueless and completely inexperienced with pre-workout supplements.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: August 05, 2012, 01:36:41 pm »
that's cool that you got a programming job.  good luck with that man

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