« on: September 06, 2010, 07:20:03 pm »
Hey man!
I used to do a similar protocol to SS during season but it always affected my volleyball work-outs, and those were only 2 per week, not 6. I honestly have no idea how a non-professional athlete is supposed to be fresh and recovered for games on such a training schedule. If I go all-out during a training session, I need at least 48 hours to be ready to go again...
Either way, I guess not all the basketball work-outs are all-out and considering your current strength you might be in a situation to make some gains. If you have the time and energy, try it. But if it is too much to handle, I would suggest to switch to a maintenance protocol and stay prepared to make further gains in off-season.
SS itself is designed as a program best being done without any other hard physical activity. This is a reality and can not be debated. Getting PRs 3 x per week will not be possible otherwise, unless for the totally untrained OR real genetic freaks. Most who have actually done the program know that to be true. So if I were in your situation I would switch up the protocol a bit. Two training sessions per week seems about right, but I would leave out the lighter work-out on Wednesday. This is too much to handle and, this is my opinion, if there is serious benefit from unilateral work that bilateral strength work can not as easily accomplish, which I think there might be, I still feel this should be considered for intermediate and advanced athletes only. I just don't see the use for novices because at this training age specificity should not be of great concern vs. just getting stronger.
The next thing that would need some modification is probably the volume. I would try making weekly progress, like an intermediate, with 3 x 5 squats for once a week (monday) and some high intensity / low volume work on another day (thursday, but you might want to try how saturday works for you, too). On that day I would just do some warm-up sets leading up to one heavy triple and that's about it. Weight should be heavier than monday of course and you would always try to add weight on both work-outs unless you were unable to do the planned work from the week before.
So your schedule might look like this:
- Squat: 3 x 5
- Bench press: 3 x 5
- Deadlift 1 x 5
- Squat: 1 x 3
- Bench press: 1 x 3
- Powerclean: 1 x 3
- Squat: 3 x 5
- Press: 3 x 5
- Deadlift: 1 x 5
- Squat: 1 x 3
- Press: 1 x 3
- Powerclean: 1 x 3
This could work for some weeks of progress, maybe more depending on your nutrition (you will need tons of food), sleep, rest, genetics and intensity of your basketball practice.