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Messages - LanceSTS

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I also wonder what would happen with a similar thread on Rippetoe's forum.

search "incorporating the half squat into an athletic program"

Yeah well I know about the low TUT for the hip thrusts, that's why I will do them with a 3-5 second hold at the top (at the glute bridge so to speak). Then I can pretty much say a 3x8 should be good.

In the rest days I plan to work with chinups/pullups (3x5 with weight if needed, and it will be), core (planks and some ab wheel/machine crunches + hip flexor stuff) and calves. Shouldn't take too much out of me, right?

By the way - I did 85x5x3 today in the squat and it was pretty difficult. Did the first two sets with 2.5kg plates under the heels and the last set without them... I don't know what to say...

I mean, I could stay more erect with my torso with the plates under the heels and could use a narrower stance, but...

As for the cleans, would you go with KB swings instead if I can't catch in the powerclean properly (I catch with the elbows down, on the chest/holding the bar with the hands, definitely not on the shoulders (I'm so far away from doing that))?

As you can see, USSR Dr. Emil has a few issues going... this USA Rippetoe style of training is pretty weird.

I think youll do fine with that man.  The issue with swings is you can only load them so far, and you cant accurately measure progress like you can with cleans or snatches.  If you hate cleans and snatches and know you wont push them far, do the swings though.

also, nothing wrong with using the plates under the heels if it helps you.

lol i just read past that bit, my fav so far

Yur lookin swole as hell bro

This is in no way a compliment to me, however you may have meant it, my goals are to get to a much, much, lower bodyweight, and I already have existing self esteem issues due to my current state of fat/bone/muscle mass.


edit another good one

Studies in Yemeni camel jumpers(many of which have verticals well above 40 inches) indicate that their best athletes engage in practices consistent with reverse hypertrophy.


lol thats how "reverse hypertrophy"  started, figured youd get a kick out of that lol

However, what we are trying to do is take a more active role in the matter, and also keep it on a more positive note. This term "reverse hypertrophy" was first coined by elite strength coach Robert Emil, formerly of the USSR.


also, to answer your question, hip thrusts wont create nearly the recovery deficit that deadlifts will, so you can pretty much do what you want there with the programming.

 Higher reps work well with them though, due to the low time under tension as the range of motion is so small.  I dont think the 1 x 5 deadlifts that are in the original program are too much for your recovery though if you do them once a week.


  That dude has a heart  bigger than the stadium hes running in.

Do you think that's due to high volume cardio?


Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: August 05, 2012, 04:18:35 am »

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


  If youre doing rdl and squats, you dont need a deadlift at all.  If you like the exercise and feel like it helps you while not detracting from recovery, then there is no reason not to use it either. 


 Depends on what youre using them for, and the way youre performing them.  It is very possible to deadlift sumo using primarily a hip hinge movement pattern, as well as a squat movement pattern. 

Since youre already squatting, you want a hip hinge in your program as well.  If you feel more comfortable sumo, and are still primarily training your glutes and hams with them, then that would  be a great fit for you. 


  That dude has a heart  bigger than the stadium hes running in.

Lance what about  barbell Rows? Every single powerlifter and bodybuilder says they're essential, can Raptor do those too?

 Yes.  Also, "appeal to authority".

edit: After further review of PP PG 4-59, I hope you all know I was kidding.  There is no use for an exercise like a row, when one can do STRAIGHT LEG POWER CLEANS.  STRAIGHT LEG POWER CLEANS WITH A FUCKING STRAIGHT LINE  bAR PATH.

I was wondering if I should replace the deadlifts with hip thrusts as I'm doing "Starting Strength". They should serve better for my purposes especially as my deadlift form isn't good in the first place and since I'm trying to focus more on my glutes.

The question remains - if I do hip thrusts instead of deadlifts - what volume? For the deadlifts I had 1x5, for the hip thrusts... 3x5? 3x8?

 How is one to become a "useful adult male", performing such a sorry excuse for an exercise as an air hump?

 I would "posit" that such an individual is " incapable of rational thought", and " not entitled to an opinion on the matter at hand."

 What you need to do is DTFP and GOMAD, Raptor, and do it UNTIL YOU CAN NOT SEE A SINGLE AbDOMINAL

 Otherwise, you are what we consider here (people under 30%  bf) as a pussy..

  If you continue to do this "silly  bullshit" known as a hip thrust,  I would recommend actually reading the fucking  

, since after all, it was Rippetoe who invented strength training with  barbells, not this heretic Contreras.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: EMS stimulation for hypertrophy or recovery
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:36:08 pm »
 No, I havent messed ems enough to really have an opinion on it for training other than its  been  useful for rehab for some.  The inno sport forum had some guidelines set up for ems on their old site, might check those out.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:33:49 pm »
 Knee  break looks good, I would stick with it.  When you come out of the hole, think of driving the  bar up and  backwards, that will help you stay more vertical on the way up as well.  The eccentric is spot on most of those reps. Also, that knee  break works well for some on the  back squat too, might give it a try if youre leaning over more than you need to.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hyper-extended knee, rehab tips?
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:49:58 pm »
Hey Lance, just to be cautious I wanted to ask you about something.  My PCL area/back of knee pain has totally subsided for a good amount of time now.  I am squatting again, doing intense plyo's for the past 7 weeks now and everything is good.  Even my shin splints are gone. 

However, since like 1-2 weeks ago, when I put my knee in a certain angle sometimes, I feel like tightness and very slight pain in between the LCL and PCL on my left knee.  It's not the side of the knee, it's not the back, it's in the halfway point between the two.  Any idea what's going on?  For the first time yesterday, my right knee started feeling this too in the exact same corner/spot of my knee.  It seems very minor as I can play basketball and do plyo's still.

Another thing, after basketball yesterday it feels like my knee swelled up or something.  It feels like the area below my knee cap and above my OSD bump is stuffed with something.  It does look fatter than my right knee too.  I've never experienced this, what is this? 

Extra info:  These days I do play with a knee brace (the skinny straps that you put in the exact spot I mentioned where it feels stuffed up) because my OSD started hurting again on my left knee.

 Sounds like inflammation from overuse, take a few days off from plyos and see how it goes.  Also if youre not already, take fish oil. 


 I lold hard at "long crotch" lmfaooo

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