Saturday 2/19/2011:
I'm righting this the day after. I was at a buddy's gymn for a party last night. Got to practice a couple cool stuff.
Backflips are coming pretty okay, I just have to stop being such a pansy and do them on flat ground anywhere else.
Tried some wall spins. I'm surprised how well I can do those considering it's been more than a year since I've done any.
Made a four man tower with some guys later in the night. I have some footage of the three-man that I wasn't in. Not nearly as impressive, but still cool.
Here's the fun part: Tried a wall flip for the first time. Wall was padded. Floor was made for tumbling or gymnastics floor routines or whatever. I figured I'd put a mat where I was jumping into the wall to make sure I didn't mess anything up. I regret it now. Didn't get the height I needed because the floor absorbed too much of my jump into the wall... and then my body had less time to rotate since the mat was there. Ended up landing about 45 degrees and hurting my ankle kinda like Damien did.
Pretty sure it's sprained right now. Luckily no school tomorrow. Plan on icing and completely resting at least until Tuesday.
Any other ideas for rehab stuff?