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Messages - LanceSTS

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Article & Video Discussion / Re: Joint by joint vert
« on: August 14, 2012, 03:15:33 pm »

His knees are moving? forward, they should't do that. Form is terrible.

MrBobcabob Acum 7 (de) luni

Cults, wonderful on the outside but on the inside are very manipulating. Cult leaders are desperate to trick you into joining. They are after your obedience, your time and your money.

Cults use sophisticated mind control and recruitment techniques that have been refined over time. Beware of thinking that you are immune from cult involvement, the cults have millions of members around the world who once thought they were immune, and still don't know they are in a cult! To spot a cult you need to know how they work and you need to understand the techniques they use. Teaching you these things is what this article is all about.

This article exposes the secret techniques cults will use to try and trick and control you. Cult leaders will not want you to read this, but read it anyway. Once you understand How Cults Work you will be better able to spot and avoid cult recruiters, and protect your family and friends.

If you're white, you'd be better off ignoring your upper body...

You were doing better for a while, training, and actually making decent posts.  why are you acting like an idiot fuck again harvey?

I'm trying to make a point. If you want to make it somewhere as a basketballer, your priority should be jumping above anything else physically.

you are a fucking moron. if you want to make it somewhere as a basketball player, your priority should be BECOMING A GREAT FUCKING BASKETBALL PLAYER.

for fuck's sake, that's not a difficult concept.

bullshit lbss, thats why all of the tfb dunk crew are making millions in the nba right now while that steve nash guy sits at home making youtube clips of his "fundamentals".

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: August 14, 2012, 06:57:41 am »

 Sick work on that flooring for your rack.  :highfive:

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Joint by joint vert
« on: August 14, 2012, 01:46:03 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

 Marty Gallagher

If you're white, you'd be better off ignoring your upper body...

You were doing better for a while, training, and actually making decent posts.  why are you acting like an idiot fuck again harvey?

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Joint by joint vert
« on: August 13, 2012, 09:22:47 pm »
 thats fine Steven, I told you my opinion on it, and I cant make what Im trying to get across any more clear.  If you want to believe that no one drives their squat, deadlift, clean, (insert tons of athletic movements that should be glute and leg driven) using their lower back more than their glutes and LEGS, thats fine too.

 Im not the only coach thats said this OVER and OVER though, so Ill tell the rest of the guys their theory is ridiculous too.

 The good thing is Rips theory is always right though, since if you fail using his bullshit, you can just have him tell you that you didnt have the genetics to do it in the first place.  


ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Additional strength exercises
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:26:10 pm »
i lament the death of proper orthography. shit is unreadable to me.

(but see what i did there?)


Article & Video Discussion / Re: Joint by joint vert
« on: August 13, 2012, 02:21:16 pm »

So you admit that the LBBS is easier to progress but you would say that this progress does somehow not matter?

 It would definitely matter, depending on the goal though, it may not matter nearly as much as progressing another exercise.  If you wanted to improve your jerk, would you choose bench press as your primary, or the push press/press?

Why do you think the HBBS will elicit more glute activation? Look at the picture with the two squats I posted before. Would you not agree that even performed to this height the LBBS shows a similar amount of hip flexion as the HBBS? Does this not mean that the glutes extend over the same ROM but with more weight on the back and a bigger moment arm applied (provided that one squats HB with the bar over mid-foot)?

thats why I gave the depth disclaimer.  The glutes are working the hardest in the very bottom of the squat,  the longer lever arm of the high bar squat with the added depth will make the glutes work harder in this range of motion, and I dont agree that the glutes have to work very hard at any other point, they are at a leverage advantage after that, higher up in the range of motion.  Muscles work the hardest, in the stretch.

 This is my opinion, and my experience with both squat styles.  If you switch from low bar to high bar, one of the most common occurrences is extremely sore glutes, why do you think this is?

Please explain to me what it is that he does and when that occurs exactly. I do not see an abnormal amount of back movement in Rip's squat. Do you?

 Thats the thing, its not abnormal, for a low bar squat.  It is however not optimal if strengthening the LEGS , and driving the squat from the LEGS is the goal.  The squat of the bobsled athlete I linked, and your own squat are not "typical" low bar squats, and are much more useful for athletic training, in my opinion.

I also did not make the picture here however it was shown as an example with lumbar flexion, and I do not know how to undo the captions.  

Regarding my own squat: I am aware of my technical limitations, at least some of them. That is why my squat is not a good model to follow and why I have been working for a couple of weeks now to clean it up. Relaxing the hamstrings at the bottom of the movement resulting in the knees coming forward is the biggest issue in some heavy sets. I think I somewhat succeeded with last Friday's set of 491 x 5 to avoid doing that.

You do understand that I completely disagree with that right?  Everything that makes your squat different, than what Rip is saying need be done, is what makes it more transferable to athletic events outside of powerlifting.  If you lean over more, drive your hips up more, etc. etc., I would bet money you start getting less and less transfer out of your squat to your olympic lifts, and jumps.  

You apparently think Rip's low vertical, tested at some unknown point in time, is a function of his squat technique. You think that if he high-bar squatted 540 ATG he would have jumped higher?

YES.  I do not think he could squat NEAR 540 atg with a high bar position though, if he gained the LEG strength to do so, I most definitely think he would have jumped noticeably higher, and increased his horrid numbers on his olympic lifts.  Of course he would not jump "great" until he practiced it much much more, and the same with the lifts, but with that type of LEG strength at his weight, he would have increased those numbers most definitely.

I don't. Whatever the technique, the mechanisms that make progress happen in every strength exercise can be assumed to be the same. Muscles grow, bones grow, tissue adapts, the nervous system adapts and so on. If someone starts out to LBBS 150 and increases that to 600 than these adaptations took place and they are more or less the same adaptations that the progress from HBBSing 135 to 540 would have lead to.

 No.  If someone takes their rack pull from 300 to 400, the same adaptations that take place moving the clean pull from 300 to 400 DO NOT take place.  Not even close.

So if you are of the opinion that Rip's squat style is what lead to him only jumping 22 inches and snatching 82.5, then you would have to make a damn good argument how that is the case.

 No, I dont think he cared.  I still think he doesnt care, Steven, and he doesnt have any reason to.  He trains newb lifters and recreational lifters.  Asking him about olympic lifts and sports training is like asking your plumber how to fly an airplane.

 He does however have to take a very hard and fast stance on these things though, if he wants to continue the cultish type following he enjoys.

I see the difference in exercises and I disagree with your stance on their usefulness. Maybe I am not that smart after all.

the guy in the video has a 40+ inch svj, squats 550 or so, powercleans close to 400.   you have a ~37 inch vj, powerclean over 300.  

rippetoe squatted more that both of you, had an actual olympic lifter as a coach, power cleaned 275, and vj 22 inches.  You two have strong LEGS, he has a strong lower back.

correlation doesnt imply causation.  right.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Joint by joint vert
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:02:09 pm »

It is correct that you can lift more weight with the LBBS. And which exercise is easier to progress, Lance, the bench-press or the press?

Which exercise is easier to progress Steven, the squat or the rack shrug?  Which one actually matters?

I agree that things would need to be quantified. In absence of people willing to do it properly, let me ask you the following question: Do you think that when executed correctly, meaning that the lower back muscles work purely isometrically, a 1 rm LBBS would induce higher activation of the glutes and hamstrings compared to the HBBS?

 High bar done atg would show a higher quad and glute activity, low bar done to Rippetoe specs would win with the hamstrings in my opinion. IF you went deeper with the low bar, and stayed more vertical, then it would also show more glute activity, and possibly similar quad activity.   I dont believe in using the squat as your primary hamstring exercise though, even with the guys who low bar squat. 

I agree that this is possible to do. Deadlifters often set up with a round back that later gets extended. However, it is rarely extended before the bar clears the knees. So up to this point the legs do most if not all of the work. But I can see what you are getting at.
However, talking about the squat, if no back bend occurs, there cannot be work done by it. This is a rather easy thing to diagnose and prevent I would think. So this isn't really an argument contra the LBBS.

 Rippetoe, in his squat linked, does exactly what I am referring to.  I am not picking on him as this is much more commonly what you will see with a typical low bar squat, than someone staying more vertical and using the LEGS more to drive the lift.  I think youre using yourself as your n=1 population, and failing to realize that your squat form is much different than the typical lbbs. 

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

^ a low bar squat done like THAT, will give HUGE carryover to athleticism.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

^ a low bar squat done like THAT will give you a 22 inch vertical, 105k clean and jerk, 82.5 snatch, with a 600 squat. However it will help the deadlift a lot.

  In all honesty Steven, youre a smart guy, dont act like you dont see the difference in those exercises and that you dont understand how one is more useful for athletic training, and one is more useful for lifting more weight in the squat.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hurdle interest
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:31:46 am »

  It would be a good idea if you get to a track that had a decent sprints program, and get the coach to help you out man.  There

is so much to running the hurdles that nothing I can really tell you in a short paragraph will do much good.  Watch good hurdlers,

get help from someone IN PERSON thats qualified to help you, and practice.

 I will tell you that statically, many of the hurdlers are not world beaters from a flexibility stand point. Dynamically, things change,

and this is the way you should spend the majority of your training time dedicated to mobility work.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Joint by joint vert
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:17:59 am »

Correlation is not causation. Just because a high-bar squat correlates to a larger degree with the VJ does NOT mean that it is a better way to train the VJ. It merely means that similar things are similar. If the goal is to increase lower body strength, one selects the tool that does this best. When all the muscles in the system get stronger, the athlete has the capacity to perform better. Making him do that can is a function of practice and of the additional work, e.g. RFD, plyos, etc., the athlete does when "enough" strength has been increased.

 If you have common sense, you may also draw certain conclusions based on the evidence youve seen.  When there is a direct fucking line linking a strength exercise with a power event, it really does give you some evidence that strength exercise may be a good way to train for it.  
Also, most people can low bar squat more than they can high bar, RIGHT NOW.  What does that tell you?  That its making you stronger since the weight is heavier? bullshit.  You can also deadlift more than you can squat, so a deadlift makes you stronger too right?  Youre putting yourself in a position thats EASIER to lift the weight.  

You don't stand up from a properly performed LBBS with 110% of what you can HBBS and have weak leg involvement. The knee extensors work just as hard as in the LBBS as in his sibling and the hip muscles work harder

  That depends on what you call proper, and fucking LOL @ sibling.   You also are merely repeating Rippetoe horseshit with the last line again, even if there were studies to prove it, it would have to be quantified into different lever lengths/height/etc.  The hips have to work pretty damn hard in a full olympic squat,  the low back can compensate for weak glutes more easily in the low bar squat.  Watch the last 3 reps of Rippetoes squat in the video I linked.

. The lower back muscles will have to fire more as well, but they do not extend the hips and knees.

 They can damn sure do a majority of the work first though.  Look how many deadlifters get away with very little leg contribution.  Once you get that load moving UP, its pretty easy to straighten out those legs.


ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Additional strength exercises
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:12:30 am »

athlete article..

CTRL+F "squat"..

..not found

..did not read

 :P :P :P

Kingfish, as a squatturtle, I think you may also need to carefully read the following, again, read it over and over until it sinks in.

well first ppl don't like to have to incur the cost of emotional output, we avoid displaying emotion every opportunity we can, yet

we talk about, talk about it in a manner as if we let it occur on a regular basis. Ppl don't cry when a family member dies b/c well

they're not supposed to cry b/c they have to be tough, or its really the best thing, or you know any situation that arises with

stress, 'well i've got to handle this in this way', 'i can't do this', 'i'll take a vacation', 'i'll go away from the problem and then the

problem will go away'. Well you see training is really a problem, and its a series of problems, and if you don't participate

emotionally, and you're heart doesn't get involved, b/c all emotion stems from the heart, and I believe the heart is the real

brain, like most of the martial arts and they're derivatives believe, not that i was involved with the martials arts or anything, i

came to that conclusion on my own, of course i read it like everyone else did, and said 'hmm, interesting' and then i came to my

own conclusion, and i determined the same thing, i believe the heart is the real brain, if we think with our brain we have too

many problems, we're always a step behind, we don't allow this emotion to let things occur. In order to move at high velocity,

high load, and high volume, and to be able to do it over and over, you have to elicit very specific responses, well if i go to the

gym one day John, and I'm umm, doing as we do, an iso extreme lunge, and my father was mad at me if i'm a high school kid

or i got a bad grade in school, or the coach really ripped me today b/c i had a poor day, or on the other hand, my girlfriend said

she'd marry me, or i got a scholarship to a university, something great, then it completely alters what we do in the gym, if i

come in a bad mood, then thats the way i'm going to participate, i'm not going to ahve the right emotion or any emotion

elicited in order to create these high speed, high load, high volume conctractions, b/c without the exact same stimulus, applied

in the exact same manner, you can never duplicate the movement or the contraction or whatever you want to call it, over and

over and over, and its the series of doing things over and over and over, that really solidifies this information and the way its

transfered thru the nervous system to the brain, so that it can send information back based on what the response was of the

muscles of the organs of what we were trying to stimulate. So our iso extreme, greatest joint angle, challenge one to

participate emotionally. John i'm sure when you were doing it, you questioned what the heck am i doing here, and possibly

when you questioned that, you took a break, you took a break how? well you took a break from changing the picture,

changing the feeling of what the end is, and you were now focusing on this discomfort that you're feeling, but if we embrace

this discomfort that you're feeling, and we use it to elicit more emotion, to elicit a more powerful, more high velocity

contraction, we can take advantage of it and it tranfers to athletics,

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Additional strength exercises
« on: August 12, 2012, 03:31:41 am »
would hip thrusts and RDL's help my hip strength/glute ?  I may be quad dominant but i have been doing regular DL's and leg curls in addition to my quad dominant squats.  Also are walking lunges quad dominant or posterior chain dominant?

Normally I dont go into much detail on this subject, hyperdunk, however since you follow advice so well I will leave you with the great Schroeders thoughts on the matter.  Read this carefully, and then read it again.  The answers to your questions  may not stick out to you the first time through it, thats fine, continue to read read read until THEY DO.

"An athlete is a person who utilizes everything that comprises a human being to the greatest level of achievement that they

possibly can, i call it P.I.P.E.S.> Physiology, Intellect, Emotion, Psychology and Spirit. Without any of these things being 100%

and tehre's no such thing as 110% in my book theres only 100%. Without all of those given the same attention one cannot

truly achieve elite performance, so an athlete is somebody that Utilizes PIPES to the fullest, its not somebody who molests kids

or parties when the games over, or parties after the championship or smokes dope or uses drugs of whatever sort,

recreational or performance enhancing. Its someone who utilizes everything we have. I'm a believer in God, some ppl take

offense to that, some don't but I believe God gave us all of the things we need, but in an interesting way God also made it so

that all of these things were possible, but none of them were possible at the same time. Depending on what you chose to do

with them, and my system of training is one that's in theory designed to utilize all of these and create elite performance. And

elite perfomance to me is the best that, John, you can be, or the best that on eof your clients can be, or the best that I can be,

or maybe we're not good enough to make it to the NFL or run 100m in the olympics or play on a Stanley Cup champion, but

that doesn't mean we're not elite in our own right. Everything we do is human performance, getting in and out of a chair,

picking up our glass to drink milk or OJ in the morning, raising our fork to our mouth to be able to renourish ourselves,

everything is athletic, and I'm the kind of guy John, that well like the night we were in Birmingham and we went to dinner, I

watched you and your cohort eat and how you raised your arm to get the food to your mouth, how you set it back down, the

position it was in when we were talking casually, the position your body was in, your respirations when we were having a

more serious part of the discussion, and I live this 24 hours a day, I expect if my client pays me and if its one dollar or

thousands of dollars that they're taking it as serious as I am, b/c if one of these things aren't utilized completely to me, you

accelerate the death process, b/c you're not living as elite as possible, and you're going to die sooner, I don't care if its one

second sooner or a half a second sooner, or a day sooner, its sooner, I want to get the most out of life for myself and

everyone that i come into contact with, so I hope that explains to you what i think and athlete is."

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: funny / horrible training videos
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:48:52 pm »

Those guys could've said anything he would've agreed no matter how stupid.

yep. $$$

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 11, 2012, 10:49:56 pm »

 Does your knee HURT or is it only popping?  You should foam roll and stretch rectus femoris/quads/psoas regardless. 

With the posture issues, strengthen your LOW abs.

  Any leg raise/knee raise variant will work,  but keep your low  back pressed into the floor/seat/pad and do not allow it to arch while doing the exercise.

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